Page 1: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr


Page 2: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

Keyboard Defined

The keys on a piano, typewriter, or computer terminal.

To write (text) or input (data) by means of a keyboard.

Page 3: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr


Text: the words on the page.

You can change the color, size, and font style of the

text. You can also bold, italicize, or underline your text.

Page 5: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

Video Notes

Keyboarding is a job skill.

Computers keep our workforce and economy moving.

Computers change the way we work and play.

Page 6: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

Video Notes

The keyboarding skills you develop today are important to your future success.

Page 7: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867.

Page 8: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

Mr. Sholes and Mr. Gliden rearranged the keys on their typewriters because the keys on earlier models often got jammed or stuck.

Page 9: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

The QWERTY keyboard was adopted and we still use it today.


A S D F G H J K L ;

Z X C V B N M . , /

Page 10: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

The QWERTY Layout

Named for the keys on the 2nd row.

Page 11: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

In 1873, E. Remington & Sons, purchased the typewriter patent from Mr. Sholes.

Remington also manufactured sewing machines and guns.

Page 12: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

Mark Twain bought a “Remington Model I” typewriter for $125 in 1874.

In 1875, a New York office worker could earn $10 to $20 per week.

Page 13: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

In 1878, the Remington Model 2typewriter was released.

A shift key system employing UPPER and lowercaseletters on the same type bar was added.

Page 14: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

On July 25, 1888, a “keyboarding contest” was held in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The Contestants Were:

Mr. Louis Taub

Mr. Frank McGurrin.

Page 15: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

Mr. Taub used the “four finger” method on a Caligraph machine. This machine had separate keys for both UPPERCASE and lowercaseletters.

Page 16: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

Mr. McGurrin used all 10 of his fingers to operate his Remington typewriter.

Page 17: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

Mr. Frank McGurrin, a U.S. Federal Court Stenographer, from Salt Lake City, Utah won the contest and $500.

Touch typing and the QWERTY layout quickly became the U.S. standard.

Page 18: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

Mr. Cuspus Van Sant helped standardize how we teach keyboarding today.

Mr. Van Sant came upon the idea of assigning each key to a particular finger.

The index fingers are the strongest and were assigned “double” duty.

Page 19: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

The Royal Typewriter Co. in the late 1920s, in an effort to “increase” sales, dropped 11,000 parachuted typewriters out of a plane over Hartford, Connecticut.

Page 20: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

In 1933, the typewriter was “electrified.”

In 1936, August Dvorak, a professor at the University of Washington, received a patent on his “ergonomical” keyboard layout.

Page 21: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

The Dvorak Layout

Named after Professor August Dvorak.

Page 22: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

A Brief History

Mr. Chester F. Carlson invented the Xerography copier in 1938.

IBM announced the “IBM Selectric” typewriter in 1961.

In 1964, IBM coined the term, “Word Processing.”

Page 24: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

The Keyboard . . .

Allows us to communicate with others.

Captures our thoughts and feelings.

Is our electronic pencil.

Has become our gateway to the world.

Page 25: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

The Future

The keyboard much like the “blackboard” has virtually remained the same and has been a constant and valuable tool throughout history.

Page 26: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

Graphics & Animation

We can do a lot more than “type” with today’s computers and keyboards.

Page 27: Keyboarding - Mr. Croasmun's 2016-2017 Teacher Web Site€¦ · A Brief History Christopher Sholes received a patent for the typewriter in 1867. A Brief History Mr. Sholes and Mr

Keyboarding . . .

The end of this presentation.

The beginning of a fun filled class at Kearns Junior High School.

A future filled with opportunities.
