Page 1: Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas 20-25 minutes · Learn useful vocabulary related to EXPLAINING IDEAS. 2. Review Comparatives Main Topic 3 : Meetings Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas (20-25

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Today, you will:

1. Learn useful vocabulary related to EXPLAINING IDEAS.

2. Review Comparatives

Main Topic 3: Meetings

Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas (20-25 minutes)


Exercise 1: What’s the meaning? (5-6 minutes)

A. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the choices that follow.

1. She explained the importance of team work.

a. to make clear

b. to present

c. to question

d. to declare

2. The participants came to study the importance of team work.

a. learn

b. debate

c. know

d. read

3. The workshop provided positive results.

a. outcome

b. viewpoint

c. opinion

d. belief

Page 2: Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas 20-25 minutes · Learn useful vocabulary related to EXPLAINING IDEAS. 2. Review Comparatives Main Topic 3 : Meetings Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas (20-25

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

4. Alice is recognized for her original ideas.

a. new

b. true

c. false

d. good

5. The workshop included team building activities.

a. exercises

b. meetings

c. seminars

d. classes

B. Sentence-Making Practice (3-4 minutes)

Practice using the words you’ve learned in your own sentences.

1. Explained

2. Study

3. Results

4. Original

5. Activities

Page 3: Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas 20-25 minutes · Learn useful vocabulary related to EXPLAINING IDEAS. 2. Review Comparatives Main Topic 3 : Meetings Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas (20-25

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Exercise 2: What’s the word? (4-5 minutes)

Read the following dialog with your tutor and try to use context clues to fill in the blanks with the most appropriate word. You can find the missing word from the pool of words at the bottom.

Choices: a. replace b. compare c. except d. result

Carla Watkins is proposing a Team Building Training Course to Ken Green:

Carla Watkins: Team building training courses are prepared to teach leadership skills and show our participants how to lead successful and high performing teams.

Ken Green: How does it ______ with our current training process?

Carla Watkins: We will have team building workshops so that new and experienced managers will find the importance of how to lead effectively. The customer agents from your company will be prepared to lead highly productive teams and give better results.

Ken Green: How many participants do you need to do the workshop?

Carla Watkins: We need at least 25-30 delegates _________ in special cases where only 18-20 agents are qualified. The participants will be divided into groups of 5. Team building is a training course that is both challenging and practical. We aim to teach the basic 'people management skills' in a positive and useful environment. Our training courses and workshops will _______ your company’s training programs, which take time. We will help the participants increase their work effectiveness, their ability to produce, allow them to have greater control of their daily activities and overcome work stress.

Ken Green: How much will it cost?

Carla Watkins: The cost is USD63.00 per participant, inclusive of the venue, meals and materials.

Ken Green. I will discuss this with our Managing Director. I will call before the end of the week. Thanks for coming over to explain the whole process.

Carla Watkins: It’s my pleasure. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Page 4: Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas 20-25 minutes · Learn useful vocabulary related to EXPLAINING IDEAS. 2. Review Comparatives Main Topic 3 : Meetings Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas (20-25

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)


Topic: Comparatives (5-6 minutes)

General Description:

The comparative form of adjectives is used to compare and contrast TWO objects. In contrast, the superlative form is used when comparing THREE or MORE objects.

Comparative: London is more exciting than Paris. Superlative: London is the most exciting city in Europe.

The table shows how to construct the Comparative form of adjectives:

Condition Instruction Sample

One Syllable Adjectives Add ‘er’ to the adjective Cheap+er = cheaper

Add ‘r’ if ending in ‘e’ Safe +r = safer

Double the consonant if ending in a single vowel and consonant and add ‘er’

Big +g+er

Two syllable adjective ending in ‘y’

Change y to i and add ‘er’ Happy = happ+i+er = happier

For common or longer adjectives

Use more More beautiful, more exciting

Remember: There are some important exemptions to these rules. See the table for some

examples of these exemptions.


Special Adjectives Other Form Sentence examples

Good Better – comparative This book is better than that one.

Best – superlative This is the best book I’ve read this


Bad Worse – comparative His Spanish is worse than mine.

Worst – superlative His Spanish is the worst.

Far Farther – comparative Jean’s house is farther than John’s


Farthest-superlative Anne’s destination is the farthest.

Page 5: Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas 20-25 minutes · Learn useful vocabulary related to EXPLAINING IDEAS. 2. Review Comparatives Main Topic 3 : Meetings Lesson 28: Explaining Ideas (20-25

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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材

TOEIC Beginner Reviewer – Basics (Vocabulary and Grammar) (TOEIC初級復習用 基礎練習(語彙と文法)

Comprehension Check:

What comparative form would you use for the following adjectives?

Hot High Interesting

Exercise 1: Incomplete Sentences (3-4 minutes)

Choose the word or phrase that would best complete the following sentences.

1. Clarisse gave a ________ explanation than Morris

a. longer

b. heavier

c. taller

d. darker

2. The team building activity produced _______ results than the company training.

a. better

b. good

c. great

d. best

3. The activity was held in Resort Hotel, which was ________ than the Marriot Hotel.

a. nicer

b. nicest

c. nice

d. more nice
