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Measuring compositional change along gradients

Mark V. Wilson I & C. L. Mohler 2,* 1 Environmental Studies Program, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, U.S.A. 2 Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, U.S.A.

Keywords: Beta diversity, Gradient analysis, Multivariate methods, Niche, Ordination, Siskiyou Mts., Species distributions, Species turnover, Succession


A new procedure for measuring compositional change along gradients is proposed. Given a matrix of species-by-samples and an initial ordering of samples on an axis, the 'gradient rescaling' method calculates l) gradient length (beta diversity), 2) rates of species turnover as a function of position on the gradient, and 3) an ecologically meaningful spacing of samples along the gradient. A new unit of beta diversity, the gleason, is proposed. Gradient rescaling is evaluated with both simulated and field data and is shown to perform well under many ecological conditions. Applications to the study of succession, phenology, and niche relations are briefly discussed.


The observation that community composition varies along environmental gradients is basic to much work in community ecology. Gradients not only form the context for many field studies (see Whittaker 1967, 1972) but figure heavily in much theoretical work on niche relations (Hutchinson, 1958; McNaughton & Wolf, 1970; Whittaker et al., 1973). Despite the large role of compositional gra- dients, or coenoclines as they are sometimes called (Whittaker, 1967), statistical methods for the anal- ysis of continuous compositional variation remain rather primitive.

We address three related problems. First, one

* The au thors thank E. W. Beals, R. Furnas, P. L. Marks, R. K. Peet, O. D. Sholes and the late R. H. Whittaker for helpful comments . This work was supported in part by a National Science Foundat ion grant to Robert H. Whittaker of the Section of Ecology and Systematics at Cornell University, and in part by Mclntire-Stennis Grant No. 183 7551 and a grant from the National Park Service, l~oth to Peter L. Marks of the Section of Ecology and Systematics at Cornell University.

Vegetatio 54, 129-141 (1983). © Dr W. Junk Publishers, The Hague. Printed in the Netherlands.

may want to know the biological length of some coenocline, which is to say, the total amount of compositional change associated with the gradient. Such a measure is particularly useful when compar- ing two or more gradients (Whittaker, 1960; Peet, 1978). For example, if Janzen (1976) is correct in believing that mountain passes of given elevation are biologically 'higher' in the tropics, then the amount of compositional change from sea level to the pass should be greatest at tropical latitudes and decline toward the poles. Whittaker (1960, 1965, 1972) refers to compositional differentiation along gradients as beta diversity, in contrast to the alpha diversity or richness of a single sample. He and subsequent authors have measured beta diversity in units of half-changes (HC), analogous to the half- life of radioactive elements. Roughly speaking, a coenocline of l HC has endpoints which are 50% similar, a coenocline of 2 HC's has endpoints which are each 50% similar to the midpoint, etc. However, measurement of coenocline length in half-changes is complicated by apparently random composition- al variation among replicate samples, henceforth referred to as 'noise', by the non-linear relation

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between similarity measures and sample separation along the gradient (Gauch, 1973), and by the pres- ence of other, unmeasured gradients. To our knowledge, previous workers have not attempted to test the accuracy of Whittaker's procedure for determining beta diversity in half-changes, and al- ternative procedures are few.

Second, one may want to compare rates of spe- cies turnover at various points on a gradient, for example, to define objectively ecotones between community types (Whittaker, 1960; Beals, 1969) or to locate periods of rapid change during a succes- sional or phenological sequence. Turnover rate may be expressed as beta diversity per unit gradient as measured over an infinitesimal length of gra- dient. (Conversely, beta diversity is turnover rate integrated over the gradient (Bratton, 1975).) Whit- taker, Beals & Bratton all estimated compositional turnover using the measures percentage similarity (PS) or percentage difference ( P D = 100 -PS) (Goodall, 1978). This approach may lead to prob- lems because: l) random variation in composition contributes to PD; 2) non-monotonic change in species abundance may cause PD to underestimate compositional change; and 3) spacing of samples along the gradient reflects the investigator's percep- tion of the environment rather than that of the species which compose the coenocline.

Third, one may want a natural, species-defined spacing of samples. In general, any ordination pro- duces a species-based but undefined spacing; in this paper we consider in particular the spacing defined explicitly by a constant species turnover rate along the gradient. When turnover rate is constant the separation between samples is an expression of sample distinctiveness, that can be used in weight- ing niche metrics (Colwell & Futuyma, 1971; Pie- lou, 1972). Furthermore, if habitat axes are rescaled in beta diversity units, breadth and overlap meas- ures for different systems can be compared and multi-dimensional niche metrics can be computed directly rather than by the addition or multiplica- tion of several one-dimensional measures (cf. Le- vins, 1968; Pianka, 1973; Cody, 1974).

We believe the technique presented here, gra- dient rescaling, resolves the problems of measuring compositional change, rates of species turnover, and axis scale. The gradient rescaling approach is treated in the following sequence. First, we give the rationale of using species turnover as a basis for

gradient analysis and develop the computational procedures for measuring beta diversity in half- changes. Second, we describe our evaluation of the technique using simulated data sets. Third, we illus- trate the use of the technique with field data. Final- ly, we discuss and compare methods and mention some applications of our approach to the study of compositional change along gradients.

Gradient rescaling


The relationship between beta diversity, rate of species turnover, and gradient scale may be ex- pressed as:


fl = f g ( x ) d x (1) fl

where/3 is the beta diversity of the compositional gradient between points a and b, R is the species turnover rate and x are values along X, the initial scaling of the gradient. Field measurements of en- vironmental factors along the gradient X are, of course, in a scale chosen by the investigator (e.g., elevation in meters or acidity in pH units). The choice of scale must be arbitrary, reflecting the investigator's notion of what is easy, traditional or interesting to record. Since the investigator's scale of measurement does not necessarily reflect how organisms respond to changes in environmental conditions, several authors have proposed rescaling gradient axes using species distributions as an 'ecoassay' (e.g. Colwell & Futuyma, 1971) of the environmental gradient. Gauch et al. (1974) and Ihm & Groenewoud (1975) proposed scaling axes such that species distributions most closely ap- proximate Gaussian curves. Austin (1976) dis- counted the generality of Gaussian curves in nature and used the more flexible beta distribution of sta- tistics in an algorithm similar to that of Gauch et al. (1974). In contrast to these curve-fitting ap- proaches, Hill & Gauch (1980) scaled reciprocal averaging ordination axes so that, on the average, the species in each sample have distribution curves of unit standard deviation.

Our approach is based on the view that composi- tional turnover is the essence of community gra- dients, and that environmental change is ecological-

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ly significant primarily to the extent that it influen- ces the relative abundances of species. Accordingly, we scale community gradients so that the rate of compositional change is constant throughout. In this scaling, each portion of the gradient is ecologi- cally equivalent to all other portions. This scaling allows the biological length of the compositional gradient and the rate of species turnover along physically-defined gradients (e.g., elevation), to be accurately calculated. Our approach starts with the relationship between gradient scale, rate of turn- over and beta diversity shown in equation (1). There are three phases. We first find a new scaling, X', such that R(x')= k, for all x', where k is a constant. That is, we find a new set of relative sample positions such that the rate of species turn- over along the gradient is constant. Second, we calculate the compositional length or beta diversity of the gradient as:

/3= k • ( b - a )

where b - a is the distance between endpoints in terms of the scaling X'. The value of/3 is independ- ent of the initial scaling. Finally, R*(x), the rate of compositional change along the original gradient, is computed by using the original scaling to trans- form R(x'). Details of this procedure are presented below.

Early in the development of gradient rescaling we devised a measure of beta diversity which is an alternative to the half-change. This we name the gleason, in honor of H. A. Gleason, who first point- ed out the importance of continuous compositional change along environmental gradients (Gleason, 1926). One gleason (G) is the amount of composi- tional turnover which would occur if all changes were concentrated into a single species whose abundance changed 100%. For example, a 1 G coenocline might consist of three species, two of which change from 50% to 0% relative abundance as the third species changes from 0% to 100% rela- tive abundance. There is no general function which can interconvert gleasons and half-changes. In the following sections we develop computational procedures for both measures.


We start with field observations of species abun-


dances within a sequence of samples, X, along an ecological gradient. This gradient can be either a direct environmental gradient or an indirect, com- positional gradient derived by ordination. We con- sider two measures of species turnover or composi- tional change: half-changes and gleasons. Compu- tations for both measures are performed by a FORTRAN program, GRADBETA, which is available with documentation from Cornell Ecol- ogy Programs, Ecology and Systematics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 (Wilson & Mohler, 1980).

For either gleasons or half-changes species im- portance values should be standardized so that sample totals are equal. After this standardization, measures of compositional change are measures of proportional turnover. In this way, the influence of trends in total biomass are minimized in the inter- pretation of compositional turnover.

Field data always include variation due to sample error or the effects of chance and uninvestigated ecological factors. Such noise causes the observed rate of compositional change to be higher than the change attributable to species distributions along recognized gradients. Noise is often ignored in eco- logial analyses, but this practice may lead to misin- terpretation of ecological patterns.

A convenient index of noise is internal associa- tion (IA), the expected similarity of replicate sam- ples. IA decreases as the average noise level of data increases. Any index of compositional similarity can be used to estimate IA; our technique uses percentage similarity (Whittaker, 1975; Goodall, 1978). Replicate samples are equivalent to samples whose separation along the gradient is zero. There- fore, in a plot of sample percentage similarity of each pair of samples versus the gradient separation of each pair, an estimate of IA may be obtained by extrapolating percentage similarity to zero separa- tion (Whittaker, 1960). Whittaker accomplished this by fitting a straight line to the central portion of a plot of the logarithm of percentage similarity versus gradient separation. We make two refine- ments. First, extrapolation is accomplished by line- ar least-squares regression instead of by a hand-fit- ted line. Second, instead of an arbitrary spacing between pairs of samples, we use the ecologically more meaningful gradient distance derived by the gleasons or half-changes procedure.

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Half-changes Whittaker (1960) defined the half-change as the

ecological distance between two samples with sim- ilarity of species composition 50% that of two repli- cate samples. The Whittaker method for measuring the beta diversity of an entire gradient is based on the posited relationship:

HC(a,b) = [log(IA) - log(PS(a, b))]


where PS(a,b) is the percentage similarity of sam- ples a and b, IA is the expected similarity of repli- cate samples, and HC(a,b) is the beta diversity of the gradient segment from a to b, in half-changes.

This half-change formula implies two basic as- sumptions. The first assumption is that sample sim- ilarity is negatively exponentially related to ecolog- ical distance as measured in half-changes, so that as ecological distance increases the rate at which sam- ple similarity decreases is constant (cf. Gauch, 1973). Whittaker (1960, 1972) presents data sets that support this assumption. The calculations of half-changes in our technique are also based on this exponential relationship. The second assumption is that samples are evenly spaced along the ecological gradient. This assumption, which is not met by most field data, is avoided by our technique.

In outline our method is as follows. First, an index of compositional turnover rate is computed for each sample point on the gradient and the among-sample variance in this index is determined. The turnover index used in the procedure is basical-

HC(a,b) ly the average of- for all samples b in

Ax(a,b) some vicinity of a, where HC(a,b) is the number of half-changes between samples a and b, and Ax(a,b) is the gradient distance between a and b. The ratio

HC(a,b) is the slope of a vector in a 2-space

Ax(a,b) whose axes are gradient distance and composition- al distance (in half-changes). The appropriate aver- age for the ratios is thus the slope of the vector sum. Second, using a path-of-steepest-descent algorithm (Berington, 1969), the sample positions are adjust- ed iteratively until the variance in turnover rate has reached a local minimum. This produces the new scaling, X'. Third, the final turnover rate and new sample positions are used to compute a set of

corrected turnover rates for the original scaling and a set of par~al beta diversity values corresponding to the intervals around each sample. Total beta diversity is then computed as the sum of the partial beta diversities. See Wilson & Mohler (1980) for details of the numerical application of these proce- dures.

To compute the partial and total beta diversity values and the turnover rates with respect to the original gradient we first define an interval,/, about each of the final sample positions:

[(x'(2) - x ' ( l )) /2 j = 1 l ( / ) = [ ( x ' ( j + 1 ) - x ' ( j - 1))/2 j 2 . . . . . n - 1 (2)


[ ( x ' ( n ) - x ' ( n - 1)) /2 j n

Partial beta diversities, BHC(I'), are then computed as~

BHCfd" ) = R(x'(/')) • I(/')

Thus the beta diversity associated with a sample is simply the turnover rate at that point on the re- scaled gradient times the gradient interval associated with the sample. Total beta diversity, BHC, of the gradient is then the sum of the partial beta diversi- ties. If var R = 0 exactly, then R(x'(j)) = k for all j, and BHC = k • [x'(n) - x'(1)].

To compute the turnover rates for the original scaling of the gradient we divide the above partial beta diversities by the intervals for the original scal- ing. These corrected rates, R*(x(j)), are:

2BHc(1) y ' = l

(x(2) - x(l))

2BH¢(J) R*(x(j)) = j = 2 . . . . . n - 1 (3)

( x ( j + l ) - x 0 - l ))


( x ( n ) - x ( n - 1)) j = n

Equation (3) gives rates of compositional turnover at the position on the gradient of each sample.

Gleasons A second natural measure of compositional

change is the amount that species importance changes from one point on a gradient to another, summed over all species. The unit of change meas- ured in this manner we call the gleason. Rate of change in terms of gleasons is defined as:

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R(x) z I = = ( l / d X ) Z l d £ i [

where 1~ i is the expected abundance of species/as a function of gradient position, x. Substituting R(x) into equation (1) yields


G(a ,b ) = f Y-,Id £il (4) a i

where G(a,b) is the beta diversity in gleasons of the gradient interval between points a and b.

When a and b are near each other, the integral in (4) may be approximated as:

G(a,b) = ~ Izx £;(a,b)l i

where a£ i (a ,b)= £i(b)-£i(a). When the two points are farther apart, however, some species may rise and fall in abundance within the interval. In this case E I A £,(a,b) I does not describe the full change


in the abundance of species and thus G(a,b)> y I A £;(a,b)l.


In practice, the expected change in importance of species i, A I7"i, is estimated from observations at discrete samples along the gradient. To minimize the underestimate of G caused by non-monotonic species response, G is first computed for pairs of adjacent samples and then the beta diversity of longer intervals i~ obtained by summing these small elements. In general, species show some random variation in abundance not related to the gradient. Thus, the compositional change from one sample to the next which is attributable to the gradient may be viewed as the total difference in species abundance in the two samples minus that component of the difference which is due to noise. That is,

G(j,j + I)=

Y I a Y~j,j + 1) I o b s e r v e d - ~. I zx rTj, j + l) I noise i t

where A Yi(J,J + 1) is the difference in abundance of species i in samplesj a n d j + 1 and the samples are numbered consecutively with respect to the gra- dient. Since we use species abundance values, Yi, that have been standardized so that sample totals are equal, percentage similarity (PS) can be calcu- lated as es( j , j + 1) = 1 - l/2Y ] Yi(J,J + l)l. This leads t o : i

I YifJ,J ÷ 1) I observed = 2 - 2 . PS(j,j + 1). i


Moreover, s incej and j + 1 are nearby on the gra- dient it is reasonable to assume that

E IAYi(j , j+ l)]nois e = 2 - 2(IA), 1

and thus G(j,j + 1) can be estimated as

G(j,j+ 1)= 2 [ IA- PS(j , j+ 1)].

The beta diversity of the whole gradient in gleasons, /3 a, is then

n - I n 1

/3G = E G( j , j+ 1 ) = 2 ~ [ I A - P S ( j , j + I ) ] . j = 1 j = 1

Rescaled sample positions, x', are derived from knowledge that the rate of species turnover along the rescaled axis is constant:

G(j,j + I) R( x') = -- k

Ix'0' + l) - xV)]

or, equivalently,

2 x '0 '+ 1) = (~) [IA - PS(j , j+ 1)] + x'(j). (5)

To compute x(j) we first set the beginning of the axis equal to zero, x(l) = 0, or some other convenient value, and choose an arbitrary value for k. In practice we set k = 1 since this causes x'(n)-x ' ( l )=/3G, and thus sample positions are in units of gleasons. The sample positions, x'(j) for j = 2, 3 . . . . . n, are then computed recursively using equation (5).

The partial beta diversity, BG(J), attributed to the neighborhood around samplej is calculated as,

G(1,2) /2 j = l BG( j ) : [G(j I , j ) + G ( j , j + I ) ] / 2 j = 2 . . . . . n - I

G(n- 1, n)/2 j = n

Note that E. BG(J)= fiG" Corrected rates of change, :]

measured as gleasons per original gradient unit, are then calculated as

BG~J). R*(x(j)) = I= 1, 2 . . . . . n,

tU) °

where the intervals, l(j), of neighborhoods around the samples, are defined by equation (2).

Thus,/3G, X' and R* can be calculated simply and directly, without the iteration step required by the half-changes procedure.

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E v a l u a t i o n

Gradient rescaling was developed for the analysis of ecological communities. In the field it is often difficult to determine how many samples should be taken and how well samples have been allocated to different segments of ecological gradients. Sam- pling schemes and characteristics of the study sys- tem also influence the noise level of data. Any suc- cessful method of community analysis, including gradient rescaling, should be robust under a variety of field conditions. Although we have applied the procedure to many field data sets the following evaluation relies primarily on simulated data, be- cause only with a simulation can the true values of estimated parameters be specified for purposes of comparison.

Evaluation methods

There were four steps to ' the evaluation proce- dures. First, we constructed simulated data sets of species distributions along gradients, both with and without noise. Second, using apriori knowledge of species distributions from the simulations, we cal- culated exact values of the rescaled sample posi- tions, the corrected rates of change, and beta diver- sity. Third, we 'sampled ' the simulated data at different points along the gradient, and analyzed the resulting data using our gradient rescaling tech- nique. Fourth, the results of the gradient rescaling of the sampled data were compared to the true values derived from the original simulations.

Gradients of species distributions were simulated using a modification of CEP-I of Gauch & Whit- taker (1972). This program constructs species dis- tributions as Gaussian curves along a gradient. Species curves were drawn at random from a wide range of peak abundance and breadths of distribu- tion, and were placed randomly along the gra- dients. Modifications included a noise algorithm that, for each species distribution curve, produced noise proport ional to abundance, and a routine that added species until total abundance along the gradient was constant. Gradients were simulated with different ecological lengths and with different noise levels. For our main experiment, 18 gradients were simulated in a factorial design, as follows: three ecological lengths (short, medium and long; approximately 1.5, 3.0 and 6.0 half-changes), two

noise levels (IA values of 90% and 70%), and three replicates. For each of the 18 gradients the corre- sponding noise-free data set represented the underly- ing ecological conditions of the gradient.

For our evaluation of the effects of sampling intensity nine gradients were simulated: three eco- logical lengths (approximately 0.7, 3.0 and 10.0 half-changes) with three replicates each. These nine gradients were simulated in noise-free and moder- ate noise versions (IA values of 100% and 80%).

Each of the simulated gradients was 'sampled' by computer at certain locations along the gradient to mimic extremes of sample placement that could be encountered in field work. In the main experiment (Fig. 1), 15 samples were placed in four schemes: evenly spaced, grouped at both ends, grouped in the center, and grouped at one end only. These schemes were the basis for the true or underlying sample spacings. In each analysis by gradient rescaling this sample scheme information was treated as un- known, just as the true relationships among sam- ples would be unknown in a field study. Thus, the naive view that samples were evenly spread along the gradient was assumed for the sake of evaluating the technique. In the intensity experiment the inter- vals between samples was constant but the intensity was set at 3, 8, 15, 29 or 57 samples per gradient. The data on species abundance within samples were then analyzed by our gradient rescaling technique, using the parameter values and procedures recom- mended in Wilson & Mohler (1980). Results from these analyses of the simulated field data were then compared with the true values as determined from knowledge of the noise-free species distributions.

II-'-'-" ; -" ' " - - : - : : ;:

III • •

IV : - ; - : - - : -- ; ; --

Fig. I. Sample placement schemes along the simulated gradients for analysis by gradient rescaling. I evenly spaced, 11 clus- tered at both ends, I11 - clustered at the center, IV clustered at one end. Each scheme has 15 samples.

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Evaluation results

Gradient rescaling gave accurate estimations of beta diversity under most combinations of gradient length and noise level. Table 1 presents the average proportional error of estimation, for both half- changes and gleasons, when sampling was from 15 evenly spaced locations along the simulated gra- dient. Gleason estimations are nearly 100% accu- rate for the noise-free gradients. In contrast, the estimation of half-changes for the low-noise gra- dients was better than for the noise-free gradients. Very poor estimations in gleasons or half-change occurred only for the short gradients with high noise. Evidently the signal, in this case the patterns of species turnover, was swamped by the noise, the random variations in species abundances. Without noise, estimation for gleasons was better than for half-changes, but with either low or high noise es- timation was better for half-changes. These con- trasting results may reflect the development of glea- sons from theoretical considerations of composi- tional gradients compared to the lineage of half- changes as an empirical technique.

The ability to estimate beta diversity is affected by the accuracy of assumptions concerning under-

lying sample spacing. Table 1 also shows accuracy of estimation of beta diversity by the gradient re- scaling technique when the underlying sample posi- tions followed three extreme distributions (see Fig. 1). Patterns of estimation accuracy of both half-changes and gleasons followed those seen for evenly spaced samples, with best estimations of gleasons for noise-free gradients and for longer gradients, and best estimations of half-changes with low noise gradients (Table 1). Overall, differences among the four underlying sample distributions did not greatly influence estimation of beta diversity as either half-changes or gleasons. That is, poor knowledge of true sample spacing would not nor- mally be an impediment to the accurate estimation of beta diversity by the technique of gradient rescal- ing. A possible exception to this general robustness involved data sets with noisy samples clustered to- ward the center of short gradients. Again, the signal to noise ratio is low for gradients with high noise. Center-clustered sampling schemes are also least useful in ordination (Mohler, 1981) and for extract- ing information about species distributions (Mohler, 1983).

Table 2 reports the ability of gradient rescaling to recover the three types of underlying sample distri-

Table 1. Accuracy of estimation of beta diversity by the gradient rescaling technique. The index is the average proportional error: average of l est imatioq-true I / true. Short , medium and long refer to the relative lengths of the simulated gradients, approx. 1.5, 3.0, and 6.0 half-changes, resp. Noise levels correspond to internal associations of 100% 90%, and 70%. Sampling was at 15 locations in four distributions: evenly spaced, end-clustered, center-clustered, and clustered at one end (see Fig. 1).

Gradient Noise n Index of accuracy length level

Half-changes Gleasons

Sample distribution Sample distribution

Even Ends Center One end Even Ends Center One end

short none(l)* 3 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 none(h)* 3 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.09 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 low 3 0.09 0.06 0.32 0.09 0.41 0.61 0.39 0.55 high 3 0.47 0.09 0.66 0.22 0.83 0.63 0.85 0.65

medium none (1)* 3 0.05 0.07 0.02 0.06 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 none (h)* 3 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 low 3 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.22 0.21 0.23 0.27 high 3 0.21 0.25 0.34 0.26 0.19 0.26 0.47 0.09

long none (1)* 3 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.04 0.04 none (h)* 3 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.05 low 3 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.07 0.08 high 3 0.09 O.ll 0.07 0.07 0.16 0.33 0.11 0.12

* The first noise-free gradient was used to simulate the low noise gradient; the second was used for the high noise gradient.

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Table 2. Ability of gradient rescaling to recover three types of underlying sample spacings: end-clustered, center-clustered, and clustered at one end (see Fig. 1). A low ratio of convergence means good recovery, a high ratio means bad recovery. The simulated gradients are the same as in Table 1. See text for more explanation.

Gradient Noise n Ratio of convergence length level

Half-changes Gleasons

Sample distribution Sample distributions

Ends Center One end Ends Center One end

short none (1)* 3 0.15 0.33 0.10 0.01 0.02 0.01 none (h)* 3 0.17 0.22 0.10 0.01 0.02 0.0 I low 3 0.56 0.69 0.39 0.79 0.64 0.91 high 3 1.59 1.48 0.67 1.47 1.03 0.88

medium none (1)* 3 0.18 0.23 0.12 0.03 0.05 0.01 none (h)* 3 0.10 0.36 0.08 0.02 0.01 0.01 low 3 0.32 0.28 0.17 0.50 0.38 0.45 high 3 1.02 1.18 0.54 0.92 0.91 0.96

long none (1)* 3 0.08 0.15 0.08 0.04 0.07 0.03 none (h)* 3 0.07 0.16 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.04 low 3 0.14 0.27 0.08 0.32 0.28 0.25 high 3 0.48 0.41 0.19 0.75 0.71 0.67

* The first noise-free gradient was used to simulate the low noise gradient; the second was used for the high noise gradient.

bu t ions discussed, given the init ial a s sumpt ion that samples a re evenly spaced a long the gradient . Suc- cessful recovery, or convergence, was measured as the ra t io of: 1) the mean abso lu te difference be- tween loca t ions of the samples af ter rescal ing and their true, under ly ing pos i t ions to 2) the mean abso - lute difference between loca t ions of the d is tor ted sample pos i t i ons and the t rue pos i t ions . Thus, a ra t io of convergence of 0.0 indicates tha t t rue sam- ple pos i t ions have been perfect ly revealed by gra- d ient rescaling; a ra t io of 1.0 indicates the g rad ien t resca l ing d id not offer any advan t age over the naive, even spacing. As with es t ima t ing be ta diver- sity, the g leasons p rocedu re did well on the noise- free g rad ien t o f all lengths and with all under ly ing sample d is t r ibut ions . Sample pos i t ions were recov- ered less well with the low and high noise gradients , a l t hough ra t ios of convergence were lower for low noise and longer gradients . P e r f o r m a n c e on the shor t , noisy g rad ien t s was unsa t i s fac tory ; in these cases g rad ien t rescal ing p r o d u c e d littIe or no im- p rovemen t on the ini t ial even spacing. Under ly ing sample d i s t r ibu t ion seemed to have little overal l effect on the ra t io o f convergence with the gleasons procedure .

The hal f -changes p rocedure on the noise-free

grad ien ts adequa te ly recovered the true sample po- s i t ions, but still d id not do as well as did the glea- sons procedure . Wi th all low noise grad ien ts and the high noise, long gradients , however , the half- changes did well or very well a t converg ing to the

under ly ing sample d is t r ibu t ion . Convergence was bet ter with the longer gradients . In con t ras t to the results with gleasons, the par t i cu la r form of the under ly ing sample d i s t r ibu t ion did make a signifi- can t difference in the ab i l i ty of the hal f -changes p rocedure to recover sample posi t ions. In general , the d i s t r i bu t ion with samples c lus tered at one end had the best ra t ios of convergence, especial ly for the high noise gradients .

The n u m b e r of samples col lected to represent a s tudy system should have some effect on the success of analysis . M a n y workers a t t empt to collect as many samples as can reasonably be accompl ished. F o r es t imat ing beta diversi ty , however, in terme- d ia te s ampl ing (n = 15) gave the best overal l results (Table 3). The sparses t sampl ing (n = 3) did the wors t at es t imat ing be ta divers i ty and intensive

sampl ing (n = 57) was not advan tageous . Wi th noi- sy g rad ien t s best e s t ima t ion of beta divers i ty was accompl i shed by sampl ing shor t gradients less in- tensively and by sampl ing long gradients more in-

Page 9: Measuring compositional change along gradients

Table 3. Accuracy of estimation of beta diversity by the gradient rescaling technique with different numbers of samples. The accuracy index is the average proportional error: average of est imate-true/ true. Very short, medium and very long refer to the relative lengths of the simulated gradients (approx. 0.7, 3.0, and 10.0 half-changes, resp.). Noise levels correspond to internal associations of 100% and 80%. For each sampling intensity samples were spaced evenly.

Gradient Noise n Index of accuracy length level

Number of samples

3 8 15 29 57


very short none 3 0.22 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.20 moderate 3 0.20 0.31 0.51 0.69 0.67

medium none 3 0.20 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.18 moderate 3 0.36 0.13 0.12 0.32 0.34

very long none 3 0.19 0.13 0.08 0.10 0.14 moderate 3 0.24 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.12


very short none 3 0.10 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 moderate 3 0.37 0.72 0.85 0.68 1.13

medium none 3 0.35 0.12 0.07 0.01 0.17 moderate 3 0.45 0.15 0.26 0.37 0.89

very long none 3 0.75 0.24 0.15 0.16 0.28 moderate 3 0.75 0.24 0.23 0.37 0.83

tensively, indicating an optimal sampling intensity of perhaps 3 samples per beta diversity unit.

Of the gradient characteristics varied in the eva- luation - beta diversity, noise level, and sample spacing - noise level had the largest effect on the performance of gradient rescaling, indicating the importance in field studies of using sampling tech- niques and methods of data summarization that minimize noise. Gradient length was not an impor- tant factor except when high noise levels occurred in short gradients; this combination produced poor results. All but extremes of sampling intensity re- sulted in good performances by gradient rescaling. From these evaluation results we conclude that beta diversity and underlying sample positions can be accurately measured by the technique of gradient rescaling.

Comparisons with other methods

During this study we converted Whittaker's


(1960) original method of measuring beta diversity to a more objective linear regression technique (see Computations), which successfully captured the ra- tionale of the original (R. H. Whittaker, personal communication). Like our technique of gradient rescaling, Whittaker's method measures beta diver- sity, but unlike gradient rescaling it was not de- signed to give information on proper sample posi- tions with respect to the gradient or on rates of ecological change at particular sample positions. Our formalization of Whittaker's method was ap- plied to each of the simulated gradients discussed above, and the beta diversity results compared to the performance of the half-changes and gleasons procedures of gradient rescaling. As expected, Whittaker's method performed best with those gra- dients in which the samples were evenly spaced and less well with distorted sample distributions. In general, the half-changes procedure of gradient res- caling was superior to Whittaker's method except when sampling intensity was very high. Whittaker's method usually did better than the gleasons proce- dure at estimating beta diversity for gradients with noise but did appreciably less well than the gleasons procedure with noise-free gradients.

In gradient rescaling, the effects of errors of esti- mation of internal association are compounded be- cause the half-changes and gleasons procedures both calculate overall turnover by accumulating individual turnover values between samples. This compounding of errors is responsible for the re- duced accuracy of gradient rescaling at the highest sampling intensity (Table 3). Whittaker's method, in contrast, examines only overall turnover and should be less sensitive to errors in estimating IA. Despite this sensitivity of gradient rescaling, the half-changes procedure, in particular, calculates the true total turnover better than does Whittaker's method when sample spacing is not uniform.

Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA; Hill & Gauch, 1980) is a recently developed ordination technique, derived from reciprocal averaging (Hill, 1973). Some of the issues which we have addressed in this paper - calculating gradient length and re- scaling gradients - are also dealt with by DCA. In a subsequent paper we will evaluate the performance of DCA in these two areas, and will compare DCA with our gradient rescaling technique.

Page 10: Measuring compositional change along gradients


Field example

We applied the gradient rescaling technique to field data on the distribution of tree species along an elevation gradient on quartz diorite substrate in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon, U.S.A. (Whit- taker, 1960). The data were densities of stems great- er than 1 cm dbh (diameter at breast height) within 6 elevation belts, which were centered at 610 m, 915 m, 1 220 m, 1 525 m, 1 800 m, and 2 025 m. Thir- ty-seven tree species were recorded.

These data of tree densities within elevation belts were analyzed using the gradient rescaling proce- dures described above. Values for beta diversity, rescaled sample positions and corrected rates of ecological change were obtained for both gleason and half-change units. Results for gleasons and half-changes closely paralleled one another and on- ly the half-change results will be reported here.

When measured by our gradient rescaling me- thod the Siskiyou elevation gradient has a beta diversity of 4.0 HC. In contrast, Whittaker's (1960) original methods yield beta diversity values of ca 6.9 HC, an apparently large overestimation. Spe- cies turnover of 4.0 HC indicates a significant amount of ecological change over the elevation change of 1415 m. The comparison of beta diversity along the Siskiyou elevation gradient with that of other systems must await the availability of accu-

rate beta diversity figures from the analyses of other community gradients.

The interpretation of species distribution curves depends on the scaling used for the gradient. Gra- dient rescaling of the Siskiyou data produced small but important shifts in sample positions (Table 4). Shifts for samples 3 and 4 were the largest, both approximately 10% of the total gradient length. The mean absolute displacement of the half-change scale from the elevation scale was 6.5%. In Figure 2 the density of stems of A bies concolor and Pseudo- tsuga menziesiL the most abundant tree species in

Table 4. Positions of samples along the Siskiyou Mountains elevation gradient with respect to elevation (m) and, after rescaling, with respect to half-changes. The mean absolute displacements for the two sets of sample positions is 6.5%.

Elevation Sample positions belt

Elevation Half- Elevation Half- (m) changes (%) changes


1 610 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 915 0.68 21.6 16.8 3 1220 1.37 43.1 33.8 4 1525 2.20 64.7 54.4 5 1800 3.34 84.1 82.6 6 2025 4.05 100.0 100.0

1 ol Sample posit ions, hal f -changes ( . . . . )

0.0 0.68 1.37 2.20 3.34 4.05 I 1 I I I J

t "%" * ' ~ Abies

E o 750 - "" " - -

=o, ,,, ~ E

~" 250-] ... - - ' " " / t -4oo

O ~ I I I I 0 610 915 1220 1525 1800 2025

Elevation belts, midpo in ts (m) ( , )

Fig. 2. Distribution curves of Abies concolor and Pseudotsuga menziesii along an elevation gradient in the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon, U.S.A., with respect to meters of elevation (---) and to half-changes ( - - ) .

- 1 6 0 0

- 200

-8oo ~ ~

Page 11: Measuring compositional change along gradients

the Siskiyou data set, are plotted against both ele- vation and half-changes. The curves against eleva- tion are skewed to higher elevations; the curve of Abies concolor against half-changes is more sym- metrical and slightly more broad. Niche breadth of A bies concolor, measured as the standard deviation of the distribution curve, is 13% wider with the half-change scaling than with the elevation scaling.

Perhaps the most interesting and significant re- suits of this analysis of the Siskiyou elevation gra- dient are the calculated rates of eological change through the elevation belts (Fig. 3). Rates of change range between 2.2HC/IOOOm and 3.7HC/ 1000 m. Rates are generally higher through the higher elevation belts, indicating that environmen- tal change with elevation is more biologically signif- icant at higher elevations than at lower. The grea- test rate of change is through the 1 800 m elevation belt. This elevation corresponds to the broad sub- alpine-montane border as indicated by Whittaker (1960, p. 303). Our gradient rescaling technique has given a quantitative corroboration for Whittaker's field observations.


We expect the technique of gradient rescaling



presented here will improve a variety of investiga- tions into the nature of biotic communities. Gra- dient rescaling furnishes accurate and robust esti- mates of beta diversity, which can be used in the comparison of ecosystems from different geograph- ical or biological regions. Rates of ecological change computed in gradient rescaling can be used to indicate the presence (or absence) of ecotones, either in space or through time. Gradient rescaling should be helpful also in analyses of species distri- butions. Specifically, measures of niche breadth and overlap can now be calculated with respect to axes rescaled to constant rates of species turnover, in effect weighting for the ecological separation between samples. Because breadth would then be measured in objective and universal units of beta diversity, direct comparisons of species distribu- tions among systems are possible.

Although gradient rescaling is particularly well suited to the analysis of vegetation (e.g., Marks & Harcombe, 1981; Wilson, 1982), the technique is relevant to research in other ecological systems as well. Trends in faunal composition through space (e.g., James, 1971; Terborgh, 1971; Cody, 1975), animal niche relations along resource axes (e.g., Pianka, 1973; Cody, 1974), and patterns of com- munity change through time, including phenology of flowering and pollination (e.g., Mosquin, 1971;


o~ n"

3 .0 -


1 , 0 ~

I I I I I I 610 915 1220 1525 1800 2025

Elevation belts, midpoints (m)

Fig. 3. Rate of ecological change through 6 elevation belts in the Siskiyou Mountains, Oregon, U.S.A.

Page 12: Measuring compositional change along gradients


Reader, 1975; Brat ton, 1976) and succession after dis turbance (Austin, 1977; Christensen & Peet, 1983) may all be examined with the tools of gra- dient rescaling.

Some differences were apparent in the use of gleasons and half-changes as units of beta diversity. Gleasons as units of composi t ional change have several appeal ing advantages. The measure itself (equat ion 4) is simple and straightforward. Derived directly f rom a not ion of species turnover rates, gleasons are well suited for examining rates of composi t ional change along gradients. Using glea- sons has the d isadvantage of retaining only infor- mat ion of the similarity of samples adjacent on the gradient; using half-changes as units of composi - t ional change utilizes informat ion about the sim- ilarities of some non-adjacent samples as well. In general, the half-changes procedure should be su- perior when moderate or high levels of field noise are present.

Gradient rescaling can be applied to data in which several factors are impor tan t in determining species abundances. Each impor tant axis must be identified, using multivariate techniques, such as fac tor analysis or ordination. Then data dimen- sionali ty is reduced by taking the average abun- dance of each species a long segments of single axes, one axis at a time. This averaging is ana logous to marginal distributions of multivariate statistics. Gradient rescaling can then be applied to each re- duced axis, and results combined into a multi-di- mensional representation. The ecological lengths, or beta diversities, of individual axes, for example, would indicate the relative importance of those axes to overall ecological structure. As with most approaches to multivariate data, care must be taken to identify axes of var ia t ion that are mutual ly or- thogonal .

Gradient rescaling is not useful for the analysis of all forms of communi ty data. Several assumptions and prerequisites are necessary for its proper use. Samples must be orderable a long axes of composi- t ional or envi ronmenta l variation. These axes can be obtained either by direct observations (e.g., a long gradients of elevation, soil nutrient status, etc.), or by indirect analysis (e.g., by ordination). When a gradient structure is inappropr ia te - for example, when biogeographical phenomena (e.g., migrat ion) or historical effects (e.g., dis turbance by fire) create discontinuities in species distributions -

methods of analysis other than gradient rescaling must be employed.

Samples must also be of sufficient size and number to adequately represent gradient condi- tions. Multi-dimensional data require larger numbers of samples. Poor sampling procedures can contr ibute to high levels of noise and significantly reduce the accuracy of gradient rescaling results. In particular, when field noise is high and gradient length is short, gradient rescaling (and probably any other technique) is not successful. Because the technique performs best at intermediate sampling intensities, it is often possible to reduce noise for purposes of the analysis by pooling replicate sam- ples. For most studies with adequate sampling along major gradients of environmental or compo- sitional variat ion, gradient rescaling can be a pow- erful tool for ecological analysis.


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Accepted 30.3.1983.
