
New Literacies for New Academic Environments

Adam Papendieck4 June 2012


Evolving Academic EnvironmentWhat should teaching and learning look like in 5 years?

Distance Education

Blended Learning

Resource Sharing

Virtual/ Open


College of Medical

and Health Sciences

One University New

Research Affiliations

Health Informatics

(Imaginary) Figure 1

The Olden Days Now

Career A Career B


Number of Information Formats over Time

(Imaginary) Figure 2

The Olden Days Now

Career A Career B


Number of Information Sources over Time

(Imaginary) Figure 3

The Olden Days Now

Career A Career B


Variability in Information Quality over Time

(Imaginary) Figure 4

The Olden Days Now

Career A Career B


Literacy Updates Required by Faculty and Students

New Literacies

Source: UNESCO MIL Curriculum for Teachers

How to Keep Pace?


Ongoing Faculty


Resource Sharing

Personal Learning Networks

Lifelong Learning

Updated University Curriculum

Innovation Forums

Strategic Planning

Frameworks: NETS

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

3. Model Digital-Age Work and Learning

4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility


Frameworks: UNESCO

Source: UNESCO MIL Curriculum for Teachers

Frameworks: UNESCO

Source: UNESCO MIL Curriculum for Teachers

New Literacies for the Unified Health Sciences:Four Projects

New Literacies for Health Sciences

Pedagogy and eLearningImproving how we teach and learn

CurriculumUpdating what we teach and learn

Research and Professional DevelopmentImproving how we work, communicate and stay up to date

Policy and StrategyEstablishing how best to prepare students and faculty

New Literacies for Health Sciences Students Faculty Admin/Mgmt IT Staff

Pedagogy and eLearningImproving how we teach and learn

CurriculumUpdating what we teach and learn

Research and Professional DevelopmentImproving how we work, communicate and stay up to date

Policy and StrategyEstablishing how best to prepare students and faculty

Concrete Capacity Building Activities

Photo Source: Life/Time Magazine: Ralph Morse


1. What degree of “face validity” do each of the (Imaginary) Figures have?

2. What are the most significant changes on the horizon with regard to your Academic Environment?

3. What are some example capacity or strategy development activities which could be carried out under each of the Four Projects?