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Biological Invasions1: 21–32, 1999.© 1999Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.

Positive interactions of nonindigenous species: invasional meltdown?

Daniel Simberloff∗ & Betsy Von HolleDepartment of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1610, USA;∗Author for correspondence (e-mail: [email protected]; fax:+1-423-974-3067)

Received 4 June 1998; accepted in revised form 22 February 1999

Key words:biotic resistance, dispersal agent, facilitation, habitat modification, indirect effects, mutualism,pollination, synergism


Study of interactions between pairs or larger groups of nonindigenous species has been subordinated in the literatureto study of interactions between nonindigenous and native species. To the extent that interactions among introducedspecies are depicted at all, the emphasis has been on negative interactions, primarily resource competition andinterference. However, a literature search reveals that introduced species frequently interact with one another and thatfacilitative interactions are at least as common as detrimental ones. The population significance of these interactionshas rarely been determined, but a great variety of types of direct and indirect interactions among individuals ofdifferent nonindigenous species is observed, and many are plausibly believed to have consequences at the populationlevel. In particular, mutualisms between plants and the animals that disperse and/or pollinate them and modificationof habitat by both animals and plants seem common and often important in facilitating invasions. There is littleevidence that interference among introduced species at levels currently observed significantly impedes furtherinvasions, and synergistic interactions among invaders may well lead to accelerated impacts on native ecosystems –an invasional ‘meltdown’ process.


The concept of ‘environmental resistance’ was intro-duced by Chapman (1931) to describe the forces, pri-marily biotic, that hinder the establishment of speciesin a new location. The emphasis (e.g., Elton 1958;Udvardy 1969) has been on the biological aspects ofthis resistance – the complex of native predators, par-asites, pathogens, and competitors, as well as previ-ously introduced species, that oppose a newly arrived,nonindigenous propagule. Thus, the notion is perhapsmore accurately described as ‘biotic resistance’, andit has dominated thinking on why some introducedspecies survive and spread while others die out orpersist tenuously and perhaps temporarily (Simberloff1986). For example, two of the commonest generaliza-tions claimed for introduction success – that islands aremore easily invaded than mainland, and that disturbedhabitats are more readily invaded than pristine ones –are both usually interpreted as at least partly due to dif-ferences in species richness of the recipient community

(Simberloff 1986 and references therein). Islands usu-ally have fewer species than mainland, and disturbedareas have fewer species than undisturbed ones. Simi-larly, occasional claims have been voiced that speciesintroduced earlier to a site have excluded one or moreof those introduced later. For example, in the biolog-ical control literature, a debate raged about whethersome introductions of natural enemies of Homoptera,Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera failed because the specieswere excluded by others previously introduced for thesame purpose (references in Simberloff and Boecklen1988). For the introduced Hawaiian avifauna, Moultonand Pimm (1983) argued that species introduced laterhad a higher probability of going extinct preciselybecause of competition with species introduced earlier.

The view that biotic resistance determines invasionsuccess or failure fits well with the dynamic equilib-rium model of island biogeography (MacArthur andWilson 1963, 1967), which became enormously popu-lar for some 20 years after its publication (Simberloff1974; Williamson 1989). The model posits that the

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arrival of a new species on a real or habitat island will becompensated for by the extinction of a species alreadypresent, so that the number of species remains constant.The model refers only to species richness, not species’identities, though implicitly the notion in the originalpapers and most successors was that extinction wouldlikely occur in a species taxonomically related to theinvader. This view was consistent with the dominantinterpretation that the main force causing the extinc-tion was competition, especially diffuse competition(Simberloff 1981). Some of the papers invoking bioticresistance to explain the failure of biological controlintroductions (e.g., Tallamy 1983) specifically relatethe failure to the island biogeographic model, as doesthe study of the introduced Hawaiian birds (Moultonand Pimm 1983). Additionally, the original and almostall subsequent depictions of the extinction curve inthe equilibrium theory were concave upward – thatis, the per-species rate of extinction rose faster thanthe number of species did. This approximately expo-nential shape was partly attributed to the ‘increasingprobability of interference among species’ with a resul-tant ‘accelerating detrimental effect’ (MacArthur andWilson 1967, p. 22).

However, a diametrically opposite conception ofinvasion success is also possible, one in which non-indigenous species, instead of interfering with oneanother, facilitate each other’s establishment and/orcontinued existence. Thus, for example, Crosby (1986)depicts the colonization of the Americas, Australia,New Zealand, and the Canary Islands by European ani-mals, plants, and pathogens as a mutualistic process.The European species, including European humans,are seen as biological allies that together constituteda synergistic juggernaut crushing native peoples andtheir ecosystems because the European species hadcoevolved with humans and with one another. Forinstance, European weeds, having coevolved with pigs,sheep, and cattle, were adapted to their activities, whileNorth American plants were devastated by them.

Similarly, many classic examples of the ravages ofintroduced species include facets that entail facilita-tion, either one-way or two-way, between differentintroduced species. Elton (1958) describes how theArgentine ant,Linepithema humile, tends the Asian redscale insect,Aonidiella aurantii, in California citrusorchards. Ant removal demonstrated that scale densi-ties were several times higher on trees with ants thanon trees without them; ants remove some scale nat-ural enemies. The population impact of the scale onthe ant is not described, but it surely is not negative.

This example of interaction between a neotropical antand an Asian scale in California suggests that facili-tation among nonindigenous species need not be gen-erated by a coevolutionary history. Also, the fact thatsome successful biological control programs entail newassociations between parasitoid and host or predatorand prey (Hokkanen and Pimentel 1984, 1989) indi-cates that at least some introduced species can bene-fit from interactions with others even if they are notcoevolved.

In short, it is possible to imagine an invasion modelvery different from the dominant scenario of bioticresistance. At the most basic level, positive interactionsamong invaders may, for at least some of them, enhancethe probability of survival and/or increase populationsize. In such instances, there may or may not be syn-ergy – that is, a greater impact of a group of invaderson the recipient community than would have been pre-dicted by the summed impacts of the individual species.Howarth (1985) foresaw this possibility:

Often two or more harmful alien species may act inconsort so that their joint impact is more severe thanthat of the several species acting separately. Even anotherwise innocuous or seemingly beneficial alienmay, in fact, act in consort with other aliens with aconsequent synergistic effect, causing great harm tothe native biota. (p. 163)

We suggest the term ‘invasional meltdown’ for the pro-cess by which a group of nonindigenous species facili-tate one another’s invasion in various ways, increasingthe likelihood of survival and/or of ecological impact,and possibly the magnitude of impact. Thus, thereis an accelerating accumulation of introduced speciesand effects rather than a deceleration as envisioned inthe biotic resistance model. The analogy to mutationalmeltdown (Lynch et al. 1995) is evident. Our purpose inthis paper is to determine the frequency of invasionalmeltdown and the variety of processes that can con-tribute to it. Is it a rare phenomenon generated by a fewsorts of interactions, or is it occurring all around us?


To assess the frequency of facilitative interactions – thatis, enhanced survival and/or population size – amongnonindigenous species, we used a data base, compiledby Ingrid Parker, consisting of all papers between theyears 1993 and 1997 in the Biosis data base that hadthe key words ‘species AND inva# OR introduced OR

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alien OR exotic OR non-native OR non-indigenous’.These keywords did not specifically address impact oreffect of introduced species, and the majority of papersdid not. The data base excluded any reports of biologi-cal control agents on their target organisms but includedthose of biological control agents on non-targets. Therewere over 5,000 papers. We determined the journalsrepresented by the greatest number of papers for oneyear in this data base. Three journals (Biodiversity andConservation, Biological Conservation, andEcology)each had approximately twice as many papers as didany other journal. In addition to these three journals,we choose four of the twelve journals that fell in thenext frequency category (Conservation Biology, Jour-nal of Animal Ecology,Journal of Applied Ecology, andNatural Areas Journal) because it was clear from thetitles in the data base that these journals tended to havearticles that dealt with effects of introduced species inaddition to just presence and absence data. For theseseven journals, we examined all 254 articles in the database to determine the extent and nature of facilitativeinteractions among two or more introduced species.

The articles fell into four categories. In those denoted‘+/+’, individuals of two or more nonindigenousspecies each benefited from the presence of the other(s).The ‘+/0’ category described situations in which indi-viduals of one species benefited from the presence ofthe other, while the second species was not knownto affect individuals of the first. The category ‘+/−’included invasions in which individuals of one non-indigenous species benefit from the presence of a sec-ond species, while the individuals of the second werenegatively affected by those of the first. Finally, to rep-resent a sort of interaction envisioned as frequent inthe governing paradigm, competition or other formsof mutual detriment between individuals of pairs ofspecies, we used the category ‘−/−’. In the greatmajority of tabulated studies, the population impactof one species on another was not demonstrated. Forexample, in cases recorded as ‘+/+’, the activities ofindividuals of each species were shown to benefit indi-viduals of the other, but there was generally no evi-dence on the effect of these activities on the populationof either species, though often an effect was reason-ably inferred. Thus, the quantitative evidence for facil-itation – and even more so for synergy – is usuallyabsent or weak. For example, grazing nonindigenousmammals may disperse the seeds of a nonindigenousplant, and may even aid their germination, but repli-cated, quantitative, probably experimental study wouldbe required to show that the population of either species

is therefore more likely to survive or be greater than itwould have been without the other species. Of course,the same caveat applies to arguments that two non-indigenous species negatively affect one another.

In addition to the classification of articles from thedata base, we sought examples from the literature(including the data base, but also other journal articles,books, and gray literature sources) to depict the rangeof ways in which nonindigenous species can facilitateone another.


The numbers of different types of interactions aredepicted in Table 1. Of the 254 articles reviewed, 30recorded at least one interaction between two intro-duced species, and one recorded a great number: anintroduced phytophage eating many introduced plantspecies. The majority of perceived introductions (156)are of the latter sort – at least at the individual level,one species benefits and the other is harmed (+/−), aswhen one species eats another. However, it is notewor-thy that almost as many+/+ cases were adduced (10),in which two species facilitate one another, as−/−cases (12) that accord with the governing paradigmof mutual interference or competition. In addition, 12instances were recorded in which individuals of oneintroduced species benefit, while individuals of theother are unaffected (+/0). No case of amensalism(−/0) was found. Table 1 also lists the more specificnature of the interactions of the four types. With respectto the preponderance of+/− interactions entailingplants and phytophagous insects, it should be notedthat 128 of these were reported in a single study. Noother study reported even ten interactions, and mostreported just one.

Table 1. Numbers of different types of interactions betweenintroduced species cited in 254 articles in seven journals duringa five-year period (see text).

Interaction Number Nature of interactiontype

+/+ 10 Disturbance= 6, indirect effects= 3,pollination= 1

+/0 12 Disturbance= 9, commensalism= 1,host/parasite and similarinteractions= 2

+/− 156 Predator/prey= 23, phytophagousinsect/plant= 131, other= 2

−/− 12 Competition= 12

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The data base plus the literature search turned up agreat variety of types of interactions in which intro-duced species facilitate one another, at least at the indi-vidual level. Although there are many idiosyncraticvarieties of facilitative interactions, most examples canbe broadly classified as follows:

Animals pollinating and dispersing plants

There is some evidence that introduced plants may alterpollination regimes for native plants (e.g., Butz Huryn1997), but the introduction of non-native pollinatorsdoes not have such a big effect. Nor is it clear that anewly introduced pollinator will automatically enhancethe reproduction of introduced plants it can pollinate.Although the introduced honey bee is a major polli-nator of such weeds as yellow star thistle (Centaureasolstitialis) (Barthell et al. 1994) and purple loosestrife(Lythrum salicaria) (Mal et al. 1992) in North Americaand barberry shrub (Berberis darwinii) in New Zealand(Butz Huryn 1997), these weeds would all be pollinatedby other insects in the absence of honey bees. Whetheror not the pollination regime is altered by the introduc-tion of honey bees and whether altered seed set andgene flow occurs are, for the most part, unknown. Theexamples presented by Butz Huryn (1997) are clearlysystem-specific, and population impact should be stud-ied by assessing both the specific plant species presentand the particular nonindigenous pollinator. Althoughthere are many highly coevolved plant–insect inter-actions, the majority of insect pollinators are generalistpollinators, not systematically favoring the pollinationof nonindigenous or native plants (Waser et al. 1996).

Highly coevolved plant–insect interactions are theexception to most pollination regimes, but such highlycoevolved species complexes do exist and their intro-duction can generate major impacts. When a coevolvedplant is introduced into an area, it may become a vir-tual time bomb, requiring only the arrival of the asso-ciated insect to set off an invasion. Over sixty speciesof introducedFicusoccur in south Florida; twenty ofthese fig species are frequently planted. If the pollinat-ing wasp associated with aFicusspecies in its naturalrange is not present, the fig species cannot reproduce.Within the last 15 years breeding populations of threehost-specific pollinating wasps have been introduced insouth Florida; thus the three associatedFicus speciesregularly produce viable seeds. A variety of birds andmammals are thought to disperse these seeds.Ficusmicropcarpais spreading most rapidly (Kauffman et al.1991). This aggressive spread is thought to be due

to the small fruits, which can be effectively exploitedand dispersed by the small-gaped frugivorous birds inFlorida (McKey and Kaufmann 1991) and secondarilyby ants (Kauffman et al. 1991). The synergistic spreadof the same coevolved plant–pollinator complex (Ficusmicrocarpa–Parapristina verticillata) is also occurringin Bermuda (Monkman 1984; Dow and Terceira 1985;Hilburn 1987) and Mexico and Central America (B.W.Ramirez and S. Montero, in press).

Another example of a coevolved species complexin which the spread of each species depends on thespread of the other is that of the solitary bee speciesof PeponapisandXenoglossawith the cultivation ofthe genusCucurbita(squashes, gourds and pumpkins)(Hurd and Linsley 1964, 1966, 1967a, b). Even thoughCucurbita is not native to the eastern US north ofFlorida, three squash and gourd bee species (Pepon-apis pruinosa, Xenoglossa(Eoxenoglossa) kansensis,andXenoglossa(Eoxenoglossa) strenua) that pollinateand feed onCucurbita are abundant in these areas,apparently because of the introduction and spread ofthe cultivatedCucurbita(Hurd et al. 1971).

The complex coevolved systems that characterizesome non-indigenous pollinators and plants do notoccur with the many frugivorous invasive animalsthat preferentially spread non-native fruit-bearing treesand shrubs. The red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotusjocosus) is a cosmopolitan, frugivorous invader thathas disrupted plant communities in many habitats. Thisbulbul colonized the southeastern part of La Reunionisland and became a ‘common and efficient seed-disperser of alien species such asRubus alceifolius’(C. Thebaud, unpublished data) (Macdonald et al.1991). Cheke (1987) described the damage in theMascarene islands caused by the introduction of adispersal agent for a plant already present but quies-cent until the introduction of the red-whiskered bulbul(Wiehe 1946), which now spreads the ubiquitous weedCordia interrupta. This bulbul is also thought to be theprincipal dispersal agent of privet,Ligustrum robustum(Vaughan and Wiehe 1939). In Florida,Pycnonotusjocosuseats fruits and berries of over 24 exotic speciesincluding loquat (Eriobotrya japonica), various jas-mines (Oleaceae), andLantanaspp., and feeds exten-sively on Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius)and the syconia of fig trees (Ficus) (Carleton and Owre1975). Owing to the extreme anthropogenic modifica-tion of southeastern Florida in the last century, this birdspecies has the opportunity to use virtually identicalfood and nesting material to those it uses in its nativeIndia (Carleton and Owre 1975).

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Cheke elegantly summarized the complex relation-ship of frugivorous pigs and the Mascarene plant com-munities they invade:

The afflictions of the native forests are synergistic.Invasive plants need dispersal agents and reducedcompetition by selective browsing to help themspread. In turn it seems likely that the extraordinarilyhigh fruit production of the Strawberry Guava hashelped sustain high populations of pigs (Owadilly1980) and monkeys, forcing them to continue dam-aging the native flora outside the guava’s fruitingseason. (Cheke 1987, p. 14)

Exotic pigs in Hawaii also spread exotic plants (Loopeand Scowcroft 1985), selectively eat some native plants(Stone 1985), and their rooting and defecation favorexotic invertebrates (Stone 1985). Pigs do not reachlarge sizes without significant protein in their diet(Stone 1985). There is evidence that the current largesize of feral pigs is due to the introduction of protein-rich European earthworms. Also the role of pigsin spreadingPassiflora mollisma(Ramakrishnan andVitousek 1989) is much the same as in the Mascareneislands.

Woodward et al. (1990; cf. Vitousek and Walker1989) concluded that introduced Japanese white-eye,Zosterops japonicus, was the primary disperser ofMyrica fayaseeds in the natural areas of Hawai‘i Vol-canoes National Park. Other native and exotic birdsvisited the trees, but this was the only species to ingestand to disperse viable seeds. Feral pigs and rats alsodisperse the seeds ofMyrica faya (Stone and Taylor1984).

Knight (1986) suggested that alien species that pro-duce fleshy fruits and/or nectar can change naturallyoccurring patterns of frugivory and nectarivory. Dis-persal of exotic plants by frugivorous birds may be thelargest of all facilitation categories. This type of inter-action should be of special management concern whenthe introduction of either a fruit-bearing plant or a fru-givorous animal is into a system with the other compo-nent already present. Of the 90 major weeds in Hawaii,33 (37%) are dispersed by predominantly alien, frugi-vorous birds and 9 (10%) by mammals (on clothing orhides). A surprising result is that a mere 23 (25%) aredispersed only by man (Smith 1991).

Animals modifying habitat

Exotic animals altering the habitat is the best studiedof all the facilitation categories. This is probably due to

the economic importance of the habitat that most non-indigenous animals alter: rangeland. Westman (1986)suggested the terms ‘endogenous disturbance’ forthose disturbances that the ecosystem has been subjectto through evolutionary time and ‘exogenous distur-bance’ for disturbances outside the range the ecosystemhas experienced. Invasion of non-indigenous speciesincreases in ecosystems subject to exogenous dis-turbance regimes (Elton 1958; Fox and Fox 1986).Physical disturbance of habitat by invasive species con-stitutes a major exogenous disturbance.

The two key shared characteristics of several tem-perate grasslands vulnerable to plant invasion are thelack of large, hooved, congregating animals in theHolocene or longer and dominance by caespitose (tus-sock) grasses. The morphology and phenology oftussock grasses explain their sensitivity to large, con-gregating herbivores (Mack 1989). Mack (1986) docu-ments this facilitation of invasive weeds by domesticherbivores in the intermountain region of western NorthAmerica, attributing the establishment of alien plantsin grasslands to the increase in disturbance. Nativegrassland plants evolved without the influence of fre-quent disturbance by large congregating animals ortheir functional equivalents. North American bisonwere found only in small, isolated herds in the inter-mountain West and did not play a large part in theevolution of the native grassland vegetation (Mackand Thompson 1982). Mack (1981, 1986) pinpointsthe most common mechanism of introduction of non-native grasses as the contamination of agricultural seed;and less commonly, as the attachment to and dispersalby the coats of domesticated animals. However, tram-pling by ungulates facilitated the establishment of thedispersed seed. This same facilitation occurred in thegrasslands of temperate South America, the CentralValley of California, and temperate Australia:

Whether through grazing or trampling, or both, thecommon consequences of the introduction of live-stock in the four vulnerable grasslands were destruc-tion of the native caespitose grasses, dispersal ofalien plants in fur or feces, and continual prepara-tion of a seed bed for aliens that evolved with largemammals in Eurasia and Africa. (Mack 1989, p. 158)

The Asian water buffalo was introduced into north-eastern Australia as a beast of burden and meat forearly European settlers. The water buffalo dispersedfrom military settlements in the first half of the nine-teenth century and spread throughout the flood plains ofthe Adelaide River (Lonsdale and Braithewaite 1988).

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These enormous ungulates devastated native plantcommunities, compacted the soil, altered the hydrologyof the forests causing tree mortality, and eroded creekbanks. A Central American shrub,Mimosa pigra,had been in abeyance in the surroundings of Darwin,Australia as a minor weed for a century (Lonsdaleand Braithewaite 1988). This tall, shrubby legume pro-duces large amounts of small, bristly, pod-coveredseeds that are readily dispersed by water (Lonsdale1993). The sundering of the flood plains by the Asianwater buffalo created ideal germination ground forMimosa pigraseedlings (Lonsdale and Braithewaite1988). The switch from native sedgelands to a mono-culture of M. pigra caused the decline of nativewaterbirds, lizards, and insectivorous birds. The onlybenefit ofMimosafor natives is that it provides refu-gia for rodents and shrew-like marsupials (Lonsdaleand Braithewaite 1988; Lonsdale 1993). These woodyshrubs did serve as protection for the water buffalofrom aerial hunters trying to exterminate these animalsin 1980s (W.M. Lonsdale, personal communication).Once a large majority of the estimated 250,000 waterbuffalo were extinguished from northeastern Australia,the spread ofM. pigra abruptly terminated (Lonsdale1993; W.M. Lonsdale, personal communication). Thisleveling of the rate of spread ofM. pigra in the mid-1980s was primarily due to the drastic decline in waterbuffalo numbers, as biocontrol agents forM. pigrawerenot yet widespread (W.M. Lonsdale, personal commu-nication).

Another woody shrub causing huge ecological dam-age to the recipient habitat isRhododendron ponticumin the woods in southwestern Ireland.Rhododendronponticumwas introduced from the Mediterranean toIreland in 1763 (Elton 1958) to serve as an ornamentalaround houses and in the surrounding woods (Cross1981). Rhododendron ponticumsaturates the wood-land understory and displaces holly (Ilex aquifolium)and other native shrub species. These woods wereheavily disturbed by logging activities for the lastfour centuries. The introduction of the Japanese sikadeer (Cervus nippon) in 1860 initiated a new formof woodland disturbance. Sika deer have augmentedand replaced native red deer (Cervus elaphus) in for-est habitat.Rhododendron ponticumestablishes inthe oakwoods of Killarney through the production of‘safe sites’ (Harper et al. 1965) created when the sikadeer overgraze or humans log an area that eventuallybecomes covered with primary bryophyte successors.These bryophyte-covered patches become ideal ger-mination sites forR. ponticum(Cross 1981). Thus,

the creation of patches by the Japanese sika deerand logging throughout the forest, the unpalatibil-ity of Rhododendron ponticum, and its tolerance ofshade cause the spread and dominance of this shrubin Irish oak woodland. This is a classic mutualism,asR. ponticumserves as shelter for this invasive deerspecies. It appears to constitute a synergistic invasion,as the net impact of the two species likely far exceedsthe sum of the individual impacts each would generatein the absence of the other.

The zebra musselDreissena polymorpha, introducedto the Great Lakes in the mid-1980s, has had hugeecological impacts (US Congress 1993; Lowe andPillsbury 1995; MacIsaac 1996; Dermott and Kerec1997; Ricciardi et al. 1998). Owing to their high fer-tility and filtering ability, these mussels have causeda huge shift in energy from planktonic to benthicfood webs wherever they have invaded.Dreissenapro-foundly influences phytoplankton biomass. Reederset al. (1993) recorded a 46% decline in phytoplank-ton volume in a pond containingDreissenarelativeto a control pond. MacIsaac (1996) suggests that thisdrastic energy shift may greatly affect invertebratecommunities. This mussel serves as a sediment trapby converting large amounts of seston into excretedfeces, creating a soft substrate of rich organic mate-rial highly suitable for deposit-feeding infaunal species(Leppakoski 1984). In Lake Ontario, invertebrate diver-sity increased from at most 22 species to between 27and 32 species at a cobble site, and from at most 15species to between 19 and 26 species at an artificialreef site followingDreissenainvasion (Stewart andHaynes 1994). (However, macroinvertebrate richnessincreased at sites in Lake St. Clair that lacked the zebramussel [Griffiths 1993; MacIsaac 1996].) An experi-mental study on the Saint Lawrence River (Ricciardiet al. 1997) showed great change in composition andnumbers of macroinvertebrates on hard substrates col-onized by the zebra mussel. Further, live mussels hadan even greater impact than dead shells, so severalfactors are probably at play here – not only does thesurface area and spatial heterogeneity increase, givingsettling sites, providing refuge, and trapping sedimentand biodeposits, but also filtration currents generatedby Dreissenamay be exploited by some invertebrates.Among the species whose populations were enhancedby the presence ofDreissenais the invasive Eurasianfaucet snailBithynia tentaculata(Ricciardi et al. 1997;A. Ricciardi, personal communication).

Zebra mussels may also generate a mutual facilita-tion with macrophytes, including introduced ones, in

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shallow, light-limited waters (MacIsaac 1996). Highmussel abundance increases water clarity, which inturn promotes macrophyte growth. The macrophytegrowth, in turn, provides additional settling sub-strate for Dreissena(Lewandowski 1982) and canhelp disperse zebra mussels between water bodies(Johnson and Carlton 1996). Eurasian watermilfoil(Myriophyllum spicatum), an invasive aquatic weed,has greatly increased because of theDreissenainva-sion (MacIsaac 1996). The zebra mussel also is a keyfood source for several native fishes as well as twointroduced species, white bass (Morone chrysops) andround goby (Neogobius melanostomus) in the GreatLakes (French 1993). The round goby co-occurs withthe zebra mussel in littoral and lower tributary habitatsin their native Black and Caspian Seas and, in feedingtrials, preferred zebra mussels (Ghedotti et al. 1995).

Plants modifying habitat

Nonindigenous plant species that alter soil nutri-ents may facilitate the invasion of other nonindige-nous species. For example, the Atlantic nitrogen-fixingshrub,Myrica faya, has been studied extensively inHawaii, where it has invaded very nitrogen-poor vol-canic soils (Vitousek 1986; Vitousek and Walker 1989).Because there are no native symbiotic nitrogen-fixersin these habitats, and because invasions by many non-indigenous plant species in Hawaii are most successfulon more fertile soils (Gerrish and Mueller-Dombois1980), there is a high likelihood thatMyrica fayafacilitates further plant invasions (Vitousek 1986).Experimental research in Hawaii with the aggressivelyinvading introduced strawberry guava tree (Psidiumcattleianum) showed biomass accumulation in soilfrom underMyrica fayahighly significantly increasedover that in soil from under the nativeMetrosiderospolymorpha(Hughes et al. 1991), suggesting that abroad range of invasive nonindigenous species willultimately be favored (Vitousek and Walker 1989).Myrica faya enhances populations of nonindigenousearthworms, which in turn enhance the rate of nitro-gen burial and thus increase the impact on nutrientcycling (Aplet 1990). Further, the introduced white-eye(Zopsterops japonicus) was the most frequent visitor toMyrica fayain two closely monitored sites, and it dis-persed large numbers of seeds (Vitousek and Walker1989); this observation resembles that of Woodwardet al. (1990) cited above. Thus, it appears that a com-plex set of facilitative interactions among a variety of

introduced species centered onMyrica faya aids theinvasion of all of them.

Many invasive nonindigenous plants enhance firefrequency and/or intensity; they are adapted to the newregime, as are other nonindigenous species, but nativeplants are not. Thus, the fire-enhancers aid their owninvasion and that of other exotic species and simultane-ously harm the native species. Old World grasses thathave come to dominate many New World grasslandsexemplify this facilitation (D’Antonio and Vitousek1992). For example, in Hawaii the nonindigenousperennial grassSchizachyrium condensatuminvadedseasonal submontane shrub-dominated woodland. Thisgrass filled the interstices and canopy of the shrubs withabundant fuel, thus fostering much more frequent firesover much larger areas. These fires killed most nativetrees and shrubs, butS. condensatumrecovered rapidlyand the even more flammable exotic perennial grassMelinis minutifloraalso invaded (Hughes et al. 1991).Fires were subsequently more frequent and severe, gen-erating a positive feedback cycle that led to increas-ing replacement of a native-dominated woodland by alow-diversity, exotic-dominated grassland (D’Antonioand Vitousek 1992). A similar scenario arises in manyrangelands of the US West (Mack 1981, 1989). Here theimportation of livestock, particularly cattle and sheep,facilitated the invasion of Eurasian grasses adaptedto congregating, hooved grazers that destroyed nativebunchgrasses. Some of these invading grasses, such asthe annual cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), were highlyflammable and fueled immense fires that damaged orkilled native shrubs and perennial grasses (referencesin D’Antonio and Vitousek 1992). Cheatgrass also sup-presses growth of some native species (Melgoza et al.1990), and other nonindigenous, fire-enhancing grassessuch asTainiatherum asperuminvade areas burned byfires fueled by cheatgrass (references in D’Antonio andVitousek 1992). Thus a positive feedback cycle is estab-lished similar to that in Hawaii.

Various Eurasian species of salt cedar (Tamarix)have invaded the riparian zones of rivers, as wellas other wet areas, in the US Southwest (Vitousek1986 and references therein) and Australia (Griffinet al. 1989; Anonymous 1991). Generally, they aredeeply rooted and transpire rapidly, thus drying upsurface water and lowering the water table. Fur-ther, their foliage concentrates high salt concentra-tions, so the litter is saline. A consequence of thesechanges is the elimination of almost all native veg-etation and associated animals. In the Southwest,among the few species that thrive in this situation

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are three non-native species ofBromus(L. Stevens,personal communication). Further, a non-indigenous,honeydew-producing leafhopper (Opsius stactogalus)interacts with a fungus to change soil characteristicsso that plant recruitment is virtually eliminated undera Tamarixcanopy (L. Stevens, personal communica-tion). On the Finke River in Australia, the main benefi-ciaries of the replacement of nativeEucalyptustrees byTamarixwere several native chenopods and introducedgrass species able to tolerate the saline soil (Griffin et al.1989).

A final example of a nonindigenous plant that modi-fies the environment to favor other introduced species isthe African crystalline ice plant,Mesembryanthemumcrystallinum, in California (Philbrick 1972; Vivretteand Muller 1977) and Australia (Kloot 1983). InCalifornia, this ice plant invades existing plant com-munities through preferential grazing by animals onnative plants. For example, on Santa Barbara Island,Philbrick (1972) observed the initial invasion of nativevegetation byM. crystallinumto have been fosteredby introduced rabbits, which removed native plants.Once M. crystallinum is established, it accumulatessalt, which is released when the plant dies throughleaching by fog and rain. The salt, in turn, producesan osmotic environment intolerable to the native plants(Vivrette and Muller 1977; Kloot 1983). On SantaBarbara Island, when wind or other disturbance createsopenings in the ice-plant carpet, these are colonized notby native plants, but by the ice plant itself or by weedyintroduced plants such asMalva parvifloraor Erodiumcicutarium(Philbrick 1972).

Indirect effects

The above categories, and in fact almost all the exam-ples of facilitation in the literature, concern directeffects, at least at the individual level, of one introducedspecies on another. However, species can affect oneanother indirectly in myriad ways (Menge 1995; Stiling1996). Traditionally, indirect effects are defined as howone species modifies the impact a second species hason a third species. For example, introducedPheidolemegacephalaants in the Hawaiian islands tend an intro-duced scale insect,Coccus viridis(Bach 1991) on theintroduced plantPluchea indica; among other activi-ties, they hinder introduced predatory coccinellid bee-tles and parasitic wasps. These interactions, at least atthe individual level, are direct (+/+ for the ant andscale,+/− for the ant and beetle or ant and wasps).But there is also an indirect effect (+/+) of the ant on

the scale by virtue of its suppression of the enemies ofthe scale. And the subsequent increased rate of honey-dew production by the scales results in increased colo-nization by a sooty mold (an indirect+/+ interactionbetween ant and mold) and greater rates of leaf deathand abscission by the plant (an indirect+/− interactionbetween ant and plant).

Facilitation can occur in many other ways. Someresearchers consider habitat change that affects anotherspecies an indirect effect, as opposed to direct trophicinteractions and interference. Some examples citedabove can be construed this way, as, for example, whenan introduced grazer facilitates an introduced weed byits suppression of native plants (rather than simply bydispersing the seeds of the invader). But various kindsof indirect mutualisms and commensalisms (Menge1995) do not fall into this category. Almost certainly,intensive natural historic study would uncover manysuch examples among introduced species. Currently,the overwhelming majority of such potential effectsare just intriguing hypotheses.


It is a commonplace that mutualistic interactionsbetween species are not nearly as frequently discussedin the general literature as competitive interactions are,and the dominant view is that this lack of study andreporting is not because mutualisms themselves are soinfrequent (e.g., Risch and Boucher 1976; DeAngeliset al. 1980; Boucher et al. 1982; Boucher 1985; Kareivaand Bertness 1997). Although a number of reasonshave been proposed for the lack of attention, from thesociopolitical (e.g., Boucher 1985) through the math-ematical (cf. Kareiva and Bertness 1997), and the rea-sons are not mutually exclusive, our concern here isnot with why mutualism is not as carefully studiedand reported as would be warranted by its frequency.Rather, we wish to stress that the figures reported aboveprobably underestimate the extent of the positive inter-actions among species. Whatever causes researchersto deemphasize mutualism in general is likely to havethe same influence in the study of mutualism betweennonindigenous species.

Any sorts of interactions introduced species havewith one another are also probably less likely to besought and reported than are the effects of introducedspecies on native ones. After all, the predominant con-cern with introduced species, for researchers as forconservationists and resource managers, is with the

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potential damage they may inflict on native species.That is, they are pests and otherwise would not beof great interest in their own right. Certainly to theextent that facilitative interactions among nonindige-nous species increase the likelihood that at least some ofthem will harm native species, researchers will seek andbe sensitive to these interactions. However, althoughwe do not want to explore here the issue of exactlywhat fraction of introduced species affect native speciesand ecosystems, it seems clear that it is at most arather small minority (e.g., Williamson 1996). Thus,for most nonindigenous species, there is probably notmuch motivation to look for interactions with othernonindigenous species. This is yet another reason whyour above estimates of frequency of different types ofinteractions are probably underestimates.

In spite of probable tendencies to overlook inter-actions between introduced species, 12% of the articlessurveyed, which were delimited to focus on nonindige-nous species but not particularly on interactions (witheither native or non-native species), did show inter-actions between different nonindigenous species. Fewif any produced hard evidence that these interactionshad a population effect, but in many cases such an effectwas at least plausible. We do not take the numbers ofvarious sorts of interactions detected in our data basesearch to represent actual frequencies. The tabulatedstudies were insufficient for such estimation. Rather,we hope they can serve as a rough, preliminary indi-cation of the relative frequencies. Of the 190 pairwiseinteractions described, 82% consisted of+/− inter-actions in which individuals of one species benefitedand those of the other species were harmed; 82% ofthese were a single sort of interaction reported in onestudy. However, of the remainder, almost as many weremutualistic (+/+) as were competitive (−/−): 10 vs.12. And many more were commensal (+/0) than wereamensal (−/0): 12 vs. 0. It seems clear that there is noprima facie case for the biotic resistance paradigm, inwhich successively introduced species generally harmone another. And, given the historical trend towardsneglect of mutualistic interactions, it is probably fair tosay that a substantial part of the impact of introducedspecies as a whole arises from situations in which oneinvader aids another.


There are a great variety of ways in which different non-indigenous species can aid one another, with numerous

idiosyncratic interactions described in the literature.Sometimes the interactions may be synergistic – theimpact of several species together is greater than thesum of the impacts of the individual species. How-ever, the key types of facilitative interactions appearto be animals pollinating and dispersing plants (andgetting food in return) and animals and plants modi-fying the habitat in a way that favors other introducedspecies over natives (such as by grazing or fosteringmore numerous or intense fires).

Although the invasion literature is underlain largelyby a paradigm of ‘biotic resistance’, and this paradigmin turn suggests that introduced species are more likelyto hinder than to aid one another, there is little evidencethat this is so. Very few published reports actuallydocument the population impact of one nonindige-nous species on another, but over 10% of a large sam-ple of recent papers on nonindigenous species at leastmention impacts of individuals of one nonindigenousspecies on individuals of another, and several of thesesuggest that the population effect could be substantial,even crucial. More papers depict individuals of non-indigenous species helping individuals of other non-indigenous species than hindering them, in spite of alikely pervasive tendency for the literature to empha-size interfering rather than facilitative interactions.

In the introduction, we stated that one purpose ofthis survey was to determine the frequency of inva-sional meltdown. We were unable to do this, thoughwe present preliminary evidence that it is not uncom-mon. Our failure in this regard is because the invasionliterature is usually too anecdotal to sustain the quanti-tative analysis that would be necessary. This fact sug-gests that quantification of population-level impacts ofnonindigenous species on one another, and on nativespecies, is an urgent research need. Although qualita-tive reports are useful, and one cannot expect quanti-tative population studies of the invader and potentiallyaffected species for every reported invasion, a largercatalog of such studies is needed in order to assess theimportance of the meltdown phenomenon. Parker et al.(1999) have recently reviewed several approaches toquantifying impacts of invaders and suggested researchdirections to develop these approaches.

Even without such intensive study of particular inva-sions, examination of the current literature on invasionscould provide some insights. For example, a search tofind the order of various invasions, both failed and suc-cessful ones, might provide evidence for the impor-tance of one species for the survival of a second. Inthis regard, temporally or spatially replicated invasions

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of the same species but in different order would bemost convincing. The literature on successful controlof invaders, including local or regional eradications,may also contain information relevant to facilitation,as there is occasional mention of impacts of a removalon other species. Of course, such reports are generallyanecdotal, so again we are driven back to the main need,quantified information on population-level impacts.


We thank L. Stevens, F. Howarth, M. Hossaert,D. McKey, R. Mack, A. Ricciardi, and C. Thebaudfor advice and access to unpublished information.Other members of the Invasion Biology workinggroup (P. Kareiva, I. Parker, L. Goldwasser, J. Byers,M. Wonham, K. Goodell, P. Moyle, M. Williamson,and M. Lonsdale) at the National Center for Eco-logical Analysis and Synthesis provided thoughtfulcomments, as did three anonymous referees. Our par-ticipation in this working group is supported by NSFgrant #DEB-94-21535 to the Center, and by the Uni-versity of California at Santa Barbara and the State ofCalifornia.


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