Page 1: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key

Clive Oxenden Christina Latham-Koenig

Paul Seligson


Page 2: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key


1 GETT1NG TO KNOW EACH OTHER lj 2d 3i 4g Se 6h 7b 8a 9 f 10 e

2 GRAMMAR , 1 \Nhere are you (rom?

2 Who do you live with? 3 Wha! typc of TV prograrnmes do

yOIl like? 4 Oíd you come 10 Ihis schoollast year? 5 Are you goingto study al home

tonight? 6 Whal are yau thinking abola? , Who did you talk lo al Ihe parly? 8 Who do you usually write e-mails to?

b I Does yOllr sister spcak Italian? 2 Whefe do you live? 3 Whal musí, does your brother

listen to? 4 Is he meeting ¡hem tomorrow? 5 Why aren't you doing your

homework now? 6 Whcrc did they go on holiday last

year? , How afien do you go 10 Ihe cinema? 8 Oíd yOl! rcad Ihe paper yestcrday?

1 VOCABULARV eleven, twclve

2 seventcen, e¡ghleen 3 sixty, seventy 4 one hundred, one hundrcd and onc 5 third, fourth 6 twelfth, thirtecnth 7 Saturday> Sunday 8 eveníng, night 9 January, February

10 quarter pasl five, twenty past five

4 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE a 1 in pairs 2 Sil 3 Answer

4 Turn off 5 Don'!

b I Have a good weekend. 2 Which page is ir? 3 Sorry I'm late. 4 How do you spell your name? 5 Could you repea! Ihat, pIcase? 6 How do you pronounce that? , Can J have a copy, please? 8 Whal does 'phone' mean?

c I cirele 2 cross out 3 complete 4 choose 5 cover the !exl 6 copy the rhythm


li:/R,M lel P, K lu:! O

b 1 ruphabet 2 b.ir1hday 3 fourttm 4 furty 5 mdnesday 6 tonizht 7 illrport 8 b.rQther 9 g:ercisc 10 unimsity

1 VOCABULARV a falher - mOlher

unele - aun! nephew - niece brother-in-law - sister-in-Iaw son - daughter

husband - wife

b talkative - quie! shy - extrovert generous - mean friendly - unfriendly hard-working - lazy

2 GRAMMAR a 1 1 don', like New York.

2 She doesn't work in Ihe city. 3 He doesn'! have red hair. 4 You don'! smoke. S We don', often go out. 6 They don't have lunch at one.

b 1 do 2 Does 3 Does 4 Does sdo 6Do

c I works 2 doesn'l get 3 brings 4 does 5 doesn't gel up 6 stays 7 has 8 don', have 9 doesn't like 10 get on 11 don't see 12 lives

1 PRONUNCIATION a Isl watches

IzI relaxes IrzJ leaves IsJ runs IzJ Iikes IlzJ cooks

b I li!lkative 2 g:trovcrt 3 4 ~erous 5 ~phew 6 IDious 7 mtiel 8 dru!.ghler 9 funny


b le 2a 3f 4c Sd 6b

1 VOCABULARV Across: 2 brain 5 nose 7 eyes 8 lips 91eeth Down: 1 fingers 3 mouth 4 feet 6hair IOear

2 PRONUNCIATlON a l i:1 reeth, km'es

hel back, hands lo:! arms, heart le/legs, head I:JO/ loes, nase

1 GRAMMAR a I is raining 2 are carrying

3 are playing 4 is watching 5 are sitting 6 aren'r ralking 7 isn't smiling 8 is she doing 9 is waiting 10 is thinking 11 'm getting

b 1 'm walching 2 travel 3 'm studying 4 ge!s 5 are, gomg 6 need

4 VOCABULARV in Ihe middle

2 on Ihe right 3 on the lef! 4 under 5 behind 6 next lo

1 GRAMMAR , If " 3 d

" 8, 4h 5 b 6,

b I where 2 which 3 where 4who 5 which 6 where, which 7 which

2 VOCABULARY 1 opposite 2 kind 3 similar 4 like 5 how 6 example 7 someone 8 place

1 PRONUNCIATlON a/b 1 ~rer l'weil<J', ~ter f'w::l:tdf

2 l:;.itchen l 'kI!J~nI, fhicken I'tflkInI 3 niru:ty I' namtil, ninet«n Inam 'ti:n! 4 ~work I' h~umw3:k/, housework

" hausw3:kI 5 amlria l' ostri<J/ , AU;Uulia los 'treIli;Ji 6 ~",ichcs I' srendwld317J , .rung:lasscs

f' s,mglo:slzJ 7 ltaly l 'lt~li/, It!.lian /¡ 'trelj:m/

Page 3: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key


4 READING a I A manager 2 The afternoon

3 A peclestrian 4 Laptops 5 An antique shop 6 Your boss 7 Eating 8 A fri end


I Al IMMIGRAllON 1 travcll ing 2 in 3 purpose 4 holiday 5 long 6 Where 7 with 8 Is 9 ¡t's 10 enjoy

2 SOCIAL ENGLlSH No, thanks, I'm fine. Shall we go? 8 Long! 12 hours. 4 Crea!! Let's go ¡heno 10 I'm fin e. 2 No, 1'm OK.l always sleep on planes. 6 1-10\\1 was ¡he l1igb!? 3 Sure. My car's outside in Ihe ca r park. 9 WO\\l, you mus! be really ¡ired. 5 Helio, '10m. How aTe you? I \"'Quld you like a coffcc or anything? 7

3 READING b San Francisco Bay lo ¡he north and

caSI, ¡he Pacific Oeean lo ¡he \\les!. 2 No, ¡he bes! way 10 explore is On fool. 3 South Markct and ¡he Mission Oistric\. 4 Priccs are highcr, queues are ¡onger

and (finding a) parking (space) is impossible.

5 October

1 VOCABULARY algo swimminglsailing 2 go abroad

3 go camping 4 take photos 5 buy souvenirs 6 hire a car 7 go out at night 8 go (or a walk 9 stay in a hotel 10 go sightseeing

b I (r~~zing 2 boiling 3 snow 4 foggy 5 cloudy 6 rain

2 GRAMMAR a Regular: arrived, remembered, talked,

staycd, hatcd, walked, argued

Irregular: became, began, broke, did, had, spenl, saw

b I W~ didn't study in Korea. 2 Thcy didn', speak Russian. 3 My uncle wasn't a doclor. 4 1 didn't sleep well. 5 My mum didn't enjoy Ihe film. 6 He didn't pick up Ihe receip!. 7 You wefen't on time.

c l went 2 tlew 3 renled 4 d rove 5 had 6 didn 'l know 7 were 8 argued

d 1 Where d id they fly lO? 2 When did ¡hey go there? 3 Did ¡hey have a good time? 4 Did they gel on wcll? 5 How many times did ¡hey argue?

3 PRONUNCIATlON a 1 needed 2 wanted 3 loved

4 waited

b b:J caughl, bought, saw leI read, said, went 1;)01 wrote, broke, d rove 1<Id rang, drank, sal le[1 carne, gave, made

1 GRAMMAR a I was sleeping 2 were you talking

3 wasn't worki ng 4 were living 5 were you watchi ng 6 were walking 7 wasn't d riving 8 was snowing

b They were playing tennís when il started 10 rain.

2 He broke his leg when he was skiing. 3 The boys were fighling when their

(alher carne home. 4 A dog ale my sandwich when I was

sleeping in the park. 5 We were studying in Ihe library

when Ihe fire slar ted.

c 1 went 2 were having 3 got 4 was speaking 5 noticed 6 was sitting 7 decided 8 went 9 said 10 stopped ¡ 1 was passing 12100k 13 came 14 was smiling ISlooked 16 was laughing

2 VOCABULARY a l al 2in 3 In,on,on 4in Sin

6 on, in 7 in, in 8 al , on

b 1 at 2 al, in, at 3 on, in, al , on 40n, - Son 6 in 70n, in SAt,in,in

3 PRONUNCIATlON a/b 1 fam@ 2 &mil@ 3lal@

4 mtion@ 5 dr@m;!.lic 6 nh,Qt§graph 7 &lid& 8 .illmlor@>le 9 ~m@n

I VOCABULARY a I pu nk 2 jau 3 rap 4 opera

5 heavy metal 6 blues

b I Where 2 When 3 Who 4 Whose 5 Which 6 How many 7 How long 8 Whal 9 \Vhat 10 Why

2 GRAMMAR ala2b3a4b5a6a

b 1-3 2-5 3-6 4-4 5-1 6-2

c I Who painled TIJe Lasl Sllppeñ 2 When did Kurt Cobain die? 3 Where do penguins [ive? <1 How many Oscars did The Lord oI

¡he Ni/lEs win in 2004? 5 \Vbo won the Oscar for Best Director? 6 Where was Maria Sharapolla born? 7 When did your brother go to


3 PRONUNCIAllON a walk, wash, quiddy, white, one

b who, haie, happy, hands

GRAMMAR a I really mean 2 sno\\ling 3 can't

4 a bit expensive 5 don't like him

b I becausc, d 2 so, e 3 becausc, ( 4 so, c 5 so, b 6 because, a

c 1 because, so, A1though 2 becausc, so, A1though 3 bul. Although, so

2 VOCABULARY a Id 2g 3f 4 b Sa 6e 7c

3 PRONUNCIATlON he! accident letl date I'J:J 3wful 10:1 da nce I:JI woman

4 READING a 5,1,4,3,2

CAN YOU REMEMBER •.• ? I do 2 doesn't 3 are 4 who 5 d id 6 were 7 wrote 8 A1lhough

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I CALLlNG RECEPTlON 1 This is room 724. 2 My room is very caldo 3 There's a problem wilh the heating. 4 The air-conditioning ¡sn't working. S Can J have a chicken sandwich, pIcase? 6 Do you have any fresh fruit juiec?

2 SOCIAL ENGLlSH 1 well, e 2 How, d 3 What, for, a 4 This, e 5 time, b

3 READING IT 2T 3T 4? ST 6F 7? SF

I GRAMMAR a 1 're going lo play

2 ¡sn', going lo rain 3 are you going 10 pul 4 ¡sn', going lo jump 5 are they going to stay 6 'm going 10 buy 7 aren't going 10 eal

8 Are you going lo shave

b 1 're going 2 'ro taking 3 're dimbing 4 aren', windsurfing 5 're havíng 6 ' re going 7 'ro planning

e 1 J'm going to pass 2 J'm going lo spend I I'ro spending 3 it's going lo be 4 He's going lo have I He's havíng 5 We're nol going 10 miss 6 are you going 7 lt's going 10 be 8 shc's going 10 have

2 VOCABULARY l'm looking (or

2 ('ro looking forwa rd to 3 I'm looking after 4 I'm looking after 5 I'm looking for 6 I'm looking fonvard 10 7 I'm looking for 8 I'm looking forward to 9 I'm looking after

3 PRONUNCIATION a IAI money, month

I :ml own, hotel l u:l improve, honeymoon

I GRAMMAR 1 '11 snow, '11 rain 2'11 be 3 won' t finish, '11 be 4 won't pass 5 'H be able to, 'H need

2 VOCABULARY 1 lose 2 fail 3 forgot 4 leave 5 teach 6 tum off 7 senl 8 borrow 9 found 10 pull

3 PRONUNCIATlON a /01 enjoy

/:.10/ stop /01 work /:)0/ problem

4 READING a 1 Cancer 2 No, Ihey won'l.

3 Buy any new dolhcs. 4 Aquarius 5 Taurus 6 Pisces

I PRONUNCIATlON a 1 re&riYt 2 for~ 3 auiYt 4 re~

5 exill 6 addrlli

2 GRAMMAR a 1 I think I'H go 10 hed.

2 Shall 1 tum off Ihe air-conditioning? 3 I won', drive fast , 4 I'H buy (you) anolher one. 5 Shall 1 call Ihe police? 6 I'll have the chicken.

blP 20 30 4 0 5P 6 0

3 VOCABULARY I come 2 call 3 pay 4 drive 5 give 6 take

4 READING a 4,6,2,5,1,3,8,7

GRAMMAR a 1 did, dream, was running, was,

was flying 2 Do, dream, have 3 Are, doing, 'm having, Do, want 4 are, doing, 're practising

b I are, going to do 2 Are, going 10 walch 3 did, do 4 spends 5 makes 6 watch 7 does, do lis, doing 8 don', cal 9 cal 10 did, have 11 lum on 12 will, be

e 1 ¡'m going lo 2 I'll 3 I'm going lo 4 ¡'m going lo 5 i'1I 6I'll

2 PRONUNCIATION a 1 !!:ill.:ting 2 ¡mtienl 3 cham~

4 suc~ful 5 violin 6 tOillQrrow 7 oplim.istic 8 psycholillalyst 9 underMmding

3 VOCABULARY 1 10 2 about 3 lo 4 with 5 about 6 for 7 with 8 to

CAN YOU REMEMBER .. . ? 1 didn'l 2 took 3 Which 4 which 5 going 6 won't 7 Shall 8 is


I PROBLEMS WITH A MEAL 1 here, lable 2 dirty, have 3 cold, for

4 rare, done 5 mistake, any

2 SOCIAL ENGLlSH We could go to a little café Ihal I know. 5 LiSIen, it's still early. Shall we go for a

walk? 3 Thank you. Tha! was a 10\'eJy dinner. 1 Thal sounds great. \Ve could have another

coffee. 6 Good idea. Where shall \\'e go? 4 You're very weJcome. I'm glad you

enjoycd il. 2


7? 8 F

Page 5: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key

1 VOCABULARV a Across: 2 dress 5 jacket 6 suit

7 socks 10 tights 11 tic 12 jeans 1310p

Down: 1 tracksuit 3 trousers 4 ha! 7 shirt 8 shoes 9 bclt

b I gels drcssed 2 wear 3 try on 4 pUl on 5 Take off

2 PRONUNCIATlON IJI shirt, shoes, shorts ItJ trousers, top, tie /sI socks, drcss, suit /k/ skir!, cap, coa!

1 GRAMMAR a 1 He hasn', been 10 Londoll.

2 She's broken her lcg. 3 Have ¡hey caten Ihere before? 4 Have you tried ice-skating? 5 1 haven', sccn Ihis film. 6 We've had an argumen\. 7 ¡'Iave you ever 10s1 your ID card? 8 He hasn't mel her parents.

b 1 never 2 ever 3 never 4 cver 5 never 6 ever 7 ever 8 never

e 1 1·lave you (ver worn, have, did you \Vear, wen!

2 Hayc you ever borrowed, have, did you borrow, needed

3 Have you ever met, haven', 4 Have you ever bought, havc, bought 5 Have you ever had, have, took,


1 VOCABULARV I tidy 2 make 3 do 4 change 5 use 6 take 7 speod 8 clean

2 GRAMMAR a 1 l've already washed lhe floor.

2 Have you seen this film yet? 3 Daniel has already made his bed. 4 My parents haven't learnl lo use the

Internet yet. 5 You've already made a mistake. 6 We've already been to New York. 7 Has the film started yet? 8 Edward has already found a new jobo

b 1 '5 jusI fallen 2 's just done 3 've jusI won 4 've just woken up 5 've just bought 6 've just missed

J PRONUNCIATlON 1 yenow 2 yesterday 3 year 4 university 5 young 6 January, June, July 7 jacket 8 jeans 9 generous 10 judo


1 GRAMMAR a 1 worse 2 more s[owly 3 harder

4 more stressful 5 funnier 6 wetter 7 better 8 more popular

b 1 isn' t as quiet as this one 2 doeso't speak as quickly as Carlos 3 isn't as big as Russia 4 dido't playas well as Portugal 5 doeso't drive as carefully as Davina 6 isn'! as expensive as Tokyo 7 doesn't dress as elegantly as Ivana 8 isn't as relaxing as classical music

2 PRONUNCIATlON a/b 1 ~ 2 fut@ 3 j,Mr@nts

4 MPp@ned S~ric@n 6 hMd@ 7 gen€)mt@n 8 m~ 9journ~ist IOt~ ll,tidn~s 121ong@

J VOCABULARV 1 waste 2 take a long 3 don't have enough 4 spend 5 save 6011

4 READING aA3 BI C4 0 5 E2

b I F 2T 31 4F SF 6T

GRAMMAR a 1 most polluted 2 most impatient

3 fuethest 4 cheapest 5 easiest 6 worSI 7 most dangerous 8 most boring

b 1 busiest 2 dirtiest 3 more expensive 4 noisiest S sJower

e 1 He's lhe rudest person J've ever meto 2 This is the most exciting book I've

ever read. 3 Jt's the most beautiful building we've

ever seen. 4 That's the funniesl joke you've ever

toldo 5 !t's lhe most beautiful photograph

I've ever taken. 6 That's the stupidest thing l've ever

done. 7 That's the most dclicious meal she's

ever made. 8 These are the best poems he's ever


2 VOCABULARV a 1 interesting 2 impatient 3 safe

4 noisy 5 rude 6 crowded 7 polluled 8 modern

b I unhealthy 2 impossible 3 uocomfortablc 4 unfriendly 5 impolite 6 unhappy 7 untidy 8 impaticnt

1 PRONUNCIATION a 10:/ dirty

/3 :1 bought l'Jul world 10:/ Rome

b 1 unfriendly 2 h!&..utiful 3 ex&iting 4 .d.;mgerous 5 disllimest 6 un.h.appy 7 unhcalthy 8 im~ible

CAN VOU REMEMBER •.• ? I going 2 will 3 woo't 4 Does 5 Has 6 have 7 as 8 ever


1 ASKING FOR INFORMATlON la 2is 3far 4near sean 6take 700 80n 9c1ose 10until

2 SOCIAL ENGLlSH 1 know 5 right 9 where

2 think 6 doing

10 kind


3 sure 4 remember 7 studying 8 holiday

a 114mi1es 2$12 3$4 4$44 55.30 a.m. 6 taxi, airport bus

Page 6: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key

1 CRAMMAR a I nol 10 have 2 to mee!


3 nol 10 worrr 4 10 close 5 nol 10 tell 6 10 relax 7 10 rake

I importan! to be 2 carefu] nol to drop 3 dangcrous lO 5wim

4 difficuh to sleep 5 interesting 10 talk to 6 nice 10 SC'('

7 easr to use

ci to sludy 2 10 ¡earn 3 10 buy 4 lo have 5 10 make 6 10 take 7 to argut' 8 lo mee!

2 VOCABULARY J'm Bill. ¡'m 16 and I've dccided lo ¡cave sehoo1. J'm going 10 ¡cave nexl weck. I'm hoping to gel a joo with cQmpulers bccause I'm planning lO makc 1015 of moner· ,'Ye traed to work hard but J'm nOI a very good studenl. Allthe Olner students understand and ¡earo 10 do things quickly bUI nol me. And I never remember to bring roy books 10 c1ass and always forger lo do rny homework.

I'd like to ¡eam l O fly because I wanl 10 be a pilol. BUI fi rst I need lo do a course. My malher offered 10 par for Ihe course but only if J promised 10 finish school!

1 PRONUNCIATlON a I renwnber 2 rtmtion 3 su~

4 dcilik 5 prc1m4 6 tOlll!lrrow 7adm 8es~


1 CRAMMAR a I lidying 2 going 3 making

4 eating Slalking 61ravclling

b l e 2a 3c 4f S d 6b

e I Writing 2 sending 3 imagining 4 driving Slislcning 6 Slaying 7 reading 8 gen ing up 9 laking lO going 1I gcning 12 having 13 Turning 141eaving

dilO gel 2 lO slop 3 working 4 lo sel up 5 eooking 6 10 open 7 lo spend 8 learning 9 gening up 10 eatehing II travelling 12 working 13 sailing 14 surfing 1510 move 161eaching 1710 be

2 PRONUNCIATlON a I .rin¡ing 2lan¡uage 3

4 futening 5 en~ng 6 relaxing 7 reIlKDlbering 8 preWlding

1 VOCABULARY le2d3f4a5e6b

1 CRAMMAR a 1 haye to 2 don't haye 10

3 doesn'l haye 10 4 has to 5 haye lo 6 don't haye 10 7 Does, haye lo, have 10 8 Does, haye lo, have 10

b I You mUSI faslen your safety beh. 2 You mUSI slop here. 3 You mUSIO't smoke. 4 You musl lurn left. 5 You musl wear a helmcl. 6 You musln'l walk o n Ihe grass.

e 1 don't haye to 2 musln'l 3 don't haye 10 4 musln'l 5 musln', 6 don'l have 10

2 PRONUNCIATION a I musXn't 2 lisXcn 3 haXf

4 WcMnesday 5 )(nees 6 Know 7 w¡(ile 8 si~n 8 w.\1k

1 VOCABULARY Brilish and American English are very similar.

2 English pronunciation can be quite diffieuh.

3 Lcarning Japanese isn't very easy. 4 1 think Hungarian is incredibly

eomplieated. 5 Czceh is a bil easíer. 6 Reading is a really useful way 10 leam


4 READ INC b 1 Ana 2 Ptlter, Sompong 3 Konrad

4 Elke 5 Péter

1 VOCABU LARY a I foolball 2 baseball 3 swimming

4 skiing 5 volleyball 6 lennis 7 rugby 8 aerohies 9 cyding \O golf

b 1 play 2 go 3 plays 4 go 5 docs 6 play

e I skiing 2 baseball 3 basketball 4 yolleyball 5 swimming

d I down 2 round 3 Ihrough 4 over 5 through

2 CRAMMAR a I is runníng across 2 is going through

3 is cyding up 4 are skiing down 5 is gening out of 6 are rowing round

b I round 2 out of 310 4 inlo 5 along 6 under 7 past 8 Ihrough 9 along \O towards 11 aeross

1 PRO NUNCI ATlON 101 over 1;>/ through loo! undeT

CAN YOU REM EMBER .. . ? I been 2 hasn', 3 more 4 mos! 5 10 6 doing 7 mustn' t 8 out


1 TAKINC SOMEiH INC BACK I boughl 2 decided 3 tricd 4 too 5 refund 6 here

2 SOC IAL ENCLlSH I What, think 2 Never 3 10vely 4 would, like 5 good, idea 6 losl

1 RE ADINC a I latest 2 boutiques 3 oyerlooks

4 ..... on'l break the bank 5 crowds 6 huge

b I Borders 2 Borders 3 Banana Republi, 4 Virgin Mcgastorc 5 Camper 6 Borders

Page 7: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key

GRAMMAR alc2a3f4bSe6d

b 1 takc 2 will break 3 hear 4 slay 5 will be 6 see 7 'I! get 8 will feel

e ID 2e 3F 4A SG 6B 7E

d puts, will come 2 see, will have 3 walk, will have 4 throw, makc, will come 5 d ig, wiU find 6 break, wil! havc 7 flíes, will have, kili, will have, will be

2 VOCABULARY 1 wcaring, carrying 2 won, earned 3 say, told 4 hoping, waited 5 watched, look al 6 knOWIl, me! 7 make, do 8 look, look, look like

J PRONUNCIATlON al b 2e3f4cSa6d

GRAMMAR , l had, would dr ive

2 saw, would be 3 wouldn', know, found 4 would, do, losl 5 were, would come 6 would buy, had

b Ir I saw a shark, ]'d be very frightened.

2 What would you do ir you saw a tire? 3 He'd go sailing ¡f he could swim . 4 If she won Ihe ¡oltery, she'J buy lols

of new clothes. 5 What would people do if Ihey

couldn', watch W? 6 I'd go 10 Ihe doctor's ir J weTC y Oll.

2 PRONUNCIATlON a 1 Qpen, micken, insecl

2 ahillu, afillQ, a.I1.J!d 3 fi nally, ª nimat, gQcod ite 4 dillition, mos.QJJ.ito, safuri

J VOCABULARY Across: 1 bear 3 tiger 4 etephant 7 sheep

Down: 1 butterfly 2 lion 3 eagte 6 horse

• READING b Sentence 2

1 GRAMMAR a 1 might go 2 might get

3 might continue 4 m ight rent 5 might ¡ive 6 might share 7 might not wanl 8 might fail 9 migh! halle to

b 1 might 2 may not 3 might 4 might S may not 6 might 7 might 8 may not

2 PRONUNCIATlON a 1 organi¡¡tion 2 inllili!tion 3 e~t ion

4 information S imagimtion 6 translat ion 7 communi.!;ation B degsion

J VOCABULARY a Verb: communicate, condude, correet,

eonfuse, demonstrate, injeet, organize, predict

Noun: cornmunication, conclusion, eorrection, eonfusion, demonstrat ion, injeetion, organization, predietion

b I eonclusion 2 communicatc 3 injeetion 4 demonstrat ion 5 prediclion 6 organize

• READING alT2F3 T 4FS T 6 T

7 F 8 T

1 GRAMMAR , l should, B

2 should, F 3 shouldn't, A 4 shouldn't, E 5 shouldn'l, D 6 should,C

b 1 should teU 2 shouldn't be

3 shouldn't go 4 should go S shoutd buy 6 should join 7 shouldn't wateh

e ID 2F 3A 4B se 6G 7E

2 PRONUNCIATION a 1 would 2 should 3 could

4 understood 5 good

J VOCABULARV 1 gett ing, worse 2 got, e-maíls 3 get, angry 4 get, t ickets S gel, on 6 gelS, home 7 get, married 8 is gening, ta tler 9'm geuing, off 10 got, losl

CAN YOU REMEMBER ... ? 1 lo 2 having 3 don't 4 Ihrough S won'l 6 woutd 7 mighl ! may 8 should


1 ASKING FOR MEDICINE 1 help 2 hurts 3 ha\'e 4 Are S think 6 m ighl 7 take 8 limes 90flen 10 much

2 SOCIAL ENGLlSH 1 Bless 2 How, sounds, shall, mind, choose 3 sorry, pity

J READING , l You must keep Ihis medicine

somewhere 53fe, 2 YOll should be careful nol to take loo

much of Ihis medicine. 3 You have lo turn your mobile off. 4 You ShOlltd be eareful with your

belongings. 5 You mustn't smokc here. 6 You should be careful or you might

fati oller. 7 You shoutdn't Icalle anything lIaluable

in your ear. 8 You shoutdn't drink Ihis water. 9 You musl make sure Ihat the door is

ncver left open. 10 You should be very careful if you' re

driving herc. ll You have to wait untíl a wai ter shows

you where to sir. 12 You mustn't use radios in this park.

I VOCABULARY 1 fr ightencd 2 terrified 3 wasps, spiders 4 panie S c10sed spaces 6 heights

2 GRAMMAR a 1 since 2 for 3 for 4 since

5 Since, for 6 sinee 7sinee 8 For, sinee

b 1 sinee 2 for 3 sinee 4 fo r 5 for 6 sinee 7 for 8 for 9 since 10 sinee

e 1 How long have, lived 2 When did, move out 3 How long have, been 4 How long has, been 5 When did, become 6 How long has, been 7 When did, get

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d I Gill has lived here for seven years. 2 How long has she been a professional

dancer? 3 They llave been married sinee 2000. 4 He has been in Frailee since February. 5 How long have yoll liad your car? 6 He's had Ihis job for eight years. 7 She has liad three homes since she

was horn. 8 My parenls ¡¡ved I llave ¡ived in Ihe

$ame housc for many years.

3 PRONUNCIATlON a I / iI 2 / i1 3 /nil 4 /ail 5 /ail 6 /iI

7 lail 8 / i1

I VOCABULARY I c 2d 3g 4 c 5b 6h 7f 8a

2 PRONUNCIATION a Stress on 2nd syUable: suc~ful,

camr, a~r, dillit, dirutor

Stress 00 1st syllable: fimous, gnema, riolence, ticket, ;Ktor

3 GRAMMAR a 1 've known 2 were 3 met 4 were

5 've been 6 went 7 were 8 ehose 9told 10 've been 11 've shared

b 1 have, lived 2 gOl, were 3 left, 've worked 4 did, go, took 5 have, had, bought 6 haven't scen, moved

4 READING a 1,6,3,7,5,4,2

b 1 was 2 did his family move 3 did he see 4 did he work 5 has he been married

elloI941.IOnJanuary5,1941. 2 In 1952. 3 (When he was) al seeondary school. 4 Foreighl years (from 196310 1971). 5 For 40 years.1 Since 1965.

I GRAMMAR a 1 Oid you use to enjoy

2 didn'l use lO Jike 3 used 10 be 4 Oid Colin use 10 work 5 didn't use to be 6 used lo live 7 didn'! use lo do 8 Oid he use to play

b 1 used 2 used to 3 didn't use lo 4 Oid you use 10 5 used 6 Oid yOllr children use 10


IsI friends ItII sehool Id?! great

3 VOCABULARY le 2g 3e 4b 5a 6f 7 h 8d

4 REAOING a t Where did you go 10 school?

2 Oid you ever get into lroubler 3 Whal subjects were you good at? 4 Oid rou have a favour ile teacher? 5 Whal did rou wanl 10 do when you

were young? 6 Whal 's Ihe mOSI importanl lesson

you've Jearned in !ife?

biT 2? 3 F 4? 5'1' 6F 7 F 8 T

I GRAMMAR a 1 Aspirin is used lO relieve pain.

2 The sandwich was named afier Ihe Earl of Sandwich.

3 SI PauJ's Calhedral was designed by Chrislopher \Vren.

4 This film is based on a true Slory. 5 The first erossword pu~..zle was

published in 1913. 6 The first uedit eard was issued by

Ihe Oiner's Club. 7 The fax maehine is no! used very

often these days. 8 Pcnicillin was discovercd by

Alexandcr Fleming.

b 1 Presidenl Kennedy was assassinaled in 1963.

2 Champagne is made in Franee. 3 What is your dog ealled? 4 Television was invented by John

Logie Baird. 5 This room is cleaned every moroing. 6 Her Aat was designed by a famous

arehi tect. 7 Slamps are only sold in the Post

Office. 8 Whcre were those shoes made? , 1 I was stopped by the police last nighl. 2 Crocodile Rock was sung by Elton

John. 3 All ¡he photographs al our wcdding

were laken by my cousin. 4 The heating is conlrollcd by a

eomputer. 5 The first World Cup was won by

Uruguay. 6 This wasn'l painted by Van Gogh! 7 Was Ihe telepholle invented by


2 VOCABULARY 1 desiglled 2 named 3 discovered 4 used 5 ereated 6 invente<! 7 made 8 recorded 9 written 10 based

3 PRONUNCIATION a Id! painted, bascd

I"JI cheeked, rained ItI discovered

CAN YOU REMEMBER ... ? I have 2 were 3 nOI 4 shouldn'¡ 5 long 6 d id 7 used 8 were


I BUYING TICKETS RClurn, please. How much is Ihat? 3 Thanks. Oh, can 1 get anything lo eat on

the train? 9 Can 1 have a tickel 10 Glasgow, picase? 1 Good. And whallime does it arrive? 7 Here you are. When does Ihe next lrain

leave? 5 That's Ll5.BO. 4 11 gets there al 12. 15. 8 Ves, thcre's a trolley scrvice wjlh snaeks

and drinks. 10 In ten minutes. 6 Single or reluro? 2

2 SOCIAL ENGLlSH 1 lookillg 2 lakc, ready 3 Why, wondered

Page 9: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key

3 READING a 1 can', 2 can 3 under 4 can

5a&er 6$12 7don'thaveto 8 mus!

I GRAMMAR a 1 nobody 2 anything 3 somebody

4 anywhere 5 anyone 6 something 7 anything 8 sornewherc 9 anywhere

blF 2T 3F 4 T SF 6T 7T

2 PRONUNCIATlON a le! seven, hetp, stressful, never, besl,


/ou/ sofu, go, don't, close, no, horne

/AI Sunday, nothing, lunch, stucly, bunon, something

3 VOCABULARY 1 ¡ired 2 rclaxing 3 horing 4 depresseJ 5 interesting 6 exciting 7 tiring 8 relaxed 9 bored 10 depressing 11 interested 12 excitcd

4 READING a 1 Sundayevening 2 Ihe wioler

3 Ch ristmas 4 Monday morning 5 Ihe summer holidays 6 lunchtime 7 New Year's Eve

I VOCABULARY 1 producer 2 calendar 3 stressed 4 close 5 verdict 6 free 7 diel 8 social 9 water 10 skin

2 GRAMMAR a Id 2g 3b 4f 5e 6h 7 e 8a

b 1 enough money 2 big enough 3 enough wind 4 hol enough 5 a few 6 a [ittJe 7 a few 8 a tilde 9 a few 10 a liule

3 PRONUNCIATlON a IAI young, 5unscreen, month

lu:! fruit , food, sludio laú wine, diel, exercise leI frien d, stress, many

4 READING alT2F 3 T4 FS T 6T

7 T 8T

I VOCABULARY alto pick up 2 Turn, down 3 pick, up

4 call, back S Give, back 6 Take, back

b 1 turn on 2 wakc, up 3 go back 4 take off S look for 6 look after 7 give up 8 look up 9 mI in 10 throw away

2 GRAMMAR , 1 fill in this form I fiH this form in

2 wake him up 3 got up al 6.30 4 write il down 5 pul your dolhcs away I pul away

your dothes 6 caH you back

b Can you lurn it up? 2 1 lookcd after them for an hour. 3 1'11 give il back (lO you) tomorrow. 4 Shall ¡Iook il up? 5 Have you Ihrown it away? 6 He gelS on with them very well. I

He gelS on very weH with Ihem.

3 PRONUNCIATlON a Igl regular, great, immigration, glass

Idy vcgetablcs, energetic, a1!ergic, generaUy

4 READING a I pUl up 2 sit down 3 gel on

4 slay up S gel into 6 get up 7 turn on

1 GRAMMAR a I am 2 Neither 3 So 4 were

S would

blSodol. 2 SodidL 3 Neither do 1. 4 Ncither am J. 5 So can 1. 6 So have 1. 7 So would 1. 8 So did 1.

2 VOCABULARY 1 similar 2 so 3 both 4 as S1ikc 6 both 7 so 8 neither

3 PRONUNCIATlON a 1 i.skntical 2 a.d.wll 3 hi!by

4 ili!dcnt S ~ercise 6 polítical 7 inrutigate S persomlity 9 Iill:d ical \O rOIlliilltic


7 F 8 F

CAN YOU REMEMBER ... ? I for 2 has 3 use 4 wri tten S anylhing 6 much 7 0n 8 So


1 MAKING PHONE CALLS Id 2h 3i 4a 5b 6 f 7c Se 9g

2 SOCIAL ENGLlSH 1 cverything 2 thal 3 Whal 's 4 Checrs S [ don't

3 READING a $entence 2

Ik 2a 3h 4c S m 6b 7g 8n 9d IQf 11i l 2e ¡3j 14l

GRAMMAR a I hadn't watered 2 'd forgonen

3 hadn't done 4 'd read 5 had started

b Had you seen il before? 2 Had you read it before? 3 Had they been there before? 4 Had you caten them before? S Had he tlown one before?

c 1 After 1 had lurned off the light, 1 gOl into bed.

2 After Cindy had gOl dresscd, shc wenl 10 work.

3 After 1 had seen the film, 1 read the book.

4 When Ben had copied my nOles, he gave Ihem back to me.

S After Kathy and Tom had done some cxercisc, they had a shower.

d 1 had met 2 finally discovered 3 had been 4 hadn't losl S had seen 6 had left 7 had pul 8 heard 9 wenl 10 had broken II had alrcady left 12 hadn't slolen

Page 10: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key

2 PRO NU NCIATlON a ti:! week, people, screamed

10:1 fast, asked.last Icú name, behave, gavc hJ hit , Sil, hospital

3 VOCABULARY 1 slrangely 2 suddenly 3 accidentally 4 immedialely 5 suddenly 6 Luckily 7 unforlunately 8 immediately

I GRAM MAR a ! lived in asma]! {la¡

2 didn't like il mueh 3 was sludying English 4 had becn lo New York 5 hadll'! rcad Ihe paper 6 had woken up really rarly 7 had gol horne al 11.00 8 wculdn', forget

b I He asked me if 1 wanled a coffee. 2 He askcd me if 1 was a ncw sludent. 3 He askcd me if ,'d bun Ihere long. 4 He asked me where my parents [¡ved. S He asked me wha! 1 was sludying. 6 He asked me whefe ¡'d gone 10 school. 7 He asked me if 1 was interestcd in

computers. 8 He asked me .... 11al rny mobile


e 1 Do, wanl 2 don'! like 3 '11 talk 4 can take 5 've broken 6 will, do 7 don', wanl 8 11 wait

2 VO CABULARY a 1 told 2 asked 3 said

5 said 6 askcd

b 1 told 2 said 3 told 5 told 6 asked

3 PRONUNCIATlON a 1 ~ad, went

2 saw, caught 3 stood, should 4 paid, made 5 prcferred, heard 6 cried, tried 7 told, sold

4 askcd

4 askcd

CAN YOU REMEMBER •.• ? 1 nobody 2 many 3 them 4 did 5 had 6 gone 7 was 8 ir

Page 11: Pre-Intermediate Workbook Key


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