Page 1: Technical terms for editing


Editing (Moesha)

Page 2: Technical terms for editing

Shot Reverse Shot

Shot reverse shot is a film technique where one character is shown looking at another character (off-screen), and then the other character is shown looking back at the first character. Since the characters are shown facing in opposite directions, the viewer thinks that they are looking at each other.

Shot Reverse Shot

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Establishing Shot

A long shot, often the first in a sequence, which establishes the positions of elements relative to each other and identifies the setting. Usually an extreme long or long shot offered at the beginning of a scene or sequence providing the viewer with the context of the subsequent closer shots.

Location: School

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Cross Cutting

Swiftly cutting backwards and forwards between more than one scene. The alternating of shots from two sequences, often in different locales, to suggest the sequences are taking place simultaneously.

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Eye line Matching

When a character looks into off-screen space the spectator expects to see what he or she is looking at so there will be a cut to show what is being looked at:



another character

example, character A will look off-screen at character B. Cut to character B, who is in the same room and engaged.

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Graphic Matching

A visual rhyme between two following shots.

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180 Degree Rule

The convention that the camera can be placed in any position as long as it remains on one side of the action.

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Matching on Action

A cut between two shots of the same action from different positions, giving an impression of seamless simultaneity.