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Topics Covered in Textbook Synergy Science 8 Science Probe 8ChapterSections/PagesTopic

Appendix391-399Microscope and Equipment

Appendix375-386Thinking as a Scientist

Chap 1allCells

Chap 2allCells and Cell Systems

Chap 33.1, 3.2, 3.5 &3.6Human Body Systems

Chap 4allProperties of Fluids

Chap 55.4 5.8Uses of Fluids

Chap 6allFluids and Living Things

Chap 7allWater Cycle

Chap 8allWater Features

Chap 99.4 only and Lab SafetyWater and Our World

Chap 10allSources and Properties of Light

Chap 11allMirrors and Lenses

Chap 12allLight and Vision

NotesThe Scientific Method