
-Twitter Overview -Twitter Terms

& Anatomy of a Tweet

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-Case Studies

What is Twitter?

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Check out our latest blog post by @JoselinMane "Not -So-Quiet Riot: Why Boston’s #RubyRiot Was a Success"


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Great #Boston @foursquare story via @wbz @BostonTweet @SteveGarfield @TurnerFisheries @boloco #lbschat #4sqchat @dens

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Logo (250x250 pixels)Bio


Profile Links (Sidebar) Branding

• What are people saying about your brand?

• How are going to deal with customer service issues if they arise?

• How many people will be tweeting for your company and when?

• Strategize so you can execute effectively


should you follow?




Turner FisheriesCase Study

Background• June 2008

• Lunch closed

• No social presence

• No blended solution

• Dinner 100 covers on busiest night

Approach• Facebook Lunches

• Cross-Media Events

ReputableTwitter Users

Facebook Feedback

Increased Following

Results• Dinner 400 Covers

• Lunch 80-100 Covers

• Weekly Oyster Fridays

House of Blues Ticket Give-away

Case Study


•To generate more traffic to House of Blues (HOB) Restaurant

•Increase Brand awareness and Increase following (currently 705)

•Begin training followers to be responsive and alert to HOB Tweets


•Contest:AC/DC Giveaway

•Contest Length- 4:45pm-6pm

Dialogue With Contest Entrants

Results•20 tweets in first 40 mins

•Final Following 745 Followers (40 new followers in less than 2hrs)

•In less than 24hr following grew from 705 to 760 (55 new followers) from 1 tweet that was sent during rush hour 4:50pm.

Twitter Mistakes

How Not to Run a Twitter Promotion

LiveNation is an example of a company not fully understanding how to best run a tweeter contest.

Rule 1: Make the contest easy to understand, participate & share.

Rule 2: Twitter is a fast paced medium, provide a fast paced contest. There is no compelling reason why winners need to wait to know they won.

Joselin Mane Chief Social Media Strategist

100 N Washington St,