Anxiety Disorder: Symptoms, Diagnostic Criteria N Treatment

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Anxiety Disorder definition, symptoms, differential diagnosis and Psychotherapies

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ANXIETY DISORDERSAs Anxiety disorders, as the term suggests, has an

unrealistic, irrational fear or anxiety of disabling intensity at its core and its principal and most obvious manifestation.

AGORAPHOBIA: Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or in which help may not be available in the event of having an unexpected panic attacks or panic-like symptoms.

PANIC ATTACKS: A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort which developed abruptly and reached a peak within 10 minutes.

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• Panic disorder Panic disorder with agoraphobia or without agoraphobia

• Phobic disorder Specific Phobias Social Phobias

• Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)• Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)• Acute Stress Disorder (ASD)

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PANIC DISORDER Panic disorder defined as the occurrence

of unexpected panic attacks.Panic disorder with agoraphobia

characterized by both recurrent unexpected panic attacks and agoraphobia.

Panic disorder without agoraphobia characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attacks.

Symptoms: 1. persistent concern of having attack. 2. Worry about the implications of attack.

3. A significant change in behavior related to attack.

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• COURSE AND PREVALENCE:• Age at onset for panic disorder varies but

lay between late adolescence and mid-30s. • Lifetime prevalence of panic disorder

reported to be high as 3.5% and one year prevalence rate are between 0.5% and 1.5%.

• Duration: at least one month • Differential Diagnosis: Panic disorder is not

diagnosed , if panic attacks are judged to be direct physiological consequence general medical condition or substance. In panic disorder avoidance is associated with anxiety of having a panic attack but in other disorders it is associated with concern about harmful consequence of feared object or situation. In Panic disorder with agoraphobia fear of having unexpected panic attack with avoidance of multiple situations and in specific phobia or social phobia it to specific situations.

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PHOBIC DISORDER A persistent and disproportionate fear of some specific

object or situation that presents little or no actual danger to person.

Specific phobias: is characterized by clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure of specific feared object or situation, often leading to avoidance.

Specific types: Animal type: feared cued by animal or insect Natural Environment type: feared cued by object in natural environment like

storm, water or height. Blood Injection type: fear cued by receiving injection or seeing blood. Situational type: fear cued by situation such as tunnels bridges, elevator. Other type: fear of choking, vomiting, contracting illness.

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Course and Prevalence

• Age onset for specific phobia lay between childhood to mid-20s.

• In community samples current prevalence rate ranges from 4% to 8.8% and lifetime prevalence rates ranges from 7.2% to 11.3%.

• Duration: at least 6 months. • Differential Diagnosis:

Social phobia. Post-traumatic stress disorder Obsessive Compulsive disorder Hypochondrias Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa

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SOCIAL PHOBIA Is characterized by clinically significant

anxiety provoking by exposure to certain types of social or performance situation, which people exposed to unfamiliar people or to scrutiny by others.

The individual fears that he or she will act in a way that will be humiliating or embarrassing.

Duration: at least 6 months.

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Course and Prevalence: It has an onset in the mid-teens. Studies have reported a lifetime prevalence of

social phobia ranging from 3% to 13%. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS

Separation Anxiety disorder Generalized Anxiety disorder Schizoid Personality disorder performance anxiety, stage fright and shyness

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OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER Obsessive Compulsive Disorder characterized by

obsessions(which cause marked anxiety) and by compulsions( which serve to neutralize anxiety)

Obsession: are persistent thoughts, ideas, impulses, or images that seem to invade a person’s consciousness.

Compulsions: are repetitive and rigid behavior or mental act that a person feels compelled to perform to reduce distress or anxiety. :

Types Verbal compulsion: compel them to repeat expressions, phrases. Touching rituals: must touch or avoid touching certain items Counting compulsion: driven to count the things they see around them.

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Course and Prevalence

Community studies have estimated a lifetime prevalence of 2.5% and 1 year prevalence of 0.5%-2.1% in adults. OCD prevalence is similar in many different cultures.

Age onset is earlier in males than females: between age 6 and 15 for males and between age 20 and 29 years for females.

Differential diagnosis: • OCD is not diagnosed if the content of thoughts or activities related to another mental

disorder like Body Dysmorphic disorder or Specific phobia. • Major depressive disorder.• Generalized Anxiety disorder.• Hypochondrias. • Additional diagnosis of delusional disorder or psychotic disorder not otherwise specified

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Excessive anxiety and worry occurring more days than not for at least 6 months about number of events and activities.

Symptoms: • Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge• Being easily fatigue• Irritability & muscle tension• Sleep disturbance• Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank

Course and prevalence: • Onset occurring after age 20 years.• 1 year prevalence rate for GAD was 3% and lifetime rate was 5%.

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Differential Diagnosis GAD should be made only when the focus

of the anxiety and worry is unrelated to other disorder like • Panic disorder• Obsessive Compulsive disorder• Hypochondrias• Separation Anxiety disorder • Post-traumatic Stress disorder.

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Posttraumatic Stress Disorder PTSD is characterized by the re-experiencing of an

extremely traumatic event accompanied by the symptoms of increased arousal and by avoidance of stimuli associated with trauma.

Symptoms:• Nightmares• Sleep disturbances • Startle responses• Anger outburst• Regressive behavior• Detachment • Avoidance of trauma recollections• Avoidance of talk of trauma • Distress at exposure to similar stimuli

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Course and Prevalence

PTSD can occur at any age, including childhood. Community based studies reveal a lifetime prevalence

for PTSD approximately 8% of adult population in United States.

Duration: Acute: duration of symptoms less than 3 months. Chronic: duration of symptoms last 3 months or longer. With Delayed onset: 6 months have passed between the traumatic

event and the onset of symptoms.

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Differential Diagnosis Acute Stress disorder Adjustment disorder Flash backs in PTSD should also be

distinguished from hallucinations, illusions and other perceptual disturbances.

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ACUTE STRESS DISORDER Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) is

characterized by symptoms similar to those PSTD that occur immediately in the aftermath of an extremely traumatic event.

Symptoms:• Depersonalization.• Dissociative amnesia (inability to recall traumatic events).• Subjective sense of numbing, detachment or emotional

responsiveness.• De realization.

Traumatic event is persistently re-experienced • Thoughts.• Recurrent images.• Flashback episode.• Sense of reliving the experience.• Distress on exposure to reminders of traumatic events.

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Marked symptoms of anxiety or increased arousal • difficulty in sleeping.• irritability• poor concentration• hyper vigilance• motor restlessness• exaggerated startle response

Course and Prevalence• Symptoms experienced during or immediately after the

trauma, last for at least 2 days, and maximum 4 weeks and occur within 4 weeks of the traumatic event.

• ASD in few available studies, rates ranging from 14% to 33% have been reported in individuals exposed to severe trauma.

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Differential Diagnosis

Distinguish from mental disorder due to general medical condition( e.g. head injury) and from Substance Induced disorder (e.g. related alcohol intoxication.

Major depressive disorder in diagnosed in addition to the diagnosis of Acute stress disorder.

PTSD Adjustment Disorder

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The Psychodynamic Theory The Humanistic- Existential Theory The Behavioral Theory The Neuroscience Theory The Cognitive Theory The Socio-cultural Theory

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THE PSYCHODYNAMIC THEORY The fundamental concept is that anxiety is at the

root of neurosis. Anxiety stemmed in the form of unacceptable ID

impulses attempting to break through into consciousness and behavior.

In all neurosis the relief of anxiety is sought through various defense mechanism.

For example, in panic attack, the cause that is id impulse moves closer to the boundaries of conscious mind, resulting in rapid building up of anxiety. The ego responds with desperate effort to repression, once the ego regain upper hand the impulse once again safely repressed.

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Humanistic- existential theorists describe anxiety as the outcome of the conflict between the individual and society.

According to humanists the source of neurosis is the discrepancy between the self concept and the ideal self.

If the way we perceive ourselves is very different from the way we would like to be, we feel incapable of meeting life’s challenges, and anxiety results.

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THE BEHAVIORAL THEORYAccording to behaviorists avoidance is a

response learned to relieve anxiety. For example, Agoraphobia is a strategy to

avoid panic attacks in public.Avoidance learning is a major source of

anxiety and is two-stage process:1) Through respondent conditioning, a neutral

stimulus becomes anxiety arousing.2) The avoidance response relieves anxiety through

negative reinforcement and becomes habitual.

Another way of acquiring fear reactions is through modeling.

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THE NEUROSCIENCE THEORY Anxiety disorders appear to have genetic

basis.In Norwegian study, the concordance rate

for panic disorder in MZ twins was 31 percent, as opposed to 0 percent for D twins (Torgersen, 1983).

Abnormalities in the neurotransmitters gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA) and serotonin may have a particular role in susceptibility to generalized anxiety disorder.

Serotonin is a major player in OCD and social phobia.

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THE COGNITIVE THEORY According to the cognitive theory, people with

anxiety disorders misperceive or misinterpret internal and external stimuli.

Events that are not really threatening, and anxiety results.

In the case of panic disorder, if a person upon experiencing unusual bodily sensations catastrophically, as a signal that he or she is about to pass out or have a heart attack, then panic could result.

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According to socio-cultural theorists, phobic and GAD are more likely to develop in people who are confronted with societal pressure.

Stressful changes have occurred in the society have also increased the prevalence of anxiety disorders.

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PSYCHOLOGICAL TREATMENT FOR ANXIETY DISORDER• Systematic Desensitization• Flooding and Implosive Therapy• Modeling• Exposure Treatment • Group Therapy• Rational-emotive behavior therapy• Self-instruction training• Relaxation training• Biofeedback training• Crisis intervention therapy

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• Do you become anxious when you face anything that reminds

you of that traumatic event?

• Are you afraid that you will be in a situation where you will

not be able to escape?

• Do you feel that you worry excessively about many things?

• What is the differential diagnosis of panic disorder with

agoraphobia with specific phobias?

• How can anxiety disorder can be treated through systematic


• What is psychodynamic view regarding anxiety disorders?

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REFERENCES Barlow. D. H & Durand. V. M., (2002). Abnormal Psychology An Integrative Approach. (3 rd Ed). Published by Wadsworth Group

, Belmont, USA.

Bootzin. R. R., Accocella. J. R & Alloy. L. B., (1972). Abnormal Psychology Current Perspectives. (6 th Ed). Published by

McGraw-Hill-Inc, New York.

Carson. R.C., Butcher J. N & Mineka. S., (2001). Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life. ( 11 th Ed). Published by Pearson

education, Inc. and Dorling Kindersley Publishing Inc.

Comer. R. J., (1995). Abnormal Psychology. (2nd Ed). Published by W. H. Freeman and Company, USA.

American Psychiatric Association (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed (DSM–IV). Washington,


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