Corporate communication PRESENTATION BY, K.Prabakaran

Business communication

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Page 1: Business communication

Corporate communication


K . P r a b a k a r a n

Page 2: Business communication

Business communication is the process of communicating

for the purpose of business transactions for ensuring mutual

understanding and business benefit.

Business communication

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Business communication is transaction

Most of the business communication is transactional.

It involves a give and take relationship between the sender and the receiver in order to establish a common understanding.

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In the business world, good communication is important for the daily operation of the organization.

If we don’t have good communication it will affect sales and profit of company.

Good communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining strong working relationships at all levels of an organization.

Important of communication

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When people within the organization communicate with each other,it is internal communication.

Internal communication is face-to-face communication.

Most of the internal communication is inside of the organization.

Internal communications is mostly between managers and employees, and communications between peers.

Internal communication

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External communication is any communication between a business and the outside world.

Public relations statements, press releases, marketing materials, commercials, and articles and books written by the business are all examples of external communication.

External communication

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Build customer relationship.

Motivate Team.

Strengthen partnership.

Benefits of business communication

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Component of business communication

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A source or sender is one of the basic concepts of communication process.

Sources are objects which encode message data and transmit the information to the receivers.


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The first step the sender is faced with involves the encoding process.

Encoding is used to convey meaning of message.

The sender must begin encoding, which means translating information into a message in the form of symbols that represent ideas or concepts.

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The sender's decision to utilize either an oral or a written channel for communicating process.

The medium by which the communications travels from sender to receiver.

Chanel means transmitting the message (paper,speaker,etc ).


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Decoding stage is conducted by the receiver.

It’s main function is convert the original message form from


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Receiver is nothing but receive the message or data from sender.


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Response is the reaction of receiver has after seeing or hearing or reading message.

Feedback is the part of the receiver’s response that in communication back to the sender.


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MEANING: It is in the form of official messages or news that flow through recognized channels or routes formally laid by the organization

This communication may take place between a superior and subordinate, a subordinate and superior or among employees at same level or departmental managers.

Type Of Formal Communication

* Vertical communication



* Horizontal communication

Formal communication

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Formal communication

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The communication by top hierarchy with their subordinates is called downward communication.

This communication includes orders, rules, information, policies, instructions.

Downward communication

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This is quite the reverse of the downward communication.

This flows from the subordinates to the superiors.

The subject-matter of this communication includes suggestions, reactions, reports, complaints.

Upward communication

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Horizontal communication takes place when two individuals of the same level exchange information.

The subject-matter of horizontal communication is information, requests, suggestions, mutual problems and coordination-related information.


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Single chain



Free flow

Inverted v

Formal communication network

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Single chain

Exists between a superior

and his subordinates

Communication flows

from every superior to his

subordinates through

single chain.




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All subordinates

communicate through one

superior who acts as a hub

to the wheel.

The subordinates are not

allowed to talk among







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Communication moves in a


Each person can

communicate with its

adjoining persons

Communication flow is






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This form of communication also takes place among the different

members of the group.

Its special feature is that every member of the group can talk to all

the other people in the group.

Communication flow is fast.

Free flow

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Inverted V

In this form of communication, a subordinate is permitted to communicate with the boss of his boss.

In this form of communication the messages move at a rapid speed.

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