Digital Day Conference Synopsis : Toronto

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Digital Day ConferenceToronto, Canada November 7, 2011A synopsis of the Digital Day event

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Digital Day Conference

A synopsis of the DigitAl DAy eventtoronto, CAnADA november 7, 2011

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Paul Godfrey kicked off diGital day with this: “a year aGo, we declared Post Media diGital first. those that adaPt succeed. those that don’t chanGe will disaPPear.”

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how Much lonGer will conferences be orGanized into diGital and traditional seGMents? after sPendinG the day at the diGital day conference in toronto this noveMber, it was obvious that this wasn’t an event for those resPonsible for MarketinG, Media and advertisinG in the diGital sPace - it truly was for everyone. no lonGer can we afford to Push thinGs off to the diGital teaM to fiGure out. technoloGy is soMe-thinG that touches every brand and can coMPliMent every tyPe of caMPaiGn.

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over the Past few years it aPPears that soMe brands are still waitinG for the diGital revolution. that what they want is a defininG MoMent that says, “now. now is the tiMe to invest in social, Mobile, tablet, etc.” what this conference Pointed out is that if a revolution is haPPeninG - in canada at least - it’s a quiet one. and it’s haPPeninG now.

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one of the first sPeakers of the day, steve levy froM iPsos reid, shared this: 30% of canadians have sMart Phones; the use of tablets doubled froM January 2011 to october 2011; and 91% of canadians used search enGines to find a brand or a Product online.

the technoloGy is beinG used by averaGe canadians, not Just by early adoPters.

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the last sPeaker of the day, sonia verMa, a rePorter froM the Globe and Mail, sPoke of a not-so-quiet revolution takinG Place across africa and the Middle east.

here, technoloGy and social networks such as facebook and twitter were iGnored by leaders as beinG trivial“datinG sites” and well, we know how that worked out for hosni Mubarak.

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this synoPsis will hiGhliGht soMe of the key learninGs froM Many of the sPeakers durinG the day.

the takeaway for us was that there is a riGht strateGy for every brand, so Get on board. this is a test and learn environMent, not wait and see. so have a read. hoPefully this will start soMe discussions within your orGanization.

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lauGh, sinG, Play - diGital content creationbaron Manett, senior vice-President, ariad custoM coMMunications, Moderator

Marc dinsdale, director and General ManaGer, roGers diGital Media, sPorts

walter levitt, executive vice-President, MarketinG, coMedy central

chris taylor, ceo, last GanG entertainMent, lawyer, taylor MitsoPulos klein oballa

this content is a suMMation of the first Panel Presentation

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i think Most brands understand the iMPortance of creatinG their own con-tent. there’s no Point investinG in a bloG, or even settinG uP a twitter handle if there’s no (valuable) content there.

the tricky Part is creatinG the content. or, More to the Point, creatinG Good content that PeoPle care about and want to read. this Panel looked at soMe of the challenGes and solutions that these brands have eMPloyed to build a followinG and keeP theM interested.

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they are seen as a tv channel and diGital is one way of receivinG tv content. but where they want to be is seen as havinG unique diGital content. the reason is that even as Media coMPany, they are coMPet-inG aGainst so Many others: traditional Media coMPanies, coMedians, live Per-forMers, etc.

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so where can this unique and oriGinal content coMe froM?

in soMe cases, it’s coMinG froM the fans. for both sPortsnet and coMedy central, they see their diGital ProPerties as a Place for fans to coMMent, curate and direct.

it’s about buildinG a PlatforM that could Potentially lead to additional content and ProGraMMinG.

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chris taylor froM last GanG records Pointed to that last k-os release as a Great exaMPle of this. the tracks were released online and they let the fans reMix it.

this led to a contest for the best reMix, and froM there, another albuM of the best reMixed tracks was released. it’s equal Parts crowd sourcinG and fan curation/content creation.

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the takeaway here is that you have to Put the audience first. the tactics and channels will bubble uP based on how your tarGet wants to consuMe your content not the way you want to Push your content out.

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steve levy, President iPsos reid - east

the canadian diGital MarketinG Pulse

this content is a suMMation of the first Panel Presentation

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there is a shift in sentiMent in the canadian MarketinG industry when it coMes to Media sPend. eMail, online and social is on the rise while traditional sPendinG is GoinG down. in 2011 there were 17 different coMPonents of diGital Media that iPsos reid collected data on. this ranGed froM seo, seM, twitter and online video to daily deals and facebook.

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eMail and seMcateGory 1 eMail and seM

eMailthis is the Most Mature coMPonent of the diGital Mix. it’s used very often by 70% of Marketers and 65% of aGencies.

9 in 10 canadian consuMers have received a ProMotional eMail and 5 in 10 have re-sPonded.

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twitter and social networkinG cateGory 2 social

twitterin 2011, 44% of Marketers and 39% of aGencies used twitter very often, but it’s been used Mainly as a custoMer service channel.

so how do canadian feel about twitter? in october 2011 94% were aware of twitter and 11% were actively usinG it.

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Mobile and tablets cateGory 3 Mobilewhen asked, 19% of Marketers and 31% of aGencies said that they use Mobile or tablets in caMPaiGns often.

froM the Public’s PersPective, 25% notice ads while browsinG on a sMart Phone and 16% are resPondinG - not nearly as Much as eMail MarketinG, but it is GrowinG fast.

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Pov of brands and aGencieswho does the industry think is doinG diGital really well?

kraft 1%coke 3%ford 1% starbucks 5% best buy1%

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takeawaythere needs to be More strateGy in diGital. it’s not Just a tactic. we also can’t Just Put a Print caMPaiGn online and call it true diGital.

the best Practices in diGital continue to be the best Practices in traditional - know your consuMers, understand how they interact with the MediuM and Give theM MeaninGful content.

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shoPPer MarketinG PanelJoe strolz, vice-President, Microsoft advertisinG, Moderator

lisa bradner, chief client services & Growth officer, GeoMentuM

erin Green, director of MarketinG, dealuxe.ca

anGela scardillo, vice-President, MarketinG and coMMunications, best buy canada

this content is a suMMation of the shoPPer MarketinG Panel

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diGital shoPPer MarketinGwe’ve talked a lot about the diGital Path to Purchase. the truth is, diGital is enGrained in the way that PeoPle shoP. there are different tactics that can be used Pre-shoP, durinG the shoPPinG exPerience and Post-shoP but at the end of the day, this is about brands sPeakinG to PeoPle.

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lookinG at diGital shoPPer MarketinGdurinG this Panel discussion, three theMes eMerGed:

1. Media consuMer fraGMentation

canadians have 25% More devises than they’ve ever had. 30% of tv tiMe is tiMe they share with other Media such as a tablet or Mobile Phone.

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lookinG at diGital shoPPer MarketinG

2. social Plus local Plus Mobile

30% shoPPers are usinG their Mobile Phone in the aisles while they Make a Purchase decision. but they’re not GoinG to review sites as Much as they Go to true friends and faMily.

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lookinG at diGital shoPPer MarketinG

3. the econoMy has led to a quest for value

shoPPers are seekinG better value and as Part of this quest, are doinG More advanced research than they ever have before.

they are usinG different channels to aid in their decision MakinG. this results in fewer visits to retailers. where a shoPPer would have Previously visited five dealer-shiPs Prior to buyinG a car, they now only Go to one or two.

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best buy’s Povfocus on location based MarketinG and beinG truly enGaGinG in the diGital sPace, not Just servinG an ad.

when a shoPPer enters a best buy, 80% have done their research and are ready to buy.

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takeawaythere Must be a value exchanGe between the brand, the consuMer and retailer. brands need to build Genuine coMMunities online.

service online is key.

don’t Get buried by the diversity or coMPlexity of technoloGy. instead, Meet your custoMer’s huMan needs.

facilitatinG conversations is key in the Path to Purchase.

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this content is a suMMation of the tablet Presentation

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what do we know about tablets and canadians?11% of north aMericans and 6% of canadians have iPads. and there have been 1.5 Million tablets sold in canada

but what are they doinG with their tablets? not enGaGinG brands. the reason for this is that the MaJority of brands have develoPed useless aPPs. they neither entertain nor inforM.

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who has created a Great aPP?charMin’s sit or squat aPP allows users to Mark the best and worst Public washrooMs in north aMerica.

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tablet adoPtionthe tablet is still a luxury Good, not a necessity. but when the Price Point coMes down is when we’ll start to see More adoPtion and More PeoPle coMinG to website via tablet.

but what haPPens when they Get there?

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tablet adoPtionwe see tablets beinG a Part of the retail ecosysteM and environMent.

and who has Produced the Most aPPs?disney, of course. they have created More than any other toP 100 brand with close to 600 aPPs.

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the social consuMer

this content is a suMMation of the social consuMer Presentation

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your consuMer is social - is your brand?every industry and vertical is GoinG to be rethouGht in a social way.

Marketers Must:1. Market with a social curve2. enGaGinG across MultiPle screens3. create caMPaiGns with PurPose

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shoPPinG is a social exPerience, we all know that. it’s e-coMMerce that has been Made in an anti-social way.

so we Must now re-think this for the social shoPPer and look at how we can create social coMMerce.

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s-coMMercethe social coMMerce Market is GrowinG to $30 billion in the next five years. there are over 100 Million likes on facebook each day.

how can brands and retailers take advantaGe of this?

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s-coMMerceoffer exclusivity. brands are sellinG direct to consuMers on facebook now. an exaMPle of this is the burberry facebook PoP-uP.

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s-coMMerceallow your Product to be shared offline. heinz souP that you can buy, custoMize and send.

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s-coMMerceMake sellinG a Part of your social Presence. httP://youtu.be/2Mbof 2-Gfta

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s-coMMercecreate a Product with PurPose. it allows Me to see which of My facebook friends are GoinG to a show and where they are sittinG.

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infosocialize your Mobile aPP. audiovrooM Picks uP on the likes you have for bands in facebook and finds other bands that you MiGht like.

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so what?diGital inteGration in everythinG we do is key. these diGital touchPoints have to be incorPorated into caMPaiGns not as a tactic, but as a strateGic Part of the whole.

diGital and social have PurPoses. Make theM:

• Engaging• EntErtaining• inhErEntly Social• EaSy for SomEonE to buy• EaSy for SomE to find purpoSE

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so what?diGital inteGration in everythinG we do is key. these diGital touchPoints have to be incorPorated into caMPaiGns not as a tactic, but as a strateGic Part of the whole.

diGital and social have PurPoses. Make theM:

• Engaging• EntErtaining• inhErEntly Social• EaSy for SomEonE to buy• EaSy for SomE to find purpoSE

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