Engaging Students with Humor

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LOL Teacher! Engaging Students with Humor Our students come to us with all types of stress! Work stress! Trac! Arguments! Im hungry! Im 7red! I dont understand! Im having a bad day! April Fools Day is near! I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living. ~ Dr. Seuss Strangeness by Temari 09, Flickr Encourage play & humor! Supports relationship building Improves health Prepares the mind for learning Benefits? Enhances the classroom atmosphere Helps teachers avoid burn-out! Relax students during tes7ng Ease them into a dicult subject Critical times? Plan it in the presentation! Introduce a Difcult Topic Image Memes Memegenerator.net Your turn! Recreate one. Memegenerator.net Keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk Have fun with the delivery! Reconsider your teaching materials! Photoprompts.tumblr.com Learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/make-your-own/ make-your-monster Learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/make-your-own/ make-your-monster Zimmertwins.com Goanimate.com Create Motivational Posters Bighugelabs.com/motivator.php Classtools.net/SMS Text Chats Genkienglish.net/howRU.htm Joke Mingle Students memorize a joke Have students in pairs facing each other. Give them 30 seconds to a minute to tell their jokes. Blow the whistle. They must tell their jokes to different students. Optional: a checklist- Was it funny? Did you get it? Fun Apps Freakngenius.com/yak/8024 Animated Dialogues with YakIt Kids IOS App Chatterpix Kids IOS App Talking Ben & Tom News IOS/Android Have them create comics! Comics Head Lite IOS/ Android App MakebeliefsComics.com & IOS App BitStrips FB, IOS, Android App PhotoFunia IOS/Android App Photofunia.com http://pear.ly/bPEBH Bit.ly/eltlinks Pear.ly/bPEBH ShellyTerrell.com