How students see the EUCIP Core examination Student questionnaire

EUCIP Core Student questionnaire

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How students see the EUCIP Core examination

Student questionnaire

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Its role in the project

• Learning about students’ opinion• Taking experiences into account• Validating our work

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• Questionnaire– Closed questions (multiple choice)– Open questions

• 21 questions, online

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Selecting the language

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Understandability of questions

• To what extent were they understandable?

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Difficulty of the material

• Compared to the expectations how difficult was the examination?

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Supporting the preparation

• To what extent did the learning materials support the preparation?

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Learning material: up-to-date?

• To what level must knowledge be up-to-date for the test?

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• In English, or in Hungarian?• What is preparation like?• Using online materials• Further notes

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Suggestions, observations

• Up-to-date learning material• EUCIP Core must be supported• Both in Hungarian and English• Preparation• Written and online materials

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Thank you for your attention!

Lajos Péter TóthÖveges József Vocational and

Grammar SchoolBalatonfűzfő

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