Kayan Lahwi women

Kayan lahwi women

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Kayan Lahwi women

What are the Kayan Lahwi women?

Often seeing people, who aren’t like us, can cause us shock and surprise. This is known as culture shock

Prejudice or acceptation? Come on! I

invite you to end the

culture shock!

Imagine that you visit that country, how you react to view this tribe?

Social differences can sometimes cause rejection in us, but our job is to maintain the respect and understanding enough to understand that we live in a world full of diversity, that's why we invite you to accept differences as what they are because our world was made of diversity and culture!

The preservation of such valuable and millenary cultures

depends only on you

• One of its features are the necklaces made of brass wrapped on their necks obstructing their clavicles

• Due to conflict with the military regime in Burma, many tribesmen fled to Thailand.

• They live on handouts from tourists and manufacturing handmade fabrics.

• Currently there are about 600 Kayan who resides in the three villages open to tourists in Mae Hong Son, or in the Ban Mai Nai Soi refugee camp.

The Kayan or padaung are a subgroup of the Red Karen (Karenni) people, a Tibeto-Burman ethnic minority of Burma (Myanmar) located in Burma and Thailand.

Because sometimes see people who have our customs may cause us shock and rejection