Lazarus Saturday Eastern Churches

Lazarus Saturday

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Lazarus Saturday

Eastern Churches

Page 2: Lazarus Saturday

• Lazarus. The man Jesus raised from the dead in John 11:1-53. In *catacomb art he is represented as a smaller person wrapped in funerary dressings, Jesus attending with a rhabdos (wand).

• Lazarus Saturday. The Saturday preceding *Palm

Sunday. In the Gospel of John the *pericope concerning the raising of Lazarus (Jn 11:1-53) immediately precedes the beginning of the *Holy Week narrative, foreshadowing the resurrection of Jesus eight days later.

From Brett Provance, Pocket Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2009), 74-75.

Page 3: Lazarus Saturday


John 11:43In ancient Christian art, the resurrected Lazarus is always

shown as a child-sized person (= Rebirth). The Jonah theme is found at

the sides.

Page 4: Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus and the Loaves

Miracles of the Loaves and Fish

Mark 6:38 (five loaves + 2 fish)

Mark 8:5 (seven loaves + some fish)

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