Learning for the 21st century: Teachers Need Special Attention

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Introduction to the Partnership Why are 21st century skills important? What are 21st century skills? 21st Century Support Systems ICT Competency for Global Teachers

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Page 1: Learning for the 21st century: Teachers Need Special Attention

Teachers need special attention



Page 2: Learning for the 21st century: Teachers Need Special Attention


Introduction to the Partnership Why are 21st century skills important? What are 21st century skills? 21st Century Support Systems ICT Competency for Global Teachers


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introduction to

the partnership for 21st century skills

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Cable in the Classroom

Cisco Systems





founding members

introduction to the partnership

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US. Department of Education

Appalachian Technology in Education Consortium (ATEC)

strategic partners

introduction to the partnership

key partners




Tech Corps

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introduction to the partnership

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is a public-private partnership organized to

create an overall vision of how 21st century skills can be incorporated into K-12


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introduction to the partnership

Define a framework and create a common language for understanding and promoting 21st Century Skills

Demonstrate how 21st Century Skills integrate with and reinforce basic skills

Provide education leaders with tools, examples and strategies for action

Build consensus in the public and private sectors with public education campaign to promote 21st Century Skills

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introduction to the partnership

Request for Information (RFI)


Focus Groups

Outreach to Organizations

Outreach to Individuals with Expertise in 21st Century Skills National Forum on 21st Century Skills

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why are

21st century skills important?

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why are 21st century skills important?

Today’s education faces irrelevance unless we bridge the gap between

how students live and how students learn.

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why are 21st century skills important?

“The average person will change jobs nine times by the time he or she is

32.”Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor

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Relationship to no child left behind

•Emphasizes student achievement and requires assessments in core subjects.

•Skills are to be integrated in core subjects

•Requires that every student be technologically literate by 8th grade

•States, schools and districts can incorporate a broad vision of 21st century skills into their NCLB framework

why are 21st century skills important?

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what are

21st century skills?

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Current national debate

what are 21st century skills?

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six elements of 21st century learning

what are 21st century skills?

• Emphasize core subjects

• Emphasize learning skills

• Use 21st century tools to develop learning skills

• Teach and learn in a 21st century context

• Teach and learn 21st century content

• Use 21st century assessment that measure 21st century skills

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partnership model

what are 21st century skills?

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Core subject

21st century tools Learning


21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 1: core subjects

Core academic subjects remain

the foundation of a good education

•English, reading or language arts •World languages •Arts •Mathematics

•Economics •Science •Geography •History •Government and Civics

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learning skills

Learning and Innovation Skills

Learning and innovation skills are what separate students who are prepared for increasingly complex life and work environments in today’s world and those who are not.

Information, Media and Technology Skills

Today, we live in a technology and media-driven environment, marked by access to an abundance of information, rapid changes in technology tools and the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on an unprecedented scale. Effective citizens and workers must be able to exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills.

Life and Career Skills

Today’s life and work environments require far more than thinking skills and content knowledge. The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in the globally competitive information age requires students to pay rigorous attention to developing adequate life and career skills.

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation Think Creativity Work Creativity with Others Implement Innovations

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Reason Effectively Use Systems Thinking Make Judgments and Decisions Solve Problems

Communication and Collaboration Communication Clearly Collaborate with Others

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation Think Creativity Work Creativity with Others Implement Innovations

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Reason Effectively Use Systems Thinking Make Judgments and Decisions Solve Problems

Communication and Collaboration Communication Clearly Collaborate with Others

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Learning and Innovation Skills Creativity and Innovation Think Creativity Work Creativity with Others Implement Innovations

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Reason Effectively Use Systems Thinking Make Judgments and Decisions Solve Problems

Communication and Collaboration Communication Clearly Collaborate with Others

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Information, Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy Access and Evaluate Information Use and Manage Information

Media Literacy Analyze Media Create Media Products

ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy Apply Technology Efficiency

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Information, Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy Access and Evaluate Information Use and Manage Information

Media Literacy Analyze Media Create Media Products

ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy Apply Technology Efficiency

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Information, Media and Technology Skills Information Literacy Access and Evaluate Information Use and Manage Information

Media Literacy Analyze Media Create Media Products

ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) Literacy Apply Technology Efficiency

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Adapt to Change Be Flexible

Initiative and Self-Direction Manage Goals and Time Work Independently Be Self-Directed Learners

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Interact Effectively with Others Work Effectively in Diverse Teams

Productivity and Accountability Manage Projects Produce Results

Leadership and Responsibility

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Adapt to Change Be Flexible

Initiative and Self-Direction Manage Goals and Time Work Independently Be Self-Directed Learners

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Interact Effectively with Others Work Effectively in Diverse Teams

Productivity and Accountability Manage Projects Produce Results

Leadership and Responsibility

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Adapt to Change Be Flexible

Initiative and Self-Direction Manage Goals and Time Work Independently Be Self-Directed Learners

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Interact Effectively with Others Work Effectively in Diverse Teams

Productivity and Accountability Manage Projects Produce Results

Leadership and Responsibility

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Adapt to Change Be Flexible

Initiative and Self-Direction Manage Goals and Time Work Independently Be Self-Directed Learners

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Interact Effectively with Others Work Effectively in Diverse Teams

Productivity and Accountability Manage Projects Produce Results

Leadership and Responsibility

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learning skills

21st century tools core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 2: learning skills: Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Adapt to Change Be Flexible

Initiative and Self-Direction Manage Goals and Time Work Independently Be Self-Directed Learners

Social and Cross-Cultural Skills Interact Effectively with Others Work Effectively in Diverse Teams

Productivity and Accountability Manage Projects Produce Results

Leadership and Responsibility

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21st century tools

Information and Communication Technologies, such as Computers, Networking and other Technologies

Audio, Video, and Other Media and

Multimedia Tools

learning skills core subjects 21st century context 21st century content assessment

Element 3: 21ST century tools

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Emphasize 21st Century Content

Global Awareness

•Use 21st century skills to understand and address global issues

•Collaboration with other cultures and languages

Financial, Economic and Business Literacy

•Understanding the role of the economy all the way down to personal financial choices.

•Ability to adapt with the nation’s economic environment using 21st century skills

Civic Literacy

•Knowing how to be an informed and participatory citizen.

•Using 21st century skills to responsibly exercise rights and responsibilities at local, state, national and global levels.

21st century tools learning skills core subjects 21st century context assessment

Element 4: 21st century content

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Emphasize 21st Century Context

Make content relevant to students lives

Take the students out to the world

Bring the world into the classroom

Creating opportunities for students to

interact with each other, with teachers and with other knowledgeable adults in authentic learning experiences

21st century tools learning skills core subjects 21st century content assessment

Element 5: 21st century context

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21st Century Assessment

We must measure both core subjects and 21st century skills

Standardized tests must be balanced appropriately with classroom assessments to measure the full range of students skills

Classroom assessment must be strengthened and integrated with instructional process to reinforce learning

21st century tools learning skills core subjects 21st century context 21st century content

Element 6: assessment

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21st Century Support Systems

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21st Century Standards

Assessment of 21st Century Skills

21st Century Curriculum & Instruction

21st Century Professional Development

21st Century Learning Environment

21st Century Support Systems

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21st Century Standards (1) เนน้ทกัษะ ความรูแ้ละความเชีย่วชาญทีเ่กดิกบัผูเ้รยีน


(3)มุง่เนน้การสรา้งความรูแ้ละเขา้ใจในเชงิลกึมากกวา่การสรา้งความรู ้แบบผวิเผนิ

(4)ยกระดบัความสามารถผูเ้รยีนดว้ยการใหข้อ้มลูทีเ่ป็นจรงิ การใชส้ือ่หรอืเครือ่งมอืทีม่คีณุภาพจากการเรยีนรูใ้นสถานศกึษา การทางานและในการดารงชวีติประจาวนั ผูเ้รยีนไดเ้รยีนรูอ้ยา่งมคีวามหมายและสามารถแกไ้ขปญัหาทีเ่กดิขึน้ได ้


21st Century Support Systems

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Assessment of 21st Century Skills (1) สรา้งความสมดลุในการประเมนิผลเชงิคณุภาพ โดยการใช้


การประเมนิผลในช ัน้เรยีน

(2) เนน้การนําประโยชนข์องผลสะทอ้นจากการปฏบิตัขิองผูเ้รยีนมา


(3) ใชเ้ทคโนโลยเีพือ่ยกระดบัการทดสอบวดัและประเมนิผลใหเ้กดิ


(4) สรา้งและพฒันาระบบแฟ้มสะสมงาน (Portfolios) ของผูเ้รยีนใหเ้ป็น


21st Century Support Systems

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21st Century Curriculum & Instruction (1) การสอนใหเ้กดิทกัษะการเรยีนในศตวรรษที ่21 มุง่เนน้เชงิสห


(2) สรา้งโอกาสทีจ่ะประยกุตท์กัษะเชงิบรูณาการขา้มสาระเนือ้หา และ

สรา้งระบบการเรยีนรูท้ ีเ่นน้สมรรถนะเป็นฐาน (Competency-based)

(3) สรา้งนวตักรรมและวธิกีารเรยีนรูใ้นเชงิบรูณาการทีม่เีทคโนโลยเีป็นตวั

เกือ้หนนุ การเรยีนรูแ้บบสบืคน้ และวธิกีารเรยีนจากการใชป้ญัหาเป็น

ฐาน (Problem-based) เพือ่การสรา้งทกัษะข ัน้สงูทางการคดิ และ

(4) บรูณาการแหลง่เรยีนรู ้(Learning Resources) จากชุมชนเขา้มาใช้


21st Century Support Systems

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21st Century Professional Development (1) จดุมุง่หมายสาํคญัเพือ่การสรา้งครใูหเ้ป็นผูท้ ีม่ทีกัษะความรู ้


(2) สรา้งความสมบรูณ์แบบในมติขิองการสอนดว้ยเทคนคิวธิกีารสอนที่


(3) สรา้งใหค้รเูป็นผูม้ทีกัษะความรูค้วามสามารถในเชงิลกึเกีย่วกบัการ

แกป้ญัหา การคดิแบบวจิารณญาณ และทกัษะดา้นอืน่ๆทีส่าํคญัตอ่


(4) เป็นยคุแหง่การสรา้งสมรรถนะทางวชิาชพีใหเ้กดิขึน้กบัครเูพือ่เป็นตวั

แบบ ( Model ) แหง่การเรยีนรูข้องช ัน้เรยีน

21st Century Support Systems

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21st Century Professional Development (5) สรา้งใหค้รเูป็นผูท้ ีม่คีวามสามารถวเิคราะหผ์ูเ้รยีนไดท้ ัง้รปูแบบการ

เรยีน สตปิญัญา จดุออ่นจดุแข็งในตวัผูเ้รยีน เหลา่นีเ้ป็นตน้

(6) ชว่ยใหค้รไูดเ้กดิการพฒันาความสามารถใหส้งูขึน้เพือ่นาไปใชส้าหรบั


เหมาะสมกบับรบิททางการเรยีนรู ้

(7) สนบัสนุนใหเ้กดิการประเมนิผูเ้รยีนอยา่งตอ่เนือ่งเพือ่สรา้งทกัษะและ

เกดิการพฒันาการเรยีนรู ้

(8) แบง่ปนัความรูร้ะหวา่งชุมชนทางการเรยีนรูโ้ดยใชช้อ่งทาง


(9) สรา้งใหเ้กดิตวัแบบทีม่กีารพฒันาทางวชิาชพีไดอ้ยา่งม ัน่คงและย ัง่ยนื

21st Century Support Systems

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21st Century Learning Environment (1) สรา้งสรรคแ์นวปฏบิตัทิางการเรยีน การรบัการสนบัสนนุจากบคุลากร

และสภาพแวดลอ้มทางกายภาพทีเ่กือ้หนนุ เพือ่ชว่ยใหก้ารเรยีนการสอนบรรลผุล

(2) สนบัสนุนทางวชิาชพีแกชุ่มชนท ัง้ในดา้นการใหก้ารศกึษา การมสีว่นรว่ม การแบง่ปนัสิง่ปฏบิตัทิ ีเ่ป็นเลศิระหวา่งกนัรวมท ัง้การบรูณาการหลอมรวมทกัษะหลากหลายสูก่ารปฏบิตัใินช ัน้เรยีน

(3) สรา้งผูเ้รยีนเกดิการเรยีนรูจ้ากสิง่ทีป่ฏบิตัจิรงิตามบรบิท โดยเฉพาะการเรยีนแบบโครงงาน

(4) สรา้งโอกาสในการเขา้ถงึสือ่เทคโนโลย ีเครือ่งมอืหรอืแหลง่การเรยีนรู ้ท ีม่คีณุภาพ

(5) ออกแบบระบบการเรยีนรูท้ ีเ่หมาะสมท ัง้การเรยีนเป็นกลุม่หรอืการเรยีนรายบคุคล

(6) นําไปสูก่ารพฒันาและขยายผลสูชุ่มชนท ัง้ในรปูแบบการเผชญิหนา้หรอืระบบออนไลน ์

21st Century Support Systems

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ICT Competency for Global Teachers

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ICT Competency for Global Teachers

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ICT Competency for Global Teachers

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ICT Competency for Global Teachers

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ICT Competency for Global Teachers

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More information…

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Teachers need special attention