When You Teach Your Presence, Technology is Your Friend SUNY Ulster Hope Windle Instructional Design Sean Nixon Real World Classroom

Suny ulster real_worldclassroom_onlineteacherpresence

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When You Teach Your Presence, Technology

is Your Friend

SUNY UlsterHope WindleInstructional Design

Sean NixonReal World Classroom

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• Curriculum development • Online construction • Running and summation of an online course.

We will address: • obstacles, disappointments, challenges, • revelations, • student expectations and reactions to


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Inception of the project

Wanted the interaction of the classroomThe effervescence of the teacher’s presenceMy presence was vital to learning to occur

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Will my personalitybe lost online?

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20th CenturyDesign HistoryProf S. NixonFall ‘09

Evaluative Measures 15-Scrapbook &Discussion = 35

5-Quizzes(1)=5 1-Presentation – Arts & Crafts (1) = 10

1 -Presentation – Bauhaus(2) = 10 1-Presentation -World Fair (3) = 10

1-Presentation –50-60-70 (4) = 101-On location project Final = 25

Evaluative Measures 15-Scrapbook &Discussion = 35

5-Quizzes(1)=5 1-Presentation – Arts & Crafts (1) = 10

1 -Presentation – Bauhaus(2) = 10 1-Presentation -World Fair (3) = 10

1-Presentation –50-60-70 (4) = 101-On location project Final = 25

Online Activities: Link Browsing, Google Earth, Video, Audio, RSS feeds

Overall Student To do’s:

- ART (politics, meaning, aesthetic, vision)+ TECH (form)+ COMMERCE (function in society and for the person)

-Examine how design is used to improve human condition-Human Presence in craft of Design, how humans factor in -Nostalgia of craft> improve human condition

-Develop appreciation for design-Look around the environment, and see the history of what they look at- Apply analytic skills to everyday design environment-Place within historic context their present environment -Exposed to wide range of design that is interconnected-- Graphic Designers to recognize design regardless of dimension-- Interconnectedness of Design throughout all mediums

Overall Student To do’s:

- ART (politics, meaning, aesthetic, vision)+ TECH (form)+ COMMERCE (function in society and for the person)

-Examine how design is used to improve human condition-Human Presence in craft of Design, how humans factor in -Nostalgia of craft> improve human condition

-Develop appreciation for design-Look around the environment, and see the history of what they look at- Apply analytic skills to everyday design environment-Place within historic context their present environment -Exposed to wide range of design that is interconnected-- Graphic Designers to recognize design regardless of dimension-- Interconnectedness of Design throughout all mediums

Weekly Activities 9-12 hrs

1 hours-Reading2 hours-Watch Clips & audio

Weekly Scrap Book WIKI1 hour- -Collect & Post Images-Look at Links

2 hour- Discussion/Activity &/or Voice thread

1 hour: Visual quiz- describe this detail historically, aesthetically

Weekly Activities 9-12 hrs

1 hours-Reading2 hours-Watch Clips & audio

Weekly Scrap Book WIKI1 hour- -Collect & Post Images-Look at Links

2 hour- Discussion/Activity &/or Voice thread

1 hour: Visual quiz- describe this detail historically, aesthetically

ART (politics, meaning, aesthetic, vision)+ TECH (form)+ COMMERCE (function in society and for the person)

Links:Museum sites: MOMA, TateGoogle Earth

curriculum development

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Art: Politcal PropagandaArt: Politcal Propaganda

Tech: Editing as story POV, Time + Space

Tech: Editing as story POV, Time + Space

5. Film, Propaganda, History/Documentary, again Time & Space 1926

Battleship PotemkinNarrative EditingHow view infoMetropolis



Tech: Photography enamored by technology

Tech: Photography enamored by technology

Comm: Advertising is the CommerceComm: Advertising is the Commerce

Art: Group ThinkCommercial Design/ArtIntro to graphic design

Art: Group ThinkCommercial Design/ArtIntro to graphic design

Comm: Mass produce housing; pre-fab parts.

Comm: Mass produce housing; pre-fab parts.

Art: SocialistHouses as machinesHygiene for all

Art: SocialistHouses as machinesHygiene for all

Comm: Govt. Commissioned by Bolshevik Govttool used by Govt as Mass Media Tool

Comm: Govt. Commissioned by Bolshevik Govttool used by Govt as Mass Media Tool

8. Holistic approach to Design, Print, Architecture 1920-1950

ModernismPhoto MontageFalling Water

6. Photography versus Painting, Fine Arts1930

Moholy NagyTechnology of photography“People’s Language”

7. Bauhaus & Design Education, Pre WWII 1920-1933

Bauhaus-Gropius-Corbusier-Meis-Marcel Beuer- Public Housing

Comm: Mass ProductionComm: Mass Production



Tech: Manufacturing of the parts-Tubular steel plywood, poured concrete

Tech: Manufacturing of the parts-Tubular steel plywood, poured concrete

Art: Type as Visual LanguageArt: Type as Visual Language

Tech: San-serif got rid of embellishments, machine like generic for all

Tech: San-serif got rid of embellishments, machine like generic for all

Comm: Moveable type, mass reachComm: Moveable type, mass reach

20th CenturyDesign History

ART (politics, meaning, aesthetic, vision)+ TECH (form)+ COMMERCE (function in society and for the person)

Discussion/Activity: Design consciousness; Designer scissorsSimple question Photograph & draw house

Discussion/Activity: Design consciousness; Designer scissorsSimple question Photograph & draw house

Discussion/Activity: Design consciousness; Designer scissorsSimple question Photograph & draw house

Discussion/Activity: Design consciousness; Designer scissorsSimple question Photograph & draw house

Discussion/Activity: Design consciousness; Designer scissorsSimple question Photograph & draw house

Presentation – Bauhaus(2)

4. Typography, New Role in Visual Communication1920

CubismConstructivist TypographyTypeBauhausSwiss Style

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online construction

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taped conversations, lectures


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Link to lecture audio clip Week 7 Clip 1

Clip 2

Clip 3

Clip 4

Clip 5

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Run video from week 11

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Run video from week 13 weeds

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video, websites

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Student interaction

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Obstacles, student expectations and reactions to

technology 3rd semester students

3 out of 15 withdraw for time management reasons

Tech related, Disappointed with totally online

Didn’t like ANGEL, Wanted some face to face time

Didn’t like posting

Attachments didn’t attach

Server went down

Text didn’t look right in Powerpoints

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Revelations Hardest and most interesting class they ever took

Inspired them to be a part of their profession

Wanted the course to be a year long.

Liked the volume of information gathered

Liked to see what each other posted

Interact with each other so much, don’t have that in face to face class

Liked the scavenger hunts

Liked the difference in having male and female voices

Never met so many students who wanted to learn

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More and more each day, I find myself studying items closer and trying to make a connection to a specific time in history.

This class and the visit to Hudson exposed me to designs from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries. It is important to recognize the way different countries and cultures adopted ideas and techniques to develop modern designs in the past and in the present.

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Overall, I am extremely glad that Professor Nixon assigned us to travel out there. I had a really memorable time and I think that I took a lot out of the experience. And it ultimately made me more of a complete person.

At first, I was unhappy that I had to travel so far out of my way, But in the end, I thank Professor Nixon because I wouldn’t have Ever travelled out that way if not for his instructions.

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Made the activities relevant

In years that I taught face to face this course. Deep down I always desired that the students would share my excitement about this subject and to my surprise I got that in the online course.

I had been over-compensating for myself My presence had been overdone in the room

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All ways in which technology enhanced the vital flow of

information When taught 20th century art face to faceI shifted responsibility / onus to be on the student Through spontaneous scavenger hunts and spontaneous Presentations discussion and In computer lab with 20 machines Online but all together. Had the lecture, youtubes and links open a few days before coming into the room So they knew what you were going to talk aboutIt was a different discussion because they weren’t taken by surpriseLecture notes were always available. Posted before meeting againReview their posts

In the past, So frustrating to have a face to face class and Have to generate face to face discussion constantly