victims of terrorism

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Who is Victims of Terrorism?

“VoT are the real heroes in the global struggle against Terrorism”. Ban Ki Moon (Global symposium report)

Who is Affected with the act of terrorism in any form of its consequences

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Definition of terrorism:

• It is ordinary word, killing of innocent for political cause Surrendering the peace

of territory.

• It is an act intent to instill fear in the population of civilian: Philippe Sands

• Terrorism is violence or the threat of violence against non combatants or civilian,

usually motivated religious, political or ideological belief. US definition

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History of Terrorism

The word terrorism is used in struggle against colonial rule in 18th century In 48 AD Jewish sect called ‘Zealots’ carried out terrorism campaign to force

insurrection against the romans and used assassin called ‘Sacarti’ Shia Muslims used assassin called ‘Ismaili's’ who believed self sacrifice is

the path to heaven Extreme act of Nazi Germany and Communist Russia Jewish terrorist group Stern Gang in 1940’s Protestant and Catholic terroirs group in Northern Ireland and south Sudan.

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French revolutionary Maximilian Robespierre Said that “ terror is nothing other than justice prompt , severe in flexible,.. It is there for an emanation of virtue. It is not so much as a special principle as , it is a consequences of the general principles of democracy applied to our countries most urgent need.

Japan Code of Bushido- way of the warrior. Just war Doctrine

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Understanding the concept of terrorism

Terrorism can affect anyone, anywhere. It targets all ethnic groups, religion, nationalities and civilization. It Attacks Humanity itself…..Ban Ki Moon( 9 September 2008).

Terrorism is any act designed to cause terror. The word terrorism is politically loaded and emotionally charged.

20th century it becomes state sponsored act of or part of foreign policy to dominate over neighbor nation. Examples , Cold war era

Crenshaw (2000)Highly politicalized term

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Understanding Terrorism under CJS

Mala Prohibita: crimes that are made illegal under legislation, but not by the society entirely. Example, Gambling prostitution

Mala in Se: this are immune or wrong in themselves. These can not be justified by the society

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Types of Terrorism

ReligiousIdeological PoliticalInternational

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Concept of victims

Any person put to death, subjected to torture or suffering or property loss through cruel or oppressive treatment or destructive agency: Rhemish Translation of Bible (1592)

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Understanding Victims of Terrorism

Terrorism is killing of random people who are happened to be in a

certain place at certain time

Who is victims of terrorism: individual. Community or nation or

different social institution ?

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Statistical Analysis

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Institute for Economy and peace

out of 10000 attack in 2013 37% in Pakistan, 28% increase from 2012

In 2013 out 0f 10000 attack , 45000 Victims of terrorismaccross

70 countries with 12,500 deaths

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Target of terrorism

Civilian (Men women Youth and children)Economy of the nationTourism Injecting fear security

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Types of VoT: According to Hill (2000)

Direct Victims Secondary victims Community level

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Who is actual Victim?

95% of the Victims of Terrorism is Muslim Hassan Chalgouni, Paris Imam ( 20January 2015, BBC news.2011 counter terrorism report says 87% to 97% victims of terrorism is Muslims

60% of attacks took place in Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan

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a purticular social institution is labelized by the entire society, and it also carried out to others. for example a muslim name or wearing a Cap always gives chance to doubt the person

Victimization by the State: Justice SN Dhingra issue Pre conceived notion by the system and the public

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Story 1: Children's Of BostonIn September 1, 2004 in Russia, 30 Islamic Radical terrorist captured 1300 hostage. September 03, in bomb exploitation they have killed 344 people and 186 were children.

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Story 2:A Muslim women denied to give Burger in an American restaurant saying that “ We American are in war with Your People’. And no one in that shop Supported the women.

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Understanding Victims of Terrorism:

Three way to understand the victims of terrorism1. Horizontal victims, example 9/11 attack2. Concentric Circle, example Rawalpindi School

attack3. Sectional, example ISIS activities

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According to Hall, Norwood, Ursano and Levison says that “the primary goal of terrorism is disrupt society . The target is an entire nation not only those who are Killed injured or even directly or indirectly affected

The forgetting fact of terrorism is that everyone one look at secondary motive where primary motive is hidden and unnoticed

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Are Victims of Terrorism is also Victims of organized crime MoTivation seeks media attention Government Recognition

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So who is a victim of Terrorism? Children youth men women community, religioun or region

Direct or primary victimsprofesional or voluontary victims

community victimsre victimized victims( Tax Bulletin, 2013)

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Gender in Victims of Terrorism

Men becomes victim is just to eliminate potential opposition

women becomes victims as a process of suppression or opprsion.

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"Victimsof terroristoffencesarevulnerable, and there for specificmeasuresare necessary with regard to them."EU CouncilFramework Decisionon Combating terrorismof 13 June2002, Recital no. (8)

Legal services available for VoT

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international VoT Expenses Reimbursment program by USA, amended Victims of Crime act 1984

January 23 2003 Then President George W Bush signed VICTIMS OF TERRORISM TAX RELIEF ACT 2001

United StatesResponse to TerrorismAffecting AmericansAbroad: Title 22, AviationSecurity ImprovementAct(1990)

•HostageRelief Act(1980

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EU and CoE

Council Framework Decisionon Combating Terrorism(13 June2002)

Recommendationon Assistanceto CrimeVictims (2006)

Guidelineson theProtectionof Victimsof Terrorist Acts(2005)

European Convention On CompensationforVictims of ViolentActs(1983)

CouncilDirectiveRelatingto Compensationfor Victimsof Crime(29 April 2004)

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POTACrPC 154(1) and IPC IEA section 9

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International Activity

Terrorism Prevention Branch (TPB) and the Justice Section (JS) of the UnitedNations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)

Madrid memorandum: Good practices for assistance to VoT Immediatly proceedings. By Spain (November 7,2007)

Memorising Victims of Terrorism

Hedayah: In December 2012 Hedayah, first-ever International Center of Excellence for Countering Violent Extremism (CVE), was inaugurated, with its headquarters in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

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What we suppose to do?

Granting Victims equal and effective access to justice

within the fram work of fighting against terrorism, victims of terrorism should not forgotten

Victims of Terrorism should be the frontier worker Fight against terrorism

International supporting system

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Role of Social Worker

Working at Community level for livelihood education and Harmony in the community

helping people in post Terror attack and acting as a supportive system

Rescue and rehabilitation

legal service under the law of the land

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ConclusionFor every terroris attack there is political motive and it is

not a particular communities activiti, by labelising particular social institution we are forcibly making them Victims of terrorism

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Dedicated to All Victims of Terrorism: May they find JUSTICE and PEACE

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References: Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, perspective and issues by Gus martin 3rd edition sage publication

Psychology of terrorism by Bruce Bonger , 2006,

Madrid Memorandum on Good Practices for Assistance to Victims of Terrorism Immediately after the Attack and in Criminal Proceedings by Global counter terrorism forum, 2011 ,

Report on terrorism by National counter terrorism center , USA

International Terrorism Victim Expense Reimbursement Program by Victim of crime department REPORT TO CONGRESS • FEBRUARY 2006 USA

Memorializing the Victims of Terrorism by Rina Egbo Research and Statistics Division Department of Justice Canada

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Supporting Victims of terrorism by United nation on Symposium on Supporting Victims of Terrorism

The Criminal Justice Response to Support Victims of Acts of Terrorism by UNITED NATIONS OFFICE ON DRUGS AND CRIME Vienna, United Nations, November 201

Responding to Victims of Terrorism and Mass Violence Crimes Coordination and Collaboration Between American Red Cross Workers and Crime Victim Service Providers ,U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs

Victimsof Terrorism An Overviewon International Legislationon theSupport and CompensationforVictimsof Terrorist Threats Dr. Michael Kilchling, Max Plank institute for foreign and international criminal law