Who wants to_be_a_millionaire

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1 $100

2 $200

3 $300

4 $500

6 $2,000

7 $4,000

8 $8,000

9 $16,000

11 $64,000

12 $125,000

13 $250,000

14 $500,000

5 $1,000

10 $32,000


A. Pilot

Is a person who helps the sick people, and gives pills, shots, takes cares of them in a hospital , clinic is? _______________.

B. Musician

C. Nurse D. Lawyer

A. Taxi driver

Person who designs houses, buildings is? _________________

B. Architect

C. Bus driver D. Chef

A. Doctor

Makes interviews to the people about a specific topic?


ookstoB. Dancer

C. Artist D. Journalist

A. Bus Driver

Transports the people from a place to another place in a big auto?


B. Teacher

C. Transport Station D. Manager

A. Farmer

Cooks a variety of delicious dishes


B. Chef

C. Policeman D. Student

A. Teacher

Which person do you visit if you are ill?


B. Doctor

C. Mechanic D. Architect

A. Lawyer

Take cares of the people on streets, public places?

B. Dentist

C. Policeman D. Singer

A. Teacher

Transmits knowledge to the students?

B. Fire fighter

C. Policeman D. Doctor

A. Hospital B. Dentist

C. Doctor’s Office D. Aid Center

A. Teacher B. Post Office

C. Cashier D. Chemistry

“Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”Powerpoint (Advanced) Template

Designed and Created byJeff White

[email protected]

Copyright © 2000

Version 2.1 - Last updated 20 June, 2001

The graphics and sounds used in this template are recorded from the television

show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire,” and were obtained from both the

ABC “WWTBAM” website and the ITV “WWTBAM” website.

ABC is the American Broadcasting Corporation; ITV is the Channel 3 (UK) broadcasting company.

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