75% of every vehicle is recyclable P R E S E N T E D B Y SOUTCES: www.solareworld.com/blog/green-community/40-environmental-facts http://webecoist.momtastic.com/2008/11/26/amazing-frightening-green-facts-environmental-statistics/ www.salisbury.edu/environment/EnvFF.html Recycling one aluminum can saves enough electricity to power a TV for three hours aluminum cans can be recycled an unlimited number of times Recycled paper requires 64% less energy than making paper from virgin wood pulp Top five Stats November 2013 Recycling

Intelex Top 5 Environmental Statistics - Recycling (Infographic)

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Intelex Top 5 Environmental Stats infographic showcases great stats on recycling and what you can do to make a positive impact. Try Intelex’s Sustainability Performance Indicators (SPI) software to help you report, track and analyze environmental sustainability data in your organization: http://bit.ly/1g0zKhx

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Page 1: Intelex Top 5 Environmental Statistics - Recycling (Infographic)

75% of every vehicle is recyclable

P R E S E N T E D B YS O U T C E S :w w w . s o l a r e w o r l d . c o m / b l o g / g r e e n - c o m m u n i t y / 4 0 - e n v i r o n m e n t a l - f a c t sh t t p : / / w e b e c o i s t . m o m t a s t i c . c o m / 2 0 0 8 / 11 / 2 6 / a m a z i n g - f r i g h t e n i n g - g r e e n - f a c t s - e n v i r o n m e n t a l - s t a t i s t i c s /w w w . s a l i s b u r y . e d u / e n v i r o n m e n t / E n v F F. h t m l

Recycling one aluminum can saves enough electricity to power a TV for three hours aluminum cans can be recycled an unlimited number of times

Recycled paper requires 64% less energy than making paper from virgin wood pulp

Top five

Stats November 2013 Recycling