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Food that you should keep away from your little child

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Page 1: Food that you should keep away from your little child

Watch - what you make him eat

Page 2: Food that you should keep away from your little child

Wheat has an enzyme called gluten, which

can lead to allergic affects. Having gluten

allergy can also lead to Celiac disease in

children which is inability to processed


One should wait at least 9-10 months before

giving wheat to toddlers.

Page 3: Food that you should keep away from your little child

It is a practice in some Indian families to give

honey to their child for better digestion. But,

honey is known to contain pollen grains

which can be harmful for the baby and can

lead to nausea.

Page 4: Food that you should keep away from your little child

These may be good for young children but

giving nuts and dry fruits to your toddler can

not only be harmful but also has a choking

hazard as a child does not know how to

swallow and chew.

Page 5: Food that you should keep away from your little child

Peanut butter contains a lot of fat and

calories, which can be difficult for a child’s

weak digestive system to process. It is also

very difficult for a child to swallow the sticky


Page 6: Food that you should keep away from your little child

They have high amount of sodium and also

get stuck in the airway of your child which

can later turn into an infection. It is better

to wait for a couple of years to give popcorn

to your children.

Page 7: Food that you should keep away from your little child

Pasta is made of refined flour which is not

good for a toddler. One should avoid giving

packed pasta to their child and give

homemade pasta instead which is much

healthier option.

Page 8: Food that you should keep away from your little child

Raw and uncut big chunks of raw vegetable

are impossible for a toddler to chew 7

swallow, so it also posses choking hazards as

well. It is better to give boiled and mashed

vegetables or give vegetable broth instead.

Page 9: Food that you should keep away from your little child

Smoothies are not always a good or a healthy

option as it is perceived to be. With fruits

and other ingredients that are harmful for a

toddler, like, sugar and calories.

It is heavy on a child’s palate making it tough

for a child to digest it.

Page 10: Food that you should keep away from your little child

Are you making wise choices for your Kids? Read on to

gather more.

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