Fifteen ways to help others

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Page 1: Fifteen ways to help others



Neil Paul

Page 2: Fifteen ways to help others

1.Visit individuals in a hospital and tell the staff you would like to support patients.

2.Visit next door neighbour and talk to them.


Neil Paul

Page 3: Fifteen ways to help others

3.Eduate,teach your favourite subject few hours a week. 4.Tell your community that you want to be known as the person who helps.


3.Eduate,teach your favourite subject few hours a week. 4.Tell your community that you want to be known as the person who helps.

3.Eduate,teach your favourite subject few hours a week. 4.Tell your community that you want to be known as the person who helps.

Neil Paul

Page 4: Fifteen ways to help others

Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch. It is anything that lifts another person.— C. Neil Strait


Neil Paul

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5.Love Humbly find ways to love others, … learn to show your love.A kind word, spending time, showing little kindnesses, a hug being friendly … it all matters.


Neil Paul

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6.Speak up for the needy. Many times the ignored want someone to speak for them. You can make the need heard.


Neil Paul

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7.Place yourself in another’s shoes. Compassion has a strong reason to help someone else. It expresses others that you really care.

Neil Paul

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8.Be around If somebody known is in need, chat, stay with them. 9.Praise someone it is a great way to make them feel better about themselves.


Neil Paul

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10.Patience helps. Many individuals have trouble understanding between right and wrong. Your patience can help them.


Neil Paul

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11.Help someone who is low emotionally. Maybe call the doctor yourself through the family and save a life.

Neil Paul

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12.Help someone in grief. Just a listening ear, a kind conversation, an embrace, a helpful hand will go a long way when someone has lost a loved one or suffered a similar damage.


Neil Paul

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13.Venting and talking helps. Often times people who are angry, sad, depressed, or frustrated just requires someone who will listen. It helps to Vent and talk over the issue.


Neil Paul

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We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.— Mother Tesesa


Neil Paul

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14.Smile can change a day. A modest thing like this can put a warm feeling in someone else’s heart, making their day better as a result they pass it on.

Neil Paul

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15.Stopping can help. If someone on the road/building is in need do stop. Many times all they need is a small push, or use your phone to reach their loved one.


Neil Paul

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“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.” ― Kahlil Gibran


Neil Paul

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Neil Paul

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Neil Paul