© 2015 HL7 ® Int’l. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7, Health Level Seven, FHIR & flame logo are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office. ® Authoring Implementation Guides Marten Smits FHIR Developer Days 2015 November 19th, 2015

Authoring implementation guides (marten smits)

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Authoring Implementation

GuidesMarten Smits

FHIR Developer Days 2015November 19th, 2015

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© 2015 HL7 ® Int’l. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7, Health Level Seven, FHIR & flame logo are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.



Who Am I? Name: Marten Smits

Company: Furore

Background: Studied Medical Informatics at the University of Amsterdam Working with FHIR from December 2013 Developer at the Furore FHIR Team Author of several FHIR Implementation Guides

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© 2015 HL7 ® Int’l. Licensed under Creative Commons. HL7, Health Level Seven, FHIR & flame logo are registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Reg. U.S. TM Office.



Introduction Looking at FHIR and CDA Guides

What do they have in common?

Which sections are necessary?

Best Practices

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®Outline of this tutorial


What is an Implementation Guide?

What kinds are there?

Description of different sections of an IG

FHIR IG Template

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What’s an IG? Description of how to

implement usecase(s)

Audience: Developers!

It includes: Data definitions Usecases Actors Interactions Examples

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What kinds are there? Strategy - Overview and strategic choices

Referencing more specific guides. (i.e. national telematic infrastructre)

Principles - Describing overarching principles A guide describing overarching principles (i.e. “Dutch basic components”)

Subject – Describing one subject mutliple usecases and scenarios (i.e. “IHE technical framework” or “Us Laboratory”)

Usecase - a single usecase interactions, datastructures, vocabulary (i.e. prescription service Norway northern region)

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Sections About the IG UseCase(s) Technical Implementation Guidance Profile(s)/Template(s) Registry Security Appendix Help Contact Information

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Describe Usecase(s) Overview of systems and architecture (System)Actors overview

Scenarios Triggers/reasons (interaction diagrams, sequence

diagram, etc) pre- and post conditions

Dataset and Data elements (could be a reference)

Business rules, policy (exchange and technology independent) “There has to be a diabetes control document once

every three months”. “Systems must have a consent on file for the patient to be allowed exchange patient data” 

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Technical Implementation Guidance Introduction & Scope Boundaries & Relationships (used by, uses) Actors involved List of invocations

Interactions, operations, search parameters Sender and receiver responsibilities (functional

requirements) “Upon a POST of a new resource, the sender SHALL

return a body with the newly stored resource”.  List of StructureDefinitions/Templates Terminology, NamingSystems, Mappings

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Profiles• Introduction and Scope

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Data Structures

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Registry All conformance resources in the IG sorted by type

Conformance ValueSets StructureDefinitions Extensions NamingSystems Mappings SearchParameters OperationDefinitions Examples

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Help Most of this is boilerplate

Standard content that can be put elsewhere and referenced.

Standard specific, can be reused Working with the standard (FHIR) Working with identifiers and identifier systems Working with vocabulary, coding systems and valuesets

“Profiling FHIR” Dealing with extended content (allow extensions, ○

Conformance Verbs (Keywords) – not a reference, include

How to (use RESTful, query/response)

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Template Example for USLab