Case examples funded by Sitra Tuula Tiihonen, Senior Lead, Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra Intelligent Health Services

Intelligent Health Services.Tuula Tiihonen, Sitra

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Case examples funded by Sitra

Tuula Tiihonen, Senior Lead, Finnish Innovation Fund, Sitra




Oxygen sensors, turbo boost sensors, acceleration sensors…Alarms if acute malfunctinosGarantee – extra garanteesRegular maintenanceInspectionsAll the cars are the same (same DNA)

No sensors telling about your health status

No alarms if disordersNo garantees or extra garanteesMax 1 health check per year/ 10 yearsNo routine medical examinationsDifferent DNA

Checking the status: My Car and Me

Patient path can look like this..

A more streamlined process might have saved up to €87.5 million of spending for over 23 000 patients and shaved off 32 days of additional waiting for each such patient.

Seeing the doctor – two different ways


97% of the customers of YTHS who participated in practical trials are satisfied with the service

89% of doctors think that video consultations are effective.

99% of nurses think that video consultations support patient care activities

Virtual Clinic Services - Open 24/7

Symptom assessmentforms

- urinary tract infection- sore throat

- Other

Health and WellbeingCheck

- Can be sent to Health Center

• Simple solution

Base of Virtual Clinic







Virtual Clinic

Tuula Tiihonen 29.5.2016

8Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •


Find out the best way to treat your Back Pain.

Answer these questions about your symptoms and you get consultation how to treat

your Back Pain. You can also make an appointment to doctor .

Looking Care for Back Pain? | Espoon sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelut

Back Pain Treatment Espoo

When people have health concerns they turn to Dr. Google for help

Selvitä miten selkäkipuasi tulisi hoitaa vastaamalla sitä koskeviin kysymyksiin. Oireistasi riippuen saat testin

lopuksi varata ajan vastaanotolle tai ohjeet miten voit itse hoitaa vaivaasi.

Describe your symptomsExit

Selkäkivun hoitaminenRisk Assessment

Treatment of Back Pain

9Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >


is not necessary for

risk assessment

10Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >

As a part of the risk assessment, identify and allow the service to utilize your:

- patient information

- medical information

- lab results

- information from your own health account

Identification can be done electronically by logging on to your eBanking or using mobile ID


Selkäkivun hoitaminen


Can we utilize your health data?

Continue without identification

Risk Assessment

11Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >



Locate your back pain

Risk Assessment

Upper backUpper back

Lower back

12Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >

Back pain in your lower back Change



When your back pain started?

Pain started couple of days ago

I have had pain less than 6 weeks

I have had pain over 6 weeks

I have had pain over 12 weeks

Risk Assessment

Back pain in your lower back Change



How did the back pain start?


Pain has increased gradually

Pain started couple of days ago Change

Risk Assessment

13Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >

14Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >



How strong is the pain


Mild Strong

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Back pain in your lower back Change

Pain started suddenly Change

Pain started couple of days ago Change

Risk Assessment

Back pain in your lower back Change



Do you have any of the following symptoms?

The pain radiates below the knee

Loss of strength in the leg muscles

Pain started suddenly Change

Pain started couple of days ago Change

Intensity of the pain: 6 Change

Risk Assessment

15Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >

Back pain in your lower back Change



Do you have any of the following symptoms?

Urinary incontinence

Ankle extensor or flexor muscles have deteriorated rapidly

Pain started suddenly Change

Severe abdominal pain

Unbearable pain that persists in any position

None of these symptoms

Pain radiates below the knee Change

Pain started couple of days ago Change

Intensity of the pain: 6 Change

Risk Assessment

16Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >

Back pain in your lower back Change



Tarvitset hoitoaTarvitset hoitoa

Pain started suddenly Change

Urinary incontinence Change

Please contact your health station next business day at the latest

Identify and make an appointment online

Tunnistautuminen tapahtuu pankkitunnuksilla. Tämän palvelun

kautta voit varata ajan vastaanotolle, mikäli asut jollain seuraavista

alueista: Espoo, Turku, Tampere, Oulu, Helsinki, Joensuu, Kuopio

ja Hämeenlinna sekä Etelä-Karjalan sosiaali- ja terveyspiiri.

Pain radiates below the knee Change

Pain started couple of days ago Change

Intensity of the pain: 6 Change

It seems that you need treatment:

Risk Assessment

17Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >



Public Health care /Social services


Ahertajantie 2, Espoo

Change Health station

Aava Tapiola

Private health care/social services

Show more

Keskustele heti lääkärin kanssa ilman




Make an appointment: doctor Today 29.2.2016

Change area

16,10 € / kerta

(3 ensimmäistä


Make an


Make an


Martti Mäkeläinen13.00

Martti Mäkeläinen14.00

klo 12.0047,60 € , 20 min

Make an


Aava Tapiolaklo 12.20

47,60 € , 20 min

Make an


Diacorklo 12.20 Make an

appointmentMihail Nenonen

n. 50 € , 20 min

Käydessäsi hoidattamassa vaivaasi

yksityisen palveluntarjoajan

vastaanotolla, KELA korvaa hoidosta

11 € ja loppuosan maksat itse.

Usein yritys vähentää KELA-

korvauksesi suoraan loppusummasta

maksutapahtuman yhteydessä. Moni

yritys veloittaa vastaanotton lisäksi

toimistomaksun, joka vaihtelee


Maksaminen yksityisellä

Continue to site

Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >


suggests the nearest health care station

for user

19Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >

Back pain in your lower back tuntuu alaselässä Change

Make an appointment



Pain started suddenly Change

No other symptoms Change

According to your answers, you might benefit from physiotherapy.

Next step

Pain radiates below the knee Change


When making an appointment your risk

assessment will be sent to the physiotherapist.

Talk online

Make an appointment with physiotherapist

You can discuss your situation with your healthcare professional

If you suspect that your condition requires a visit to doctor, please contact your doctor online.

3 All services

Palvelun avulla voit keskustella heti

lääkärin kanssa vaivastasi

videopuhelun kautta.


Siirry palveluun


SAVED The information you provided will be saved under your information. You can access the data from frontage.

Private health care / social services

I have had pain over 12 weeks Change


Intensity of the pain: 6 Change

Risk Assessment


Recommendation for physiotherapy

20Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >

Back pain in your lower back Change

Make an appointment


Discuss with your doctor

Pain started suddenly Change

No other symptoms Change

According to your answers it might be good to discuss with your doctor.

Make an appointment for video chat online.

Next step

Pain radiates below the knee Change

When making the appointment through this

service your risk assessment will be sent to your

health station automatically.

Make an appointment for video chat online

2 All Services


Private health care / social services

I have had pain over 12 weeks Change


Intensity of the pain: 8 Change

Risk Assessment

SAVED The information you provided will be saved under your information. You can access the data from frontage.

!User can talk to the doctor

online to specify health



Appropriate proportions of rest and movement

Based on your answers the situation of your condition might get over by home treatment. However, you might want to check the overall state of your well-being.


For mild pain you can use paracetamol sold in pharmacies, moderate or high levels of pain you need anti-inflammatory drugs.

As soon as the pain eases so that you are able to move, you should try to live as normal life you can. Bed rest does not help back pain. You can engage in light exercise right from the beginning, such as walking, cycling or swimming. Also, stretching may help.


Stretching exercises1

Kaikki palvelut ›

Palvelun avulla voit keskustella heti

lääkärin kanssa vaivastasi

videopuhelun kautta.


Siirry palveluun


Private health care / social services

When should I do the test again?

Mikäli kipu ei hellitä 6 viikossa tai se pahenee, tee tämä testi

uudellen niin voit varata ajan vastaanotolle. Voit myös soittaa

suoraan terveysasemallesi.

Test your well-being

Tämän testin avulla selvität, miten voit itse vaikuttaa

omaan hyvinvointiisi. Usein selkäkivun syynä voi olla mm.

fyysisesti kuormittava työ. Vähäinen liikunta, lihavuus ja

tupakointi saattavat lisätä selkäkipuja. Myös stressi ja

tyytymättömyys työhön ovat yhteydessä selkävaivoihin.

Start test

These might help

Check nearest pharmacies

      Send to your email

Back pain in your lower back Change

Pain started suddenly Change

No other symptoms Change

Pain radiates below the knee Change

Pain started couple of days ago Change

Intensity of the pain: 6 Change

Venyttelyohje: Ala Video: alaselän venyttely

Risk Assessment

SAVED The information you provided will be saved under your information. You can access the data from frontage.

21Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >


Appropriate proportions of rest and movement

Based on your answers the situation of your condition might get over by home treatment. However, you might want to check the overall state of your well-being.


For mild pain you can use paracetamol sold in pharmacies, moderate or high levels of pain you need anti-inflammatory drugs.

As soon as the pain eases so that you are able to move, you should try to live as normal life you can. Bed rest does not help back pain. You can engage in light exercise right from the beginning, such as walking, cycling or swimming. Also, stretching may help.


Stretching exercises1

Kaikki palvelut ›

Palvelun avulla voit keskustella heti

lääkärin kanssa vaivastasi

videopuhelun kautta.


Siirry palveluun


Private health care / social services

When should I do the test again?

Mikäli kipu ei hellitä 6 viikossa tai se pahenee, tee tämä testi

uudellen niin voit varata ajan vastaanotolle. Voit myös soittaa

suoraan terveysasemallesi.

Test your well-being

Tämän testin avulla selvität, miten voit itse vaikuttaa

omaan hyvinvointiisi. Usein selkäkivun syynä voi olla mm.

fyysisesti kuormittava työ. Vähäinen liikunta, lihavuus ja

tupakointi saattavat lisätä selkäkipuja. Myös stressi ja

tyytymättömyys työhön ovat yhteydessä selkävaivoihin.

Start test

These might help

Check nearest pharmacies

      Send to your email

Back pain in your lower back Change

Pain started suddenly Change

No other symptoms Change

Pain radiates below the knee Change

Pain started couple of days ago Change

Intensity of the pain: 6 Change

Venyttelyohje: Ala Video: alaselän venyttely

Risk Assessment

SAVED The information you provided will be saved under your information. You can access the data from frontage.


Recommendation for self-care

22Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 29.5.2016 •

Oma vointi -palvelu Log in >


Espoon kaupungin palvelut


Ahertajantie 2, Espoo

Change health station

Aava Tapiola

Private health care / social services

Näytä lisää

Keskustele heti lääkärin kanssa ilman




Make an appointment: doctor Today 29.2.2016

Change area

16,10 € / kerta

(3 ensimmäistä


- no free times 29.2.2016 -

klo 12.00Palveluseteli + 16,10 € , 20 min

Make an


Aava Tapiolaklo 12.20

Palveluseteli + 16,10 € , 20 min

Make an


Diacorklo 12.20 Make an

appointment Palveluseteli + 16,10 €

Kun varaat tästä ajan yksityiselle

palveluntarjoajalle, voit maksaa

vastaanoton palvelusetelillä. Sinun

maksettavaksesi jää normaali

asiointimaksu 16,10 €

(3 ensimmäisten kertaa vuodessa),

josta saat laskun kotiin.

Toimitamme palvelusetelin suoraan

palveluntarjoajalle - riittää, että varaat

ajan tämän palvelun kautta.

You can do business with service vouchers in the private office

Continue to site


instructions:For example how to use

service vouchers to

pay the recommended

service for self-care

23Sitra • Tuula Tiihonen • 2015

More info in Finnish: http://www.slideshare.net/SitraHyvinvointi/8-omahoitokokeilua-terveyden-tulevaisuudesta

The Concept of Virtual Clinic



In 2020

we use


data efficiently

to improve people’s health

Finland´s Genome Strategy, announced on June, 11, 2015

CardioCompass project: communicating risk to citizens



Disagree (%)

No opinion (%)

Agree (%)

I learned useful information regarding my health males 16 4 80

females 12.7 12.7 74.5

My personal disease risk information was reassuring males 12 28 60

females 26.5 25.5 48.1

My personal disease risk information motivated me to take better care of my health males 12 24 64

females 11.8 25.5 62.6

The information I received was worrying males 64 32 4

females 65.7 16.7 17.7

The information I received was interesting males 0 4 96

females 3.9 5.9 90.2

My personal genetic risk information was confusing males 52 32 16

females 60.8 24.5 14.7

I was indifferent to the information provided on my personal genetic risk males 84 12 4

females 83.3 9.8 6.9

The information on my genetic risk, in particular, motivated me to take better care of my health males 12 24 64

females 16.7 18.6 64.7