Ceph, Docker, Heroku Slugs, CoreOS and Deis Overview [EXTENDED] lorieri Nov/2014 @againstty0

[EXTENDED] Ceph, Docker, Heroku Slugs, CoreOS and Deis Overview

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Ceph, Docker, Heroku Slugs,CoreOS and Deis Overview

[EXTENDED]lorieri Nov/2014 @againstty0


“Ceph's main goals are to be completely distributed without a single point of failure, scalable to the exabyte level, and freely-


● 100% distributed

● CephFS○ For POSIX sharing○ not really 100% (active-standby)

● LibRados

○ RBD■ For Blocks

○ Rados Gateway■ For REST Objects■ S3 and Swift compatible


● Rados Gateway

$ s3cmd mb s3://mybucket

Bucket 's3://mybucket/' created

$ s3cmd put ~/myfile.txt s3://mybucket/ --acl-public

/Users/lalorie/myfile.txt -> s3://mybucket/myfile.txt [1 of 1]

15 of 15 100% in 0s 240.81 B/s done

$ curl mybucket.myradosgw.com/myfile.txt

myfile content

● RBD $ rbd create mypool/myimage --size 102400

$ sudo rbd map mypool/myimage --name client.admin

$ sudo mkfs.ext4 -m0 /dev/rbd/rbd/foo

$ sudo mount /dev/rbd/rbd/foo /media/disk1

● CephFS On ALL machines you want to share

$ mount -t ceph \,, /media/disk1

10.0.0.[1-3] are the metadata servers

“Build, Ship and RunAny App, Anywhere”

● 100% portable● Easy API for LXC● Public Repository● Lightweight, 1 process (ideal)● Layers (Union File System)

○ Shares read-only data○ Incremental

● Volumes (not layered volumes)

FROM ubuntu:12.04

RUN echo "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu precise main universe" > /etc/apt/sources.listRUN apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -yRUN apt-get install -y gcc make g++ build-essential libc6-dev tcl wgetRUN wget http://download.redis.io/redis-stable.tar.gz -O - | tar -xvzRUN (cd /redis-stable && make)RUN (cd /redis-stable && make test)RUN mkdir -p /redis-data

VOLUME ["/redis-data"]EXPOSE 6379

ENTRYPOINT ["/redis-stable/src/redis-server"]CMD ["--dir", "/redis-data"]

● Slugs

“A slug is a bundle of your source,fetched dependencies, the language

runtime, and compiled/generated outputof the build system - ready for execution.”

Your App


Buildpacks Repo

$ git push





● Twelve Factor

“Who should read this document?Any developer building applications which run as a service. Ops engineers who deploy or manage

such applications.”

● III - Config

“Store config in the environment

- easy to change between deploys without changing any code;- [not] checked into the code repo accidentally;

- language- and OS-agnostic standard.”

● VI - Processes

“Execute the app as one or more stateless processes

Twelve-factor processes are stateless and share-nothing.”

● IX - Disposability

“app’s processes are disposable, meaning they can be started or stopped at a moment’s


● XI - Logs

“Treat logs as event streams

… streams of all running processes and backing services”

“Linux for Massive Server Deployments

CoreOS enables warehouse-scale computing on top of a minimal, modern

operating system.”

● 100% distributed● Lightweight● cloud-init for every boot● Automatic Updates

○ 2 boot partitions


Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7

Locksmithd ConfdFleet

Systemd Systemd Systemd Systemd Systemd Systemd Systemd

Distributed database

Node 1 Node 2 Node 3 Node 4 Node 5 Node 6 Node 7

Reboot Admin Configuration ManagerDistributed Init

New Init New Init New Init New Init New Init New Init New Init


● Fleet






ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "IMAGE=`/run/deis/bin/get_image /deis/controller` && docker history $IMAGE >/dev/null || docker pull $IMAGE"ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c "docker inspect deis-controller >/dev/null && docker rm -f deis-controller || true"

ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "IMAGE=`/run/deis/bin/get_image /deis/controller` && docker run --name deis-controller --rm -p 8000:8000 -e EXTERNAL_PORT=8000 -e HOST=$COREOS_PRIVATE_IPV4 -v /var/run/fleet.sock:/var/run/fleet.sock -v /var/lib/deis/store:/data $IMAGE"

ExecStopPost=-/usr/bin/docker rm -f deis-controller



● Fleet


“Your PaaS. Your Rules.

An open source PaaS that makes it easy to deploy and manage applications on your

own servers. Deis builds upon Docker and CoreOS to provide a lightweight PaaS

with a Heroku-inspired workflow.”

● CoresOS + Docker + Ceph + Heroku● Twelve-Factor

○ for Deis: must be stateless (no wordpress)● Nginx Router + Wildcard DNS● First release using Ceph

○ more features coming soon● Limited

○ twelve-factor○ only HTTP port (non-http soon)○ must expose ONLY one port

● Installation:○ Install CoreOS and ssh keys then:

$ export DEISCTL_TUNNEL=coreos01

$ curl -sSL http://deis.io/deisctl/install.sh | sh

$ git clone https://github.com/deis/deis.git ; cd deis

$ deisctl config platform set \


$ deisctl install platform && deisctl start platform

Installation will set the domain inthe distributed database (Etcd)

then load and run the“init” files (Fleet+Systemd)

into the cluster

Everything else happens by the help of twelve-factor

● Install client * at deis git directory

$ pip install ./client/

$ deis register http://mylocalpaas.com

$ deis keys:add

● Create a Docker App

# write some “code”

$ mkdir ~/myapp ; cd ~/myapp

$ git init

$ echo "Hello" > index.html

# create the Dockerfile

$ echo 'FROM myregistry/my-tiny-nginx

ADD ./index.html /usr/share/nginx/www/index.html


ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx"]

CMD ["-c","/etc/nginx/nginx.conf","-p","/etc/nginx","-g","daemon off;"]' \

> Dockerfile

# create the app

$ git commit -a -m "initial"

$ deis create myapp

● Deploy it

$ git push deis master

-----> Building Docker image

-----> Pushing image to private registry

-----> Launching...

done, myapp:v1 deployed to Deis


$ curl http://myapp.mylocalpaas.com


● Scale it

$ deis scale cmd=5

Scaling processes... but first, coffee!


done in 25s

=== myapp Processes

--- cmd:

cmd.1 up (v13)

cmd.2 up (v13)

cmd.3 up (v13)

cmd.4 up (v13)

cmd.5 up (v13)

● Deploy a Heroku App

Available Buildpacks:

● Ruby● Nodejs● Java● Gradle● Grails● Play● Python● Clojure● PHP● Go● Meteorite● Perl● Scala● Dart● Nginx● Apache

● Create it $ git clone https://github.com/deis/example-ruby-sinatra.git

$ cd example-ruby-sinatra

$ deis create myappheroku

Creating application... done, created myappheroku

Git remote deis added

● Deploy it

(suppressed output)

$ git push deis master

-----> Ruby app detected

-----> Compiling Ruby/Rack

-----> Installing dependencies using 1.5.2

Using bundler (1.5.2)

Installing tilt (1.3.6)

Installing rack (1.5.2)

Installing rack-protection (1.5.0)

Installing sinatra (1.4.2)

Your bundle is complete!

-----> Compiled slug size is 12M

-----> Building Docker image

-----> Pushing image to private registry

-----> myappheroku deployed to Deis


$ curl -s http://myappheroku.mylocalpaas.com

Powered by Deis!

● using deis

deis open

● using deis

deis config

● using deis

deis run ( runs in an ephemeral container!)

● using deis

deis limits

● using deis

deis releases / deis rollbacks

● using deis

deis logs

● using deis

deis domains

● Advanced DebugExample

1 - Get the ENTRYPOINT and the CMD of your container

for buildpacks they looks like:

ENTRYPOINT [“/runner/init”]

CMD [“start”, “web”]

2 - Get (or Ask for) the address of the Deis Registry


* and if you have access to it :)

3 - Get the App’s version

$ deis releases

3 - Run it locally

$ docker run --name debug -d \ \

/runner/init start web

3 - Then you can do things like run “docker exec”

$ docker exec -t -i debug /bin/bash

● Example:deploy,migrate orreuseyour appin anothersystem

using Chef/Puppet/Ansible to deploy an image from Deis

1 - Makes your automation creates a file with all environment variables on it:


export DB=user@host:port

● Example:deploy,migrate orreuseyour appin anothersystem

using Chef/Puppet/Ansible to deploy an image from Deis

2 - Run a container from Deis:

- Use the host’s /apps/myapp directory as a

volume to /my

- Perhaps bind a local port to it

- Try to load the environment from the file

before run the ENTRYPOINT

● Example:deploy,migrate orreuseyour appin anothersystem

using Chef/Puppet/Ansible to deploy an image from Deis

docker run -d --name myapp \

-v /apps/myapp:/my \

-p 80:5000 \ \

bash -c \

‘true; source /my/environment; /runner/init start web’

● Example:deploy,migrate orreuseyour appin anothersystem

… or

make your automation create a Dockerfile:


ADD /apps/myapp /my

RUN true; source /my/environment;


ENTRYPOINT [“/runner/init”]’

CMD [“start”,”web”]

$ sudo docker build -t myapp:v14

$ docker run -d --name myapp myapp:v14

