ECMAScript, 6 Dmitry Soshnikov http://dmitrysoshnikov.com @HelsinkiJS meet-up December 12, 2011

HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

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Page 1: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

ECMAScript, 6

Dmitry Soshnikov


@HelsinkiJS meet-up December 12, 2011

Page 2: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Function parameter default values

Page 3: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Function parameter default values

function handleRequest(data, method) {

method = method || “GET”;



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Function parameter default values

function handleRequest(data, method) {

method = method || “GET”;



function handleRequest(data, method = “GET”) {



Page 5: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Modules system

Page 6: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Modules in ES3, ES5 var DBLayer = (function (global) {

/* save original */

var originalDBLayer = global.DBLayer;

function noConflict() {

global.DBLayer = originalDBLayer;


/* implementation */

function query() { ... }

/* exports, public API */

return {

noConflict: noConflict,

query: query



1. Create local scope 2. Restoring function 3. Implementation 4. Public API

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Modules in ES3, ES5 var DBLayer = (function (global) {

/* save original */

var originalDBLayer = global.DBLayer;

function noConflict() {

global.DBLayer = originalDBLayer;


/* implementation */

function query() { ... }

/* exports, public API */

return {

noConflict: noConflict,

query: query



1. Create local scope 2. Restoring function 3. Implementation 4. Public API

Too much of “noise”. A “sugar” is needed.

Page 8: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Modules in ES6 module DBLayer {

export function query(s) { ... }

export function connection(...args) { ... }


import * from DBLayer; // import all

// import only needed exports

import {query, connection: attachTo} from DBLayer

query(“SELECT * FROM books”).format(“escape | split”);

attachTo(“/books/store”, {

onSuccess: function (response) { ... }


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Quasi-Literals (String templates)

Page 10: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Quasis : string templates

let content = “<a href=‘” + url + “’ title=‘”

+ title + “’>” + text+ “</a>”;


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Quasis : string templates

let content = “<a href=‘” + url + “’ title=‘”

+ title + “’>” + text+ “</a>”;


let content = safeHtml `<a href=“${url} “ title=“${title}”>${text}</a>`;


See: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:quasis

Page 12: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Array comprehensions

Page 13: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Array comprehensions

// map + filter way

let scores = [1, 7, 4, 9]

.filter(function (x) { return x > 5 })

.map(function (x) { return x * x }); // [49, 81]

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Array comprehensions

// map + filter way

let scores = [1, 7, 4, 9]

.filter(function (x) { return x > 5 })

.map(function (x) { return x * x }); // [49, 81]

// array comprehensions

let scores = [x * x for (x in values([1, 7, 4, 9])) if (x > 5)];

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Map and WeakMap

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Map and WeakMap let user = {name: “Ann”, x: 10, y: 20};

// Keys in a map are objects

let scoresMap = new Map;

map.set(user, 100);

console.log(scoresMap.get(user)); // 100

Page 17: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Map and WeakMap let user = {name: “Ann”, x: 10, y: 20};

// Keys in a map are objects

let scoresMap = new Map;

map.set(user, 100);

console.log(scoresMap.get(user)); // 100

let markers = new WeakMap;

marker = new Marker(10, 20);

markers.set(marker, “Ann”);

console.log(weakMap.get(marker)); // “Ann”

delete marker; // if marker is GC’ed, it’s removed from WeakMap too!

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Destructuring assignment

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Destructuring: arrays

// for arrays

let [x, y] = [10, 20, 30];

console.log(x, y); // 10, 20

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Destructuring of function parameters

function Panel(config) {

var title = config.title;

var x = config.pos[0];

var y = config.pos[1];

return title + x + y;


new Panel({title: “Users”, pos: [10, 15]});

Too “noisy”

Page 21: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Destructuring of function parameters

function Panel({title: title, pos: [x, y]}) {

return title + x + y;


let config = {title: “Users”, pos: [10, 15]};

new Panel(config);

Page 22: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Eliminating of arguments:

...rest operator

Page 23: HelsinkiJS meet-up. Dmitry Soshnikov - ECMAScript 6

Object arguments

// ES3, ES5

function format(pattern /*, rest */) {

var rest = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);

var items = rest.filter(function (x) { return x > 1});

return pattern.replace(“%v”, items);


format(“scores: %v”, 1, 5, 3); // scores: 5, 3

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Complicated arguments

// ES3, ES5

function format(pattern /*, rest */) {

var rest = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); // complicated

var items = rest.filter(function (x) { return x > 1});

return pattern.replace(“%v”, items);


format(“scores: %v”, 1, 5, 3); // scores: 5, 3

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// ES6 aka Harmony

function format(pattern, …rest) { // real array

var items = rest.filter(function (x) { return x > 1});

return pattern.replace(“%v”, items);


format(“scores: %v”, 1, 5, 3); // scores: 5, 3

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Proxy objects : meta level

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/* target – original object

* handler – meta-handler */

Proxy(target, handler)

See: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:direct_proxies

Note: old semantics (currently is implemented in Firefox) will not longer be available:

Proxy.create(handler, [proto]), Proxy.createFunction(handler, [call, [consruct]])

See: http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:proxies

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// original object

let point = {

x: 10,

y: 20


// proxied object

let loggedPoint = Proxy(point, {

get: function (point, name, rcvr) {

console.log(“get: ”, name);

return point[name];


set: function (point, name, value, rcvr) {

console.log(“set: ”, name, value);

point[name] = value;



Trap of getting of properties

Trap of setting the properties

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// reading trap

loggedPoint.x; // get: x, 10

// writing trap

loggedPoint.x = 20; // set: x, 20

// reflected on the original object

point.x; // 20

// proxied object

let loggedPoint = Proxy(point, {

get: function (point, name, rcvr) {

console.log(“get: ”, name);

return point[name];


set: function (point, name, value, rcvr) {

console.log(“set: ”, name, value);

point[name] = value;




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Struct types

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Struct types // struct types

let Point2D = new StructType({ x: uint32, y: uint32 });

let Color = new StructType({ r: uint8, g: uint8, b: uint8 });

let Pixel = new StructType({ point: Point2D, color: Color });

// array types

let Triangle = new ArrayType(Pixel, 3);

// dense-objects, based on struct binary types

let t = new Triangle([

{ point: { x: 0, y: 0 }, color: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 } },

{ point: { x: 5, y: 5 }, color: { r: 128, g: 0, b: 0 } },

{ point: { x: 10, y: 0 }, color: { r: 0, g: 0, b: 128 } }


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Struct types : example

// struct types

let IODataBlock = new StructType( /* attributes */ );

stream.read(IODataBlock, function (block) {

// partial handling


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Thanks for your attention

Dmitry Soshnikov

[email protected]

