What’s Happening on Facebook… Improved Embedding Tools: Video Player API + oEmbed What It Is Facebook has introduced two new tools for embedding public videos and posts; upgraded video embedding and improved oEmbed (a format for allowing an embedded representa:on of a URL on third party sites) func:onality. Upgraded Video Embedding The new API allows adver:sers to embed videos onto a website more easily while customizing your videos to be displayed the way you want the audience to view them. The API new features include: 1. Autoplay (with our without sound) 2. Volume control 3. Playlists 4. Player controls 5. Event + error handling 6. Custom buQons + thumbnails Improved oEmbed Func5onality The improved oEmbed func:onality makes it easier to embed public ar:cles, videos, and other posts from Facebook to a website by simply copying and pas:ng a URL. oEmbed can now also build support for content management systems (CMS) by embedding Facebook posts and videos efficiently, without the need for screenshots or code changes. Brand Applica:on The new API enables website owners to customize the user experience with video in a way that is interac:ve and more impacWul for businesses. The new “custom bu;ons & thumbnails” op:on opens a large opportunity for crea:vity including the ability to include inquiry forms, interac:ve callYtoYac:ons, product details, etc. In order to access these new features, brands must setup Facebook’s plugin before working with their developers to create custom codes.

Cake & Socialyse Facebook Updates December 2015

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Page 1: Cake & Socialyse Facebook Updates December 2015

What’s'Happening'on'Facebook…''Improved Embedding Tools: Video Player API + oEmbed '''What'It'Is!Facebook!has!introduced!two!new!tools!for!embedding!public!videos!and!posts;!upgraded(video(embedding(and(improved(oEmbed((a!format!for!allowing!an!embedded!representa:on!of!a!URL!on!third!party!sites)!func:onality.!!!


1.  Autoplay!(with!our!without!sound)!!2.  Volume!control!!3.  Playlists!!4.  Player!controls!!5.  Event!+!error!handling!!6.  Custom!buQons!+!!thumbnails!


Page 2: Cake & Socialyse Facebook Updates December 2015

