Functional Vaadin Henri Muurimaa, SVP of Services [email protected] +358 400 474778 @henrimuurimaa 7

Functional Vaadin talk at OSCON 2014

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An introduction on how to utilize functional programming techniques in Java 8 and Scala with Vaadin code.

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Page 1: Functional Vaadin talk at OSCON 2014

Functional Vaadin

Henri Muurimaa, SVP of [email protected] +358 400 474778 @henrimuurimaa


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MissionMissionWhy do we exist

Make building amazing web applications easy

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Building blocks

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Web application layers

JavaScriptWeb serverBackend Communication

JS required required required requiredVaadin

required optionalrequired optional

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Web application layers

JavaScriptWeb serverBackend Communication

JS required required required required


required optionalrequired optional

1 layer vs

3 layers

Less code Less bugs Faster time-to-market

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Wrong, but the community is very active there

> 100.000 developers from > 10.000 cities > 450 add-ons in the marketplace

Other 4 %Asia

20 %

Americas 22 %

Europe 54 %

Open Source community


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Demo time

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What is Functional Programming?

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A style of programming that expresses computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions

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Lazy evaluation

Lambda expressionsType theory

MonadsReferential transparency



Pattern matching


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Something practical?

Side effects?




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What’s in it for me?

A new way of thinking

A new way of programming

Write tight, robust and scalable code

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What’s hot in Java 8

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Improved Date API

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New Java 8 Date API in action

public int monthAge() { return (new Date().getYear() - date.getYear()) * 12 + (new Date().getMonth() - date.getMonth()); }

// Java 8 version with the new Date API public int monthAge() { return (int) Period.between(date, LocalDate.now()).toTotalMonths(); }

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Lambda expressions

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Anonymous functions

Runnable r = () -> System.out.println("hello lambda!”);

Comparator<Integer> cmp1 = (x, y) -> (x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0);

// Anonymous onsite functions button.addClickListener(event -> System.out.println("Button clicked!"));

Comparator<Integer> cmp2 = (x, y) -> { return (x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0); // Need return if not one liner };

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Workout Tracker example

editor.clear.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { editor.clearValues(); updateRating(); } });

// Java 8 version with a lambda editor.clear.addClickListener(event -> { editor.clearValues(); updateRating(); });

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Method references with the :: notation

! private void eventHandler(Button.ClickEvent event) { // do something about the button click }


// If the handler method is static button.addClickListener(MyClass::eventHandler);

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Workout Tracker example

!editor.activity.addValueChangeListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { updateRating(); } });

// Java 8 version with a method reference editor.date.addValueChangeListener(this::updateRating);

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Composable with higher order functions

Streams != collections

As lazy as possible

Can be infinite

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Input validation

private boolean areInputsValid() { Component component = null; for (Iterator<Component> iter = editor.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); iter.next()) { if (fieldNotValidating(component)) return false; } return true; }

// Java 8 version with anyMatch and a method reference private boolean areInputsValid() { return !StreamSupport.stream(editor.spliterator(), true) .anyMatch(this::fieldNotValidating); }

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Higher order functions

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A function that takes one or more functions as input

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Returns a new stream by applying the given function to all elements of this stream. !

MapReturns a new stream consisting of the elements of this stream that match the given predicate.


SQL analogue: SELECT SQL analogue: WHERE

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Workout Tracker Example




// Java 8 version with stream operations private Stream<Workout> findByAge(int maxMonths) { return workouts.stream() .filter(w -> w.monthAge() < maxMonths) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(Workout::monthAge).reversed()); }

private List<Workout> findByAge(int maxMonths) { List<Workout> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (Workout w : workouts) { if (w.monthAge() < maxMonths) { result.add(w); } } Collections.sort(result, new Comparator<Workout>() { @Override public int compare(Workout o1, Workout o2) { return o2.monthAge() - o1.monthAge(); } }); ! return result; }

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Scratching the surface of Scala syntax

class Cat(name: String) { initLitterBox() def meow(volume: Int = 5) = { println(s"$name meows " + (if (volume <= 5) "quietly" else "loudly")) volume <= 5 } }

Class body is the constructor

identifier: type notation

Functions with def keyword

Arguments can have default values

Return keyword optional

No semicolons needed

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Burn the boilerplate - Workout.java




public void setDuration(int duration) { this.duration = duration; } ! public double getAvgHR() { return avgHR; } ! public void setAvgHR(double avgHR) { this.avgHR = avgHR; } ! public double getMaxHR() { return maxHR; } ! public void setMaxHR(double maxHR) { this.maxHR = maxHR; } ! public int getCalories() { return calories; } ! public void setCalories(int calories) { this.calories = calories; } ! public String getComment() { return comment; } ! public void setComment(String comment) { this.comment = comment; } }

public class Workout { private String activity; private Date date; private int duration, calories; private double avgHR, maxHR; private String comment; ! public Workout(String activity, Date date, int time, double avgHR, double maxHR, int kcal, String comment) { this.activity = activity; this.date = date; this.duration = time; this.avgHR = avgHR; this.maxHR = maxHR; this.calories = kcal; this.comment = comment; } ! public int monthAge() { return (int) Period.between(date, LocalDate.now()).toTotalMonths(); } ! public String getActivity() { return activity; } ! public void setActivity(String activity) { this.activity = activity; } ! public Date getDate() { return date; } ! public void setDate(Date date) { this.date = date; } ! public int getDuration() { return duration; }

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Equivalent Workout.scala




case class Workout(activity: String, date: LocalDate, duration: Int, avgHR: Double, maxHR: Double, calories: Int, comment: String) { def monthAge = Period.between(date, LocalDate.now).toTotalMonths }

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An example

// Scaladin val layout = new VerticalLayout { margin = true ! add(Label("Hello, OSCON!"), alignment = Alignment.TopCenter) add(Button("Click me”, handleButtonClick)) }

// Java 7 VerticalLayout layout = new VerticalLayout(); layout.setMargin(true); Label label = new Label(“Hello, OSCON!”); layout.addComponent(title); layout.setComponentAlignment(label, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); !Button button = new Button(“Click me", new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { handleButtonClick(); } }); layout.addComponent(button);

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Input validation, Java 8 & Scala

// Scaladin version of the editor gives us the components as a Scala Set // which supports functional operations. private def areInputsValid = !editor.components.exists(fieldNotValidating)

// Java 8 version with anyMatch and a method reference private boolean areInputsValid() { return !StreamSupport.stream(editor.spliterator(), true) .anyMatch(this::fieldNotValidating); }

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SLOC comparison

Java 7 Java 8 Scala

UI 267 264 175

Presenter 168 128 84

POJO 82 82 8All versions: zero lines of HTML, JavaScript, RPC code or browser specific tweaks

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Je zult maar letter wezen. Goed, ik ben niet ontevredet. Maar het valt niet mee in deze zeventiger jaren tot het vaderlandse alfabet te behoren. Foto-zetterijen wringen je steeds in steeds ingevikkelder. Je zult maar letter wezen. Goed, ik ben

Henri Muurimaa, SVP of [email protected] +358 400 474778 @henrimuurimaa