Hi future! How will the web be built in 2017? NEOS

2017 WCM Forecast

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A collection of predictions on how WCM systems will evolve, from now in 2013 - to 4 years out in 2017. The team building the TYPO3 Neos CMS initiated this forecast curation to help inspire our long-term planning of the open source software we produce. And in addition, to tell the story about the massive change taking place in the sphere of digital content production and delivery. Want to know more about this? http://neos.typo3.org/ux/future http://rasmusskjoldan.com/post/56140980507/curated-predictions-about-the-future-of-wcms-published Predictions by: Karen McGrane, Janus Boye, Alain Veuve, Perttu Tolvanen, Boris Kraft, Kian Gould, Martin Goldbach Olsen, Jacob Floyd, Mikkel Staunsholm, Olivier Dobberkau, Daniel Hinderink, Christian Badse, Robert Lemke, Jan-Erik Revsbech, Sebastian Kurfuerst, Anders Bendix Kiel, Christian Nilson, Rasmus Skjoldan

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Hi future! How will the web be built in 2017? neOS

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International experts, thinkers, developers, CMS clients, vendors &

architects have shared with the #TYPO3Neos team their predictions on how the web will be built in the future.

This is both their and the team’s own short stories about constructing

web experiences in 2017 - about the tools that make the web.

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FoRECASTS on WCMS in 2017 by


PERTTu TolVAnEn boRiS KRAFT KiAn Gould

MARTin GoldbACH olSEn JACob Floyd

MiKKEl STAunSHolM oliViER dobbERKAu

dAniEl HindERinK CHRiSTiAn bAdSE



CHRiSTiAn nilSon RASMuS SKJoldAn

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“In the next 3-5 years, I think two key trends will dominate the CMS space. First, organizations will realize that WCMS doesn’t always support true multi-channel publishing. They will need to invest in new systems to decouple the authoring and storage layer from the presentation and publishing layer. This might mean adding in middleware, developing new APIs or even choosing an entirely new CMS. Second, as a result of decoupling, organizations will also recognize that they can focus on improving the author experience separate from the front end. This will change the way organizations think about creating structured content, because the content model and author experience won’t be designed for a specific output format—the content will be expected to serve multiple presentations. Organizations will be able to afford to refine the author experience, because they won’t have to throw out all that work every time they redesign the front end.“


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“Strategic leadership and business skills from the customer perspective seems to be finally arriving in a web content management marketplace, that has long been unnecessarily complex, confusing and crowded to vendors, analysts and customers alike.

As we embark on the next phases of the wilder-than-expected roller coaster ride that is driving digital transformation into organizations of all types, the need for customers to better manage the web is bigger than ever. Winning solutions untangle complexity while driving value and innovation.”

JAnuS boyE J. BOye – The InTernATIOnAl COMMunITy FOr WeB & InTrAneT PrOFeSSIOnAlS

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“leading Web Content Management Systems will have to be able to create a stunning digital user experience throughout all devices and channels. Marketers, in any context, must be able to flexibly and freely create targeted content and functionality.”

AlAin VEuVE WeB And e-BuSIneSS COnSulTAnT / BuSIneSS develOPer

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“I believe that the future of Web Content Management is more about moderation capabilities than about content management. We have to have a system that helps us control, filter and moderate our content feeds from different sources. I believe that in the future our “content manage-ment system” will have dozens of different pieces (for photos, for videos, for publications, for people, for projects, for services) and the purpose of our “strategic web content management system” is more about moderat-ing those different sources and streams between different sites than managing the master content for those services. I also believe that another major feature set for our “strategic web content management system” is going to be preview capabilities. We have to have a system that helps us understand the different content sets and how they are displayed in different devices and platforms. We have to have a system that creates these “illusions of previews” so that we feel that we are in control of our “web experience” (as we like to call it in 2013). In short: I believe that the future of web content management is not about master content man-agement, it is about moderation of streams and creating preview illusions.”

PERTTu TolVAnEn WeB & CMS exPerT, PArTner AT nOrTh PATrOl

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“The CMS has become the center, the hub, the nexus of digital communica-tion. everybody has become a content creator. Organizations have become publishers to succeed in digital marketing, services and sales. The world is on the move – it has become mobile and ever faster changing. yet most software products are still stuck in the 90’s style “death by dropdown” user interaction paradigm. Software creators need to move on, need to provide the flexibility to keep pace with the evolving web. We need to provide usability that inspires great content and allows people to produce great customer experiences. leave the 90s behind. define the future. Be bold. Change the world.”

boRiS KRAFT ChIeF TeChnOlOgy OFFICer & CO-FOunder, MAgnOlIA InTernATIOnAl

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“enterprise WCM in 2017 will be all about one thing: relevance. The times have passed where you can simply dump all your content unfiltered onto your website visitors. Personalization is king, using big data to drive customized content experiences will be key and having a content manage-ment platform that can both utilize the power of sophisticated development techniques while still delivering an exceptional usability experience to its users will be the winning technology for the web. WCM is no longer about managing massive data for everyone but breaking it down to the most relevant data for each individual.”

KiAn Gould CeO OF AOe MedIA / TyPO3 heAd OF MArkeTIng

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“I believe CMS in 2017 is a revolutionary thing we could not even imagine. 4 digital years is like a 100 ordinary. But it is still based around creating content of relevance in any shape or form for a target group gone completely mobile. The CMS should and will be a cross media production tool for all kinds of genres, devices and medias. The “back-end-site-tree” as we know it is dead. users wil have tasks and apps. Intranets will be big again and emerge in a new shape and form with video and virtuality as the driver, virtual meeting rooms and all imaginable social media features. But whatever the digital landscape looks like, customized and personalised content will still be king.“

MARTin GoldbACH olSEn WeB edITOr, FTF - COnFederATIOn OF PrOFeSSIOnAlS In denMArk

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“The latest trend in CMS development has been to make WySIWyg inline-editing (What you See Is What you get) a first-class feature for a first-class user experience. That trend serves content editors very well, however it does not meet the needs of content creators and content authors. So often, content is repurposed in a variety of templates and contexts, so content editors need to see content without templates. Wireframe mode in TyPO3 neos is a good start in this direction, but we need it to push it even further. I think the future CMS development should embrace the concepts of What you See Is What you Mean (WySIWyM) editing where the meaning- or to use the popular buzzword, the semantics--of content is easy to see. Authors should find it natural to say ‘this is a heading’ instead of just hit-ting the bold button. lyx is one of the best examples of a WySIWyM editor, and would be a good model for the next big trend in CMS development.”

JACob Floyd TyPO3 neOS ACTIve COnTrIBuTOr

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“Content should be at the center of any CMS. And easy access to all relevant content should be at the center of any organisation. We need to find a way to easily navigate and present any information available from a single centralised content hub, spanning all digital platforms.”

MiKKEl STAunSHolM SenIOr FrOnTend And MOBIle develOPer, CreunA

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“I like to think of content as a multi dimensional object that can be touched and moved on many dimensions, including time. Content management in the future will allow me to morph this object and design the relations and the model of its usage. Best case the content itself will be the CMS as it will contain all information about its designed look, its entities, API endpoints and the way to work on it.”

oliViER dobbERKAu heAd OF r&d AT dkd InTerneT ServICe

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“A CMS has a lot of tasks to solve, if it is to be considered of value: easy and powerful content editing functions, support for individual processes, capabilities to exchange data with other systems, to name a few. The top contenders all do this and more, still Content Management has become a commodity, even stale in terms of innovation. everyone in the market is struggling to come up with the next big thing to get the exitement back. I believe the answer lies in going where content is going: into social media, spanning from networks to publishing platforms. In the future Content Management Systems will have to think and act beyond the website - or die.”

dAniEl HindERinK FOunder And MAnAgIng PArTner OF dPOOl

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“Awesome content will still be king. yet, rather than just taking care of distribution and managing content, supporting collaborative content creation within and across the organisation will be key to the CMS.”


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“A traditional web content management system is the monolithic, isolated application for producing content and publishing it for the web. The future role of a CMS must focus much more on the “management” part and become the central hub for your web publication activities. users will spend more time curating content, compiling articles from different sources and enriching content with comments or by embedding or linking to other media.

editors need to tailor content for different contexts - be it different devices or target groups. And naturally you want to know if your publica-tion was worth the effort: how many people did you reach? how did they liked it? how much did it cost producing and discussing it? And then again, content management is only one piece of the puzzle, since many websites really turned into dynamic web applications than being an online version of a company brochure.”

RobERT lEMKE leAd develOPer TyPO3 neOS And TyPO3 FlOW

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“Across our many large-scale danish WCMS clients, I see this tendency: The need to focus on the content itself. not the presentation, user management, or the fancy feature-of-the-day, but instead focusing on making the editor experience as smooth, easy and fast as possible. This does not mean that the enterprise content management system of 2017 will be less advanced. On the contrary, it will feature integration with many other tools that focus on their specific task and letting the CMS do its part in a greater content strategy. But the editors’ interface will be simpler, cleaner, and more abstracted from the layout than that of current WCMS’es.

The current tendency to have a closer coupling of content and layout (ie. WySIWyg editors), will shift towards a much more abstract content approach, driven by the use of multi-channel publication.

I also believe that many enterprises will need an extremely mobile interface, enabling editors to instantly publish content from whatever device they happen to be using that moment. The WCM of 2017 will feature a mobile, simplistic interface, enabling editors to focus on the right content, at the right time, instantly delivered to the right channel.


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“The focus will be on the content itself. A WCMS cannot dictate how the information you want to share is organized, but it will provide tools tomanage both well-structured content and loosely structured content residing in “information clouds”, also being adaptable in multiplecontent dimensions (such as languages, devices or target audiences). Content “lives” on its own, that’s why embracing Change is another keyprinciple: change of content, of information structure, of connected infrastructure.”

SEbASTiAn KuRFuERST TyPO3 neOS develOPer

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“In the coming years, one of the main challenges for any WCMS will be to bridge the gap between the organization’s external and internal work-flows. depending on industry and product category, companies should either create their products through dialogue and crowdsourcing - revo-lutionize support by utilizing open platforms like Twitter and Zendesk - or maintain a cross-platform presence and dialogue that is consistent and meaningful. A WCMS can target a niche or the broader market. either way, workflow customizability, built-in integrations and open APIs are crucial factors to success in the market place.”

AndERS bEndix KiEl FOunder And POdIO WOrk ArChITeCT

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“At axxess2 we predict that the way we think about Web Content Management will experience a focus shift from responsive content design for end devices towards responsive content design for the user. The content will be displayed depending on user preferences instead of device specifications. Concerning overall display of content on web sites; the way we think about web site design will change completely. Today 90% of all www pages are still designed according to the same principles as 20 years ago, reflecting the page to page print media design, in the future the content display will move towards the navigation we are seeing today in some native Apps”

CHRiSTiAn nilSon MAnAgIng dIreCTOr, AxxeSS2

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“First and foremost, by ‘17, we will have figured out how to make editors feel safe while doing the abstract task of publishing layout-independent content into both known and unknown channels. A WCM in ‘17 can’t just rely on “better previews” as many channels or frontend variants will not be known at the authoring moment. Our brains have never done this at large scale before which calls for new methods of establishing trust in the system - to let editors rest assured that their content “is there” and behaving.

Secondly, WCMS can become a software space that better helps users collaboratively plan the experiences and relationships going on at the touchpoints with end-users. If we draw in this practice of planning and collaboration, currently going on outside the CMS, the process of actually improving digital experiences can become significantly easier.

On that path, the CMS can become a fine place to prototype and design - with real content. Content-first will be a natural part of that shift.”

RASMuS SKJoldAn neOS deSIgner / CreATIve leAd AT MOC

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Writing the roadmap of a WCMS is a remarkable challenge. Paradoxically, it’s about building a tool to do things we don’t fully know what are. To help inspire the TyPO3 neos team plan beyond our 1.0 release, we asked these experts from around the world on their takes on the future of CMS - and blended it all with our own thoughts. We wanted input on how organizations will likely manage their content - and organize the overarching experiences that people deliver through CMS products.

With TyPO3 open source software, we will be responding to both market demands, business needs, technology opportunities and general ideas about publishing on the web. Our technology is an answer to many different questions and phenomonae. That’s why we asked such different kinds of people to join this fascinating discussion.

These extracts of knowledge and experience will now go into our thinking and further planning of the TyPO3 neos software. We hope it will also be inspirational to anyone else interested in digital publishing, the web, content management or software planning.

All the quotes are kindly given to the neos team specifically for this collection. Feel free to share via #typo3neos

Questions about the 2017 WCM forecast can be sent to rasmus Skjoldan at [email protected]