Automated software testing with SikuliX How to install SikuliX? Install JAVA JRE 7 or 8. Go to SikuliX's Launchpad page: https://launchpad.net/sikuli/+download Download latest setup file version - sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar Click on Keep button while downloading the jar file. Create a folder in ‘C’ or any other drive. Copy the downloaded jar file and save into the folder like below:

Automated software testing with SikuliX

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Automated software testing with SikuliX

How to install SikuliX?

Install JAVA JRE 7 or 8.

Go to SikuliX's Launchpad page: https://launchpad.net/sikuli/+download

Download latest setup file version - sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar

Click on Keep button while downloading the jar file.

Create a folder in ‘C’ or any other drive. Copy the downloaded jar file and save into the

folder like below:

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Now double click on sikulixsetup. jar file. Then a popup window will be appeared. Select

option 1 and click on ‘Setup Now’ button

Click on ‘Yes’ button in setup wizards

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Now installation folder is shown as this:

To open SikuliX IDE click on sikulix.jar file:

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Here is an example which describes a simple automation process of calculator application

using SikuliX.

Step 1:

Click on ‘click’ command in left side command list

Step 2:

SikuliX IDE will be disappeared and the text ‘Select an image’ will be shown in desktop

Step 3:

Now drag calculator icon in taskbar

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SikuliX command will be displayed in SikuliX editor

Step 4:

Click on 6 button of calculator

Step 5:

Click on plus (+) button like below

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Step 6:

Click on 8 button

Step 7:

Now click on equal (=) button

Step 8:

Now verify the result using exists () command

Total command will be shown like below:

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Step 9:

Run the script by 'Run’ or ‘Run in slow’ motion command

Command list in left side panel of SikuliX IDE: SikuliX commands are shown in left side

panel. These are:

Settings : Checking auto capture option enabled or not.

Find: Looks for the matched GUI component on the screen or in the region.

FindAll : Looks for All matched GUI component on the screen or in the region

Wait : Waits the given GUI components to appear on the screen on in the Region for up

to timeout seconds

WaitVanish : Waits the given GUI component to disappear on the screen

Exists: Checks if the given GUI components exists on the screen.

Click: Click on matched component on the screen or in the region.

DoubleClick: Double click on the matched component on the screen.

RightClick: Right click on the matched component.

Hover: Moves the mouse cursor on the best matched GUI component.

DragDrop: Drag the first component and drops at the second component.

Type: Types the given text to the current focused window.

Paste: the given text to the current focused window.