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SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION•DON’T WRITE!•new ways of thinking •Telescope, microscope invented

•Printing press spread ideas•Math studied

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•PTOLEMY (200 AD) created GEOCENTRIC MODEL or Earth centered universe

• Earth surrounded by crystal rotating spheres w/ heavenly bodies stuck in them. (10th was Prime mover w/ God & stars beyond 10th sphere)

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Ptolemy’s view

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•Nicholas Copernicus (mid 1500’s Poland) said universe is HELIOCENTRIC - sun centered.

•Sun center of universe & planets revolve around sun

•Moon revolves around earth, earth rotates on axis & revolves around sun each year

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Copernicus’s View

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•Johannes Kepler said sun at center, but orbits were ellipses, not circles.

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•Galileo Galilei- w/ telescope discovered sunspots, moon mtns & planets were solid, (not orbs of


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•Put on trial by pope

•Ideas against Church teachings.

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•Isaac Newton- defined laws of motion, including law of gravity. (1600s)

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•Rene Descartes: Fr philosopher who said “I think, therefore I am”

•Doubt material world, trust your mind.

•Use reason•Mind & matter are separate.

• Father of rationalism.

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•FRANCIS BACON developed SCIENTIFIC METHOD: a procedure for analyzing & collecting evidence.

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•Bacon said use inductive reasoning (go from particular idea to general).

•Use observations, experiments to

prove a hypothesis to lead to correct principles.

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•The Enlightenment PHILOSOPHES were Fr intellectuals.

•Reason, law, hope, progress, themes of enlightenment

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•Said you should apply rational criticism, study society, look at facts & use scientific

method to make society


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•John Locke, (big influence) said all humans born w/ TABULA RASA or a blank slate.

•All knowledge comes from experience.

•All people have natural rights

• Change environment, people change, so new society is created

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•Baron Montesquieu: used scientific method to study govt to find natural laws that govern social & political relationships.

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•Said there should be executive, legislative & judicial branches.

• Also separation of powers & checks & balances.

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•VOLTAIRE- Middle class Parisian writer.

•Taught religious toleration•Believed in freedom of thought

• “All men are brothers”• “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it”

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•Jean Jacque Rousseau: people create laws to protect property,but become slaves of govt

•Wrote Social Contract 1762: said entire society agrees to be governed

by general will, but lose individual liberty.

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•Free people, remember this maxim: we may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost

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•ECONOMICS-Said if people pursue own eco self interest, all society benefits.

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ADAM SMITH (father of capitalism) govt should protect society from invasion & create public works

•Govt should not interfere by imposing regulations.

Called LAISSEZ-FAIRE- let them alone

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•DON’T WRITE!!!! Colonies set up for profit, took natural resources & turned them into manufactured goods & sold back to colonies & nations.

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•DON’T WRITE! Ruled America from 3000 miles away

•England has a constitutional monarchy

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Britain needs $$$$ & passes Stamp Act Tax, taxing all paper goods

•Colonists angry, but have no say in govt

•1st Continental Congress meets to plan action

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•Revolution starts! & Congress meets after start of

rev on 4/16/1776(Concord/Lexington)

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•Congress organized govt & est Continental Army led by George Washington

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•Thomas Jefferson writes Declaration of Independence

•Adopted July 4, 1776

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•declared equality & rights of the people, reasons for rebellion & independence from GB

•France 1st to

recognize US

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•War ends w/ Treaty of Paris in 1783, giving US control of land E of the Mississippi.

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•Articles of Confederation, 1st constitution, kept each state independent.

•Very weak govt. (no power to tax, etc)

•Meeting called to fix Articles.

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•May 25, 1787, 55 delegates met in Philly for Constitutional Convention.

•Articles tossed out & framers write new constitution.

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•New Constitution has executive, legislative & judicial branch

•Separation of powers divide power btw branches.

•Checks & balances allows each branch to check & balance each other (Montesquieu)

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•James Madison wrote Bill of Rights (10 Amendments) gave basic rights of people (speech, press, religion).

•States would not ratify Constitution w/o it.•Seen as proof of Enlightenment

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•Enlightened Absolutism: rulers who used enlightenment ideas,

but kept royal


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•Prussia: Frederick II or The Great: Voltaire lived w/ him, abolished torture, granted limited free speech, press & religious toleration.

•Kept serfdom


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•AUSTRIA: JOSEPH II: abolished serfdom, no death penalty, equality for all before law, religious toleration.

•Failed. Upset many. Nobles, serfs


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•Planned w/ Diderot, set up enlightenment program, did not follow thru

•Favored nobility •Expanded serfdom