Cosmic Aworcaress CommunicGtion s F . 0 . Roy U . Olympia, Wua0lnq?an 0P50 7 77-5 CONCERNING ABORTION FROM THECOSMIC VIEWPOIN T Q . We have a question from L .A . of R,oloona, Towa . She is very curious to kno w whether there are any mailings where Awareness has commented on "abortion " . Abortion is something that she cannot understand and would like to have informatio n on this subject . A . This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity can v'isua lize two universe s simultaneously existing in the same space, but one universe being on the .i_nsi.de o f a spehere and the other universe being on the outside of the sphere, and the spher e having so many parts within it that it is, in actuality, spheres within spheres , within spheres, within . spheres, etc ., and on. the insides of all of these sphere s inside these spheres there are energies and entities ; and on the outside of thes e spheres, around spheres, around more spheres, there are entities and energies ; and upon each of these spheres, there is a multiplicity of tiny spheres . This Awareness asks you to visualize a dot with a million circles radiatin g out from that dot, likened unto dropping a stone i.n water . Those circles moving out from that dot, a. million of them . Each of these circles having on its insid e a dot, and out of that dot radiate millions of circles . All around those circles , on the insides, are .i series of dots, and al .l of these dots have radiating around them a series of circles . Upon the outside of tho ;e circles are dots, and on al l of those million circles and the billions of dot arc circles radiating out from them . This Awarenesg indicates that from this picture, now visualize that everythin g which is on the outside of any of those circles is on . the loner p lane, even thoug h that may also he placed and he seen as being on the outside of another circle . Fo r you must understand that in this image, that which is on the inside of one circl e will he seen as being on the outside of another else ic . This Awareness indicate s that there is tae inner plane, . which is on the inside oi : the circles, and there i s the outer plan, which is on the outside of the circles ., There are certain s-tbstances which are balanced by many forces on the inside , as many circles on the inside, as there are on the outside, so that those dots ar e neither overwhelmingly on the inner plane nor overwhelmingly . on. the outer plane .. . these dots being associated with such . things as clouds or whi` py, nebulous shape s or substances . There are also certain dots which are mostly on the inner plane, an d other dots ahich are mostly on the outer plane . This Awareness indicates when a spirit begins t .o move through, a dot begin s to move through from the inner plane to the outer plane . In the constant changing of time, there becomes that possibility whereby th e entity can move through Find enter into the outer plane, or tine entity can he aborte d and only move through to . a certain point and be cut off and sent back, this bein g likened unto a new circle being drawn which excludes then : entity .

Cosmic Awareness 1977-05: 'Yahweh' and Other 'Messiahs

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Cosmic Aworcaress CommunicGtion sF . 0 . Roy U . Olympia, Wua0lnq?an 0P50 777-5


Q . We have a question from L .A . of R,oloona, Towa . She is very curious to knowwhether there are any mailings where Awareness has commented on "abortion " .Abortion is something that she cannot understand and would like to have informatio n

on this subject .

A .

This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity can v'isua lize two universe ssimultaneously existing in the same space, but one universe being on the .i_nsi.de o f

a spehere and the other universe being on the outside of the sphere, and the spher ehaving so many parts within it that it is, in actuality, spheres within spheres ,

within spheres, within. spheres, etc ., and on. the insides of all of these sphere s

inside these spheres there are energies and entities ; and on the outside of thes espheres, around spheres, around more spheres, there are entities and energies ; andupon each of these spheres, there is a multiplicity of tiny spheres .

This Awareness asks you to visualize a dot with a million circles radiatin gout from that dot, likened unto dropping a stone i.n water . Those circles movingout from that dot, a. million of them . Each of these circles having on its insidea dot, and out of that dot radiate millions of circles . All around those circles ,on the insides, are .i series of dots, and al .l of these dots have radiating aroundthem a series of circles . Upon the outside of tho ;e circles are dots, and on al lof those million circles and the billions of dot arc circles radiating out from them .

This Awarenesg indicates that from this picture, now visualize that everythin gwhich is on the outside of any of those circles is on. the loner p lane, even thoughthat may also he placed and he seen as being on the outside of another circle . Fo ryou must understand that in this image, that which is on the inside of one circl e

will he seen as being on the outside of another else ic . This Awareness indicate sthat there is tae inner plane, . which is on the inside oi: the circles, and there isthe outer plan, which is on the outside of the circles .,

There are certain s-tbstances which are balanced by

many forces on the inside ,as many circles on the inside, as there are on the outside, so that those dots ar eneither overwhelmingly on the inner plane nor overwhelmingly . on. the outer plane . . .these dots being associated with such. things as clouds or whi` py, nebulous shape sor substances . There are also certain dots which are mostly on the inner plane, an d

other dots ahich are mostly on the outer plane .

This Awareness indicates when a spirit begins t .o move through, a dot begin sto move through from the inner plane to the outer plane .

In the constant changing of time, there becomes that possibility whereby th e

entity can move through Find enter into the outer plane, or tine entity can he aborte dand only move through to . a certain point and be cut off and sent back, this bein g

likened unto a new circle being drawn which excludes then : entity .

This Awareness indicates wherein an entity begins to move through into thi splane as a baby, it is dying on the other plane as an adult, and is beginning t olose its conscl.eusness from the other plane and beginning to enter this realm :and as it grows and develops more anal more into this plane, there-is the posy biMyof extracting itself from the other plane to such a d e gree that it no longer hasany nourishment from the other plane,(the other plane being that which is nourishe dby imagination, and this plane being that which is nourished by mind, thoughts ,rationality . )

This Awareness indicates wherein entities can dwell on both planes, there i sthe possibility of longer life, and the shocks of passing over is much less intense .

That wherein entities upon this plane have lost their imagination, their contac twith the other plane, these entities may find themselves approaching that timewherein their sustenance has dried up, and they are so wrapped. in matter that:' theyare being led to death . This Awareness indicates when they approach death, if thi sis gradual enough, they begin to allow their fantasies freedom and move into thos eother realms and begin creating a world in the anti-matter side, in the land of th eimagination and, in this manner, begin to pass over .

This Awareness indicates that occasionally in their efforts to pass over ,someone on the other side decides to abort this entry into the land of the imagin-ation, into that which is beyond death's door, an:d. the entity is sent back int othis plane to continue to live a longer life on this -plane .

This Awareness indicates likewise, entities who seek to enter int o . this plane .and are aborted, then move hack into the other plane to-finish living their lif ethere for a certain length of time .

This Awareness indicates that the tragedy involved in abortion is not so muc hthe depriving of life, because life cannot be deprived ben one plane or another :the tragedy is in the attitudes of the entities who do tte aborting, whereby theycan be so calloused as to assume that the entity is but an object rather than agod, a human being, a form of deity as great and asalua.blc as they themselves .

Q . Well, it was always my understanding that there had to be an agreement on al llevels, of both the mother of this incoming entity and the entity coming in'.Now, if this agreement had not been made, would it not' be aviolation on the par tof the entity coming in, and therefore justify the mother aborting it, if circum-stance s . . . .(Awareness interrupts) .



This Awareness indicates that at the time any entity seeks to enter, ther eis always an agreement or the entity would not be able to enter into that doorway .Either the door is left open accidentally, the door is left open through negligence ,or the door is left open without any consideration as to ' 'who comes in or whetheranyone comes in at all . And in leaving the door open, thdio is ' the agreement .

This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity ente r '' into your home becaus eyour door is left open and inviting that entity, do you h.atre the right to slaythat entity for violating your home ?

This Awareness suggests that once an entity enters due 'to your negligence o rinvitation, it is up to you to relate to that entity in. a manner that doe 's no tviolate the entity, but does either ask the entity to leave your life, your homevoluntarily, or allows the entity to stay under certain condtian:s .

This Awareness indicates that entities can, if they desire, rather than cons-

ciously slay the guest, entities can wish them to death .

Q . Does this create karma on the entity wishing them to death ?

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A .

This Awareness indicates this in the affirmative, to the degree of th eviolation, whatever that violation may be .

This Awareness indicates that a violation by one who negligently leaves th edoor open, or the one who consciously entices by opening the door constantly carelessly, and under such seductive influences and attitudes as would surel ybring someone in, then consciously and brings on greater karma than the one who negligently allowed someone to ente rand with much regret and sorrow felt forced to ask to have the entity removed .

This Awareness suggests the sensitivity felt toward the entity as that whic halleviates much of the karma . The hostility sent toward that entity with th eattitude of ' get it out of here ' is that which can bring on greater karma .

This Awareness indicates the alleviation of karma is through responsibilit y communication . But wherein one is irresponsible, then communication with tha tentity who enters into your home must be such that the entity does not greathostility at being rejected .

Q . Could Awareness explain a little further about allowing the entity to stay

"under certain conditions" mentioned ?

A .

This relating unto forming your lifestyle wherein this entity can ente rand share your life with This Awareness mothers allowtheir children to enter without condition, and in due course find themselves havin gno life of their own and their children

the dominating force in their life ,and themselves simply responding and reacting to the commands of the child ; thecries, the tantrums, the moods, the demands . This is likened unto being so foolishthat you not only allow the door to be open to invite the stranger, hut you als oallow the stranger to enter and take over your house, ard perhaps even eventuall yeject you from your life and have the stranger taking over all that you heldsacred, and simply flaunting it as an inheritance of no value .

This Awareness suggests that in allowing entities into your home, you ma ybring forth certain rules, certain regulations, certain conditions createthe space for them to be and not hinder your own space you to be .


Q . E .M. Writes : "During the past three years, a healer has been treating forarthritis . Physically, there has been no noticeable improvement . Will continuingthe treatments result in a complete cure in the near future? If not, will Awarenes splease give information and suggestions to cure my crippled body ?

A .

This Awareness indicates there has been much information given on arthritis :that celery juice and carrot juice used over period of time, in quantitie s two quarts daily for a period of not less than three months, as that whic hhas great benefit in alleviating the deposits which bring about the problems leadingto arthritis .

That apple cider vinegar as also that which is beneficial ; that acupuncture canbe beneficial, wherein this is used properly ; that acupressure is another simila rtreatment . Sauna baths can give relief . Heat lamps can assist . Fasting, using theseven-day diet, can be beneficial . (ED ' S NOTE : See Revelations of Awareness, " ADiet to Increase Your Awareness " ) .

There is also a doctor in Texas who has perfected a system using hormone shots .

This may be explored through your local A .M.A. . . .that there are also certain herba l

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combinations which can he of great benefit . These may be explored through Ma yFarrel of the Aquarian Church, through Dr . Christopher i:n. Provo, Utah at theHerb Shop ; through certain hooks on herbs which,.are available .at . local librarie sor book stores .

This Awareness indicates that also a system using sonic s shall he eventuall yperfected, and this shall be that which brings total relief to this area . Thi sAwareness indicates, however, this as some time in the future .

This Awareness suggests that the popping of the fingers, toes, neck, vertabra ein the spine ; these as being beneficial in avoiding those energy blocks which. . canlead to arthritis ; that massages are beneficial .

This Awareness suggests that tyre attitude itself ?s . ha ,which,is the greates tcause of arthritis . This attitude as that which is pre brought on by cireumstance swhereby an entity is constantly subjected to a barrage of negative energies ,criticisms, complaints, directions, orders, frustrating situations, dilemmas, an dover a long period of time these energies begin to create tensions within the bod yat certain points, and these tensions begin co draw in . calcium deposits or othe rchemical wastes which accumulate in the area where these t ensions area . These tension sthen begin to become even more inflexible, with more difficulty increasing th elonger they remain .

This Awareness indicates that wherein an. entity isin a situati_on .,enn.i;cr., i schronically_ negative, the danger of arthritis i.n('reases, That wherein an entit yis in such a situation, the entity cannot; . inipl.y ign 9 , P- the ne Vii ] .o*e forces, forthese negative energies will p as- ) through without the i ilter n; . process of theconscious mind . This Awareness indicates that if an entity is conscious, of th enegative influences coming at one, the entity can filter these out, not by resistingthem, but by simply .canceling them out, negating h5 simply saying . to oneself, "thi sis ridiculous ; this is net so ; this 1:W11.1 not accept" . This Awareness indicatesthat as these negative forces move in toward the entity and the entity consciouslyfilters them out, the ener gies cannot build up in the system .

However ; t;e erein an entity is being constantly ^nd chronically-Jed negativesuggestions or complaints, or forces of that nature, and the entity decides he canno tlisten any more, or wherein the entity feels he cannot stand to pay further attentio nto that voice or that force or that situation, then is a shutdown of thefiltering plant, and the forces more right on through- into the subconscious level sof the entity and begin to build up on the cells . And these build-ups of thes eenergies then bring about the feeding ground for the elements that makeup th earthri .s. This may be likened unto a ship which sit__ ; under the water- for suc ha lotg period of time that barnacles and call kinds of other wastes and scum beginto build up on that ship until i:ts form is no longer recognizable .

This Awareness indicates that there can be a cleansing, either through th efiltering action , of tie conscious Mind which locks deeply at thene collecte dfrustrations and negative feelings, , or through certain diet, fastings, throug hcertain chemical scrapings, through the acupressurc or acupuncture actions, whic hmay be likened unto certain storms upon the waters above this ship which canloosen these barnacles .

This Awareness suggests that there Are many ways of freeing yourself from thes ecollected intensities, these negative fields But that the first end most importan taction is that of filtering out those negative farces by consciously looking deeplyat them within your own psyche and recogiizz .ng what chose negative suggestions ,complaints, sounds and feelings were that.. got through which caused you to becomeso painfully locked into your corners .

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Q, What difference in benefits is obtained from drinking "D" Cell water asopposed to pyramid energy-charged •rater?

A .

This Awareness indicates that the D Cell water as that which ca ptains a '

solar energy which has come being an entity o fa spiritual nature : this being anti-matter, or spirit, in a small, form with a of its own, whose ability it can negate and eliminate poisons, fluoride sand the water and within the system of the entity using this ; an dalso gives vitality and anti-matter, or spirit, to the user, whether this user

be plant, .

This Awareness indicates energy as with as the Odic Force, or Orgone energy : this as more closely related unto a kin dof psychic energy rather than spiritual energy : The difference being the psychi cenergy does hold like a magnetic field and does collect certain electrons and ions ,

whereas, the D Cell energy does radiate and rejuvenate the life systems, the ical systems .

This Awareness indicates the pyramid energy may preserve forms which have littl e

life within them by collecting ions and electrons in a manner that preserves thes e

energies by coating these energies with electrons and ions, preserving the form .But the D Cell energy preserves, it increases the lif eforce and vitality of the creature by placing within each a miniature sun ,or solar allows that cell to rejuvenate and grow .

This Awareness indicates "S" Cell is capable of taking these cells whic hare polluted or ill„ preparing reverse theaction of the life force and . move that back into a harmony which then can b eenhanced by use of the D cell for increasing the vitality .

This Awareness indicates the pyramid energy can be used for drawing out certai n

from the physical body . In this manner the pyramid energy may be used t opull ions and electrons from a certain area and rearrange them in another area tha tis in balance and conducive to harmony . That the action of the pyramid energy i s

that it actually creates a greater amount of anti-matter, or spirit, bu trather it rearranges the molecular, the electron and ion formations within the

object .

(EDITOR ' S NOTE : In the Awareness gave much information on "D" and "S "Cells, thru the channel of David Worcester . "D" Cells are magic, and when place d

in jugs of drinking; water and drunk raise the consciousness an dmaintain psychic balances etc . It keeps the drinker healthier and it automaticall yremoves any pollutants that may be in the water . It has called "Holy Water" b yIsome & greatly aids in healing . Once drink "D CELL" water, you probablynever drink any other kind . They are also used in tanks of cars and for avariety of other uses . "S CELLS " are small amounts of water and are use dwhen "the temperature of consciousness " gets too heavy, when cancer and othe rsevere illnesses of a psychic nature occur . C .A .C . does offer "D CELLS" and "S CELLS "to the membership and prices and some information available upon request . Foran in-depths study of these, a booklet titled "D CELLS" is available for $3 fromC .A.C . (This because of a limited number left we have. to Xerox them untiltime permits a reprint) .

However, prices of the. "D" and "a" Cells an d , limited info on how to use the mis available at no charge to C .A .C. . members

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2uestion •C .A .C . member, I .J . writes : "Your communications are shattering . I eagerly awai tthe mail that contains a CAC envelope . I would like to ask Awareness for suggestion son how to better handle the development of the children, or i .. it is time for m eto change to another goal . And, if so, what suggestions could Awareness make" ?

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates the coming Correspondence Lessons will contain muc hinformation relating unto this situation . This Awareness indicates that in the meantime ,that you consider the action of building a good self-image for each of the children ,for no entity can perform properly without a good self-image .

This Awareness suggests that wherein self-image is rewarded for performance, tha tthis as likened unto putting the horse before the cart . This Awareness suggests tha tyou assist the child in performing best by child in feeling good abou thim or her self . This Awareness suggests that in order to do this you must giv eencouragement, you must compliment the child, even on the :temporarily ignore performance if it is not up to par .

This Awareness indicates that as the child begins to realize that you do car efor him, or for her, while they are present stage of behavior, the chil dthen begins to feel that he or she is worthwhile, This Awareness indicates that a tthat point, after the child has a feeling of self-worth, reinforcing this self-wort hby compliments in relation to those actions which are of a posit:Eve and worthwhil enature, will assist that child in bringing out those qualities ; that a caution . inregards to negative behavior may be given in terms of how you feel about that typ eof behavior, rather than in terms of making the child feel had, or in error .

This Awareness suggests you not associate the child with . his or her behavior ,for the child is not his behavior . The child simply is one who behaves, and th ebehavior is not necessarily the child . This Awareness suggests this distinction mus tbe made also child, that he or she is not his or her performance level . Thi sAwareness suggests that you let the child feel good about being who he or she i sand discuss the performance as though you were discussing a role being played by a nactor or actress on a stage called 'life' ; that you can then assist these entitie sin learning their roles so that they have greater applause from more peopl efor these roles, and their performances . This Awareness indicates more shall b egiven on this in the coming Correspondence Lessons .

This Awareness suggests that the raising of your children, the work with children ,is that which is blessed by this Awareness, for this does indeed assist in bringin gabout those entities wh.o have core at a time which is crucial, and assisting throug hcareful training, you may help to raise these entities with attitudes of good self -image which shall he to many throughout: lifetimes .

This Awareness indicates that these children of this generation shall become thos ewho bring forth the Age of Aquarius in its true meaning ; and that wherein you canassist them in understanding the new ways so that they are not caught by old hostilitie sand concepts and negative feelings about themselves, so that they can understand self-respect, respect of others, and responsibility toward themselves and others, so tha tthey understand freedom of expression, freedom to make freedom for others ; wherebythey understand co-creative concepts, these children then can grow into adults whocan make wondrous changes upon this plane .

This Awareness suggests that you may do whatever you wish, hut that the work withchildren as that which is of great noble value .

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Question .C .A .C . member R.E .L . writes : "The. Rosicruciar seer, Max. Heindel, from, claimed first -hand viewing of the etheric . and astral planes, indicates that individuals who particip-ate in sexual excess, either in unison with marriage mates or others, or solitarily ,are punished severely, or at least undergo some purgation. on. the lowest astral plane sin the afterlife, Where they do die without having clearedd this from their astra lbodies . Will Awareness please comment on this at length", he requests .

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates this as occurring wherein entities have great feelingsof guilt about this action and violate those principles and morals which have bee ninstilled within themselves .

occurs, not because of the action, but because o f

the feelings of the entities w eneby the entities feel it is necessary to purge them -

selves for their error . This Awareness indicates that this is error in attitude an d

has no cosmic error involved .

This Awareness suggests that entities who overindulge in sexual activities, wh o

overindulge over long periods of time, can indeed weaken their aura and weaken certai nforces within their endocrine system, which can allow the physical body to becom esomewhat distorted in future lifetimes, and the beauty of their body becomes somewha tdiminished . This Awareness indicates that this does not necessarily imply that an

ugly person has been involved in excessive sex . There are other actions which als ocan bring about distortions in the physical form .

This Awareness indicates that it does not necessarily imply that a person who i sconsidered beautiful has abstained from any sexual activities . This Awareness indicate s

being said here is that there is a certain value in allowing the kundalin iforces to have a certain amount of strength in your physical form can be usedfor strengthening other parts of your body : toning and firming up the muscles an dflesh, rather than being emitted constantly as fast as is possible to build up thi sk.undalini energy .

This Awareness suggests that entities who dwell on sexual activities for a shor tperiod of time in their life shall not necessarily be by wherein an entity spends of their lifetime being obsessed by sexual activity ,that obsession and the excessive expression. can have an effect upon the physical formof the entity . This Awareness indicates that it takes several lifetimes before thi scan be of great damage to the form of an entity, that many lifetimes of excessiv esexual expression can lower and damage the self-image of an entity, and this is tha twhich becomes most damaging .

This Awareness suggests that wherein an entity feels good. about oneself and feel sone is capable of giving service to others, the image is that which assists i nattaining a good form

Question. :A follow-up question on that . "It is wise for individuals either to remain singl elifelong, or to place very great stress on sexual exchanges in marriage . In otherwords, says Mr . E ., is the sophrosyne, the golden mien of the ancients, the mos tdesirable course for the overall growth of individuals at this time" ?

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates that it has beer given that you walk. the straight and

narrow path . This Awareness indicates it has been given that . you walk the razo r ' s edge .

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This Awareness suggests that this does not mean that you walk the path. o absoluterighteousness as opposed to absolute unrighteousness . This means that you walk th epath of the medium, the middle way in things, reconciling the "yes" and the "n o"

those :areas which are polarized .

This Awareness indicates than there is no great harm . in entities stepping off -the . oath, f:'or in sLcpping off the n tF , .one begins t:o realize where. hhe path . is .This Awareness indicates that if you are wal! .i g a.nd. . it is dark, it zs only by steppin goff the path that you can be aware where the path is . This Awareness tha tthe important thing is to be aware of where the path. is and be able to . find yourway back .

This Awareness indicates that there are instances wherein an entity may stepoff the path to communicate and to assist another who is lost or needing communication .This Awareness indicates that in straying from the path, it is important that yo u

know how to return to that middle way, the golden mien, the reconciliation between

" yes" and "no" .

This Awareness does not chastise nor condemn. nor judge any for wanderlug fro m

home, for wandering from the middle path ; for this Awareness suggests that it i sthrough your errors and your mistakes that You learn, and that the important thin gis for you to learn, rather than for you to become fanatical over• being righteous .This. Awareness does, however, caution you to he responsible .for your actions and tobe aware of the actions which can lead to respons .biz. it:i.es wnieh you must face? .


Question :Member V .H . of Iron River, Wisconsin, sent in a letter and ''a newspape rcalled "Yahweh Power Report; . which calls itself "the most important prophetic newspape rin America, the all-seeing " It is put out by Doctor Joseph Jeffers-Yahoshua ,and she writes : "Dear Awareness : comment on Dr . Joseph JefferS, who claims 'tobe the true son of Yahweh, the Messiah, also known ' Yahoshua, Was as 2000 years ago . He claims the true name of the our Creator is Yahweh, God, if we don't call Him by Yahweh, we will not be saved from what is to in' our He wants all to sell their possessions and move to Yahweh City in Missouri'. He claimsby doing this, when the time comes (he mentioned Feb . 1.977) we will

he takenout by space ships to a safe place, as so-called stated in the Bible . Jeffers alsoclaims that there was no such person as Christ or Jesus ; he was not: crucified' onthe cross, but someone else was ; that the Bible has been changed to suit the need sof the churches . Please explain, as many are confused about the True One returning the final days . Thank you . "

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates that information has been given regarding this ; that thepronunication of Jehovah in the Hebrew language as that which is Yahweh . (Yod He VahHeh) . The four letters meaning Fire, Water, Air, Earth . The meaning of Fire, Water ,Air, Earth, being RADIANCE, MAGNETISM, RELATIONSHIP or MOVEMENT, STABILITY .This Awareness indicates these are symbolic of the four creative in the Universe .

This Awareness indicates the name, Jesus, as Yod-He-Shin .-Vod-He, Yod.-heh-shin-vah-heh, Yah-heh-shin-vav-neh), the Shin added in the middle, linking the Yah-He-Vah -He, Yah-Heh-Vod-Heh, or Yod-ileh-Vod-Iteh, or Yod-Heh-Va-Ileh back to Anti-Matter, o rspirit . This Awareness indicates the name, Jesus, ' of the mediator betwee nthe Spirit and the physical creation forces .

This Awareness indicates that the Yah-Heh-Va-Heh, or Jehovah, as being Jewishname for the Creative Forces : this being a secret name used by the priests of th eJewish., the 'Hebrew language, using these' terms for-metaphysical understanding o fCreative Forces . This Awareness indicates that the term, God, as that which cam eabout through the Greek language, that Yod-H.eh-Shin--Va-Iieh, or the four qualities )

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have to do with the forces which created, and continue to create, the materia lworld .

This Awareness indicates that as to whether these forces are God is a matter o fwhat you wish to term a God . This Awareness suggests that the entity as being th eson of Yah-Heh-Va-Heh, or Yahweh, is in fact accurate, but that this claim may bemade by any entity upon this plane, or any particle of matter : for all matter i sthe offspring of these four qualities, Yah-Heh--Shin.-Vah-leh., or Yah-Heh-Vah-Heh, i f

entities prefer to leave the Shin from the word . This Awareness indicates that th e

Shin is, in fact, the life-force and consciousness that links entities to the spirit .

(EDITOR ' S NOTE : these are phonetic renderings of these God-names ; the spelling may

be incorrect in some instances) .

This Awareness indicates that an implication of being the offspring of Yah-ieh-Vah-

Heh alone, without having the Shin involved, the Anti-Matter involved, would imply

a dead body .

This Awareness indicates that any entity who follows this form of prophecy maybe likened unto one who follows the dead teachings of the offspring of a dead piece

of matter . This Awareness suggests that entities '

x .

~Itrine into their ~:~,n inner :



and feel their own source of DivinityI that there shall be many who shall use thes e

times of intensities to make a buck on those who are ready to follow the sales-pitc h

of one who can play the N.eesiah . This Awareness indi_ca te.s ti ire are many who woul d

like to play the role of Messiah, tRat these entities are in need more of assistanc e

than followers .

This Awareness suggests that entities not believe the prophecies based on negativ e

energies, negative images of threats and doom, for entities have it within their ownpowers to image the creation of the next moment and to bring about the changes inthis plane for harmony, peace, happiness and joy for all concerned . ; but wherein

entities begin lending their voices, their attention, their energies to those whoprophesy great doom, these entities acting in fear can only add to that image .

This Awareness indicates that wherein an entity offers a prediction, but offer sno alternative as to what entities can do in terms of avoiding the . catastrophe, and

wherein that entity makes predictions which exclude others and create a followingaround about oneself, asking entities to sell their possessions and follow him or

her : this entity should be looked at with great skepticism, for this kind of actio n

has been going on for many years wherein entities sell their homes and sit on a

mountain, waiting for the end of time .

This Awareness indicates that when, and if, the end of time comes, selling

your home and following another to a mountain shall not save you any more thanremaining where you are and being in harmony with yourself, with this Awareness ,

and with those round about you .


Question :A recent C .I .A. report concluded the earth has entered an adverse period of weathe rthat is already reducing food production and causing major economic problems throughou tthe world . They project that the world climate, which for several decades has bee nideal for agriculture, is returning to conditions that existed from 1600 to 1850 (?) ,

a period called a ' little ice age ' , characterized by lower temperatures, shorte rgrowing seasons, and periods of famine . However, some climatologists dispute this : in.

fact, they say a definite world-wide warming trend is in sight, which could, mel t

polar ice and raise the levels of oceans,, and possibly inundate coastal cities . What

is the truth about the current weather cycle, and are either or both of these school sof thought correct?

Page 9 .

(.cJ .,n-e .., dc.' :Giifse :

This Awareness indicates that there is an action occurring at the present ,f

^ :



suchwherein the polar

wherein the polarity ~.the - ,_, le, o r ::~~ _ . eer t t_~ is suchthat a slight wobble is occurring, and there is also an effect within the aura o fthe earth whereby certain flux in the atmosphere is creating changes in . the polarityof the aura : this relating unto the Van Allen Belt and boreau :tis, th eeffects being such that weather is consciousness is a .f ectefl, the radio-activity in the atmosphere is affecting, as well . as being affected by this .

This Awareness indicates that the general direction in . terms of temperature asthat which remain unstable for approximately three more years ; after this, a warming

shall occur .

This Awareness indicates that dampness and more precipitation shall occur durin g

the next thirty years than during the previous thirty years .

This Awareness indicates that in terms of a mini ice .-age, that this is unlikely ;that the indications are other than this in the sense of large-scale weather changes .

This Awareness .indicates this as not indicating great. warming period ; that ther eappears to he a stability in the weather conditions beginning approximately fou r

to five years ; that the temperatures will. remain relatively similar to the previou sthirty years .


Question :J,T . of Glenwood Springs, Colo, writes : "I would Like to know why Awareness ' s

prediction for last summer about: Rockefeller declaring an emergency takingover didn ' t happen" .

Cosmic Awareness :

This Awareness indicates that much attention wa s , called to this potential action ,that the effect of Watergate and the movement and manipulation relating unto tha taction, which was triggered by these forces, went further than these forces intende d

and almost got out of their_ . control, exposing more than they, desired .

This Awareness indicates that the ramifications of this continued to reverberat e

for many months, and the information given relating unto the potential take-over o fthe nation was spread among many circles of influential persons, and this had it s

effect on causing these forces to :"check themselves and back to realize tha t

they were not invulnerable to exposure .

This Awareness indicates that the danger of this action. greatly lessened ,has been more or less put on the shelf for the time being until a new indicationof success is found available for them .

This Awareness indicates that there also going on in the psyche of thes eforces a. relooking at their role, and they are beginning to re-evaluate theiractions in. light of the changes which are occurring in consciousness .

This Awareness indicates there is some in.aicati.on that these entities may, before do an about-face and become in asSisting to bring about a democrati cworld government, as indicated by this Awareness in previous messages wherein eve nthe banking system is controlled by elected officials, and their world governmen tis extended version of democracy, spreading tie ' liberties which . t_h United StatesConstitution began 200 years ago . This Awareness suggests that entities wish t o

energize the participation of these entities into this ' k.in.d of action wherein therecan be that new freedom and lib'erty• upon this plane .