Deep dive into Android async operations Mateusz Grzechociński @mgrzechocinski Demo app source code https://github.com/mgrzechocinski/DroidconKrakow2014

Deep dive into Android async operations

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Deep diveinto Android async operations

Mateusz Grzechociński@mgrzechocinski

Demo app source codehttps://github.com/mgrzechocinski/DroidconKrakow2014

What’s it for?

● Confitura 2010

● Review & share own experience

● ...and would appreciate your’s

● From developer to (intermediate) developers

Meet Adam

...and his story

Adam, a developer who knows

● what’s Looper.loop()

● what ANR is

● Long operation? Spawn a thread!


● Bundesliga matches results

● Refresh on click

Simple enough?

● REST client● 1 activity● 1 button, ● refresh = call URLs in spawned threads

StrictModepublic class DemoApp extends Application {


public void onCreate() {


StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Builder()








"AsyncTask enables proper and easy use of the UI thread. This class allows to perform background operations and publish results on the UI thread without having to manipulate threads and/or handlers.”

Android SDK docs

DEMO 1AsyncTask - multiple calls




DEMO 1aAsyncTask - memory leak


● Track activity/fragment lifecycle manually○ cancel it?

● Use fragment with setRetainInstance



Pros● Simple● Great for few seconds

operations● Cancellation support

Cons● Memory leaks, ● Possible crashes● Behaves different● Lack of exceptions handling

(or RoboAsyncTask)


Adam wonders: Really a good idea?

run task→ change config (e.g. by rotating the screen)

→ cancel previous task→ run new task

→ update UI


● HONEYCOMB+● support-v4

Loaders, in particular CursorLoader, are expected to retain their data after being stopped. This allows applications to keep their data across the activity or fragment's onStop() and onStart() methods, so that when users return to an application, they don't have to wait for the data to reload.

Android SDK docs

AsyncTaskLoader“This class performs the same function as the AsyncTask, but a bit better. It can handle Activity configuration changes more easily (add MG: by Loader Manager), and it behaves within the life cycles of Fragments and Activities.”


How it works...

● LoaderManager● initLoader● LoaderCallback● CursorLoader● AsyncTaskLoader

DEMO 2Loader - first shoot and…




protected void onStartLoading() {


Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onStartLoading");

+ forceLoad();


DEMO 3Loader - forceLoad()

config change?


protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {



if (savedInstanceState != null) {

+ getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(LOADER_ID, args, this);

//restore state...



DEMO 4Loader - config change

leaving activity?


protected void onStartLoading() {


Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onStartLoading");

+ if(result == null){


+ }else{

+ deliverResult(result);

+ }


DEMO 5Loader - leaving activity (home etc)

force refresh?


public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Match> loader, Match match) {

Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onLoadFinished: " + match);




+ getSupportLoaderManager().destroyLoader(LOADER_ID);


DEMO 6Loader - force refresh


Pros● Better than AsyncTask, much● Gives “partial” caching

○ Need in-loader result caching when leaving activity

○ No control● No memory leaks

Cons● Designed to support DB data

(cursor)● Hacking, hacking, hacking to

use in networking● Poorly documented● Opposite to AsyncTask

○ too highly coupled● Poor exception management

The idea“[...]

Basically, what happens with RS is that when a request is being processed, its listeners will be invoked as long as the associated activity is alive.


The main purpose of RS is to make sure that there is no memory leak : your activity, if it has to die, will die and be garbage collected, RS doesn't hold any hard reference to it that would prevent garbage collection. That's really the core idea behind RoboSpice. [...]”

Stephen Nicolashttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/19011200/how-does-robospice-manage-activity-lifecycle

Show me do code!

DEMO 7RoboSpice - basic

● config change● refresh() → no caching


protected void onStart() {



+ spiceManager.addListenerIfPending(Match.class, CACHE_KEY, this);


Config change

Force refresh

private void loadMatchesOnClick() {

int matchID = 1;

MatchResultRequest request = new MatchResultRequest(Match.class, matchID);

spiceManager.execute(request, CACHE_KEY, DurationInMillis.ALWAYS_EXPIRED, this);



spiceManager.removeDataFromCache(Match.class, CACHE_KEY);

DEMO 8RoboSpice - extended

By default● Handling config changes

● Full control caching

● Multithreading

● No internet connection → NoNetworkException.class

● Modules to SpringAndroid, Retrofit

● and much more...


Pros● Robust, full featured● Last commit < 3 months ago

Cons● POJO per Request● No a simple library

○ SpiceManager with 1300 LOC

Go Reactive

● ReactiveExtentions by MS

● Ported by Netflix

● rxAndroid = rxJava + few Android classes

● rxJava hit 1.0

● rxAndroid still 0.x

Motivations"[...] If a calling Activity/Fragment makes multiple requests, it needs to handle responses in a single function by switching on the URL. This makes for code that isn’t very readable, especially when you have to jump from where the request is executed to where the response is handled"


Motivations“It’s still a little verbose, but it’s more similar to writing synchronous code. I use the response in code that directly follows the request. I also get error handling on the UI thread for free.”


Iterable Observable




.map({ s -> return s + " transformed" })

.forEach({ println "next => " + it })




.map({ s -> return s + " transformed" })

.subscribe({ println "onNext => " + it })




.map({ s -> return s + " transformed" })

.subscribe({ println "onNext => " + it })

DEMO 9RxAndroid in UI Layer

Worth trying?

● Streams of events○ e.g. Weather station, tweets analyzer

● In “common” app?

● When using Retrofit@GET("/user/{id}/photo")

Observable<Photo> getUserPhoto(@Path("id") int id);


Pros● Reduced callback hell with

FPP● Robust set of


Cons● Need to change the way of

thinking● Hard, really● On Android - even harder● Possible memory leaks?● Debugging?

Out of scope… or time

● IntentService (!= Service)

● Event buses (Otto, GreenRobot’s EventBus)○ especially with Loaders

● Volley

● Ion


● Don’t use AsyncTask

● Consider using Loaders

● Give a try RoboSpice

● Learn FRP (rxJava/rxAndroid)