Deep dive on DynamoDB to create scalable app Eduardo Horai AWS Solutions Architect

DynamoDB Deep Dive

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Slides do Webinar Deep Dive de DynamoDB, o banco de dados NoSQL gerenciado e as a service da Amazon Web Services

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Page 1: DynamoDB Deep Dive

Deep dive on DynamoDB to create scalable app Eduardo Horai

AWS Solutions Architect

Page 2: DynamoDB Deep Dive

What is DynamoDB?


Page 3: DynamoDB Deep Dive

DynamoDB is a managed NoSQL database service.

Store and retrieve any amount of data.

Serve any level of request traffic.

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Without the operational burden.

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Consistent, predictable performance.

Single digit millisecond latency.

Backed on solid-state drives.

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Key/attribute pairs. No schema required.

Easy to create. Easy to adjust.

Flexible data model.

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No table size limits. Unlimited storage.

No downtime.

Seamless scalability.

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Consistent, disk only writes.

Replication across data centers and availability zones.


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Focus on your app.

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Reserve IOPS for reads and writes.

Scale up for down at any time.

Provisioned throughput.

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Pay per capacity unit.

Priced per hour of provisioned throughput.

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Size of item x writes per second

Write throughput.

>= 1KB

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Atomic increment and decrement.

Optimistic concurrency control: conditional writes.

Consistent writes.

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Item level transactions only.

Puts, updates and deletes are ACID.


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Read throughput.

Strong or eventual consistency

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Read throughput.

Strong or eventual consistency

Provisioned units = size of item x reads per second >= 4KB

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Read throughput.

Strong or eventual consistency

Provisioned units = size of item x reads per second 2

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Read throughput.

Strong or eventual consistency

Same latency expectations.

Mix and match at ‘read time’.

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Provisioned throughput is managed by DynamoDB.

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Data is partitioned and managed by DynamoDB.

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•  DynamoDB automatically partitions data by the hash key –  Hash key spreads data & workload across partitions

•  Auto-Partitioning driven by: –  Data set size –  Provisioned Throughput

•  Tip: large number of unique hash keys and uniform distribution of workload across hash keys lends well to massive scale!


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Tiered bandwidth pricing: aws.amazon.com/dynamodb/pricing

Indexed data storage.

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Up to 53% for 1 year reservation.

Up to 76% for 3 year reservation.

Reserved capacity.

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Session based to minimize latency. Uses the Amazon Security Token Service.

Handled by AWS SDKs. Integrates with IAM.


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CloudWatch metrics: latency, consumed read and write throughput,

errors and throttling.


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Libraries, mappers and mocks.

ColdFusion, Django, Erlang, Java, .Net, Node.js, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby


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NoSQL Data Modeling


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id = 100

date = 2012-05-16-12-00-10 id = 101 total = 100.00

total = 25.00

id = 101 date = 2012-05-15-15-00-11 total = 35.00

date = 2012-05-16-09-00-10

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id = 100 date = 2012-05-16-09-00-10 total = 25.00

id = 101 date = 2012-05-15-15-00-11 total = 35.00


date = 2012-05-16-12-00-10 id = 101 total = 100.00

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id = 100 total = 25.00

id = 101 date = 2012-05-15-15-00-11 total = 35.00


date = 2012-05-16-12-00-10 id = 101 total = 100.00

date = 2012-05-16-09-00-10

Page 31: DynamoDB Deep Dive

id = 100


total = 25.00 Attribute

date = 2012-05-16-12-00-10 id = 101 total = 100.00

id = 101 date = total = 35.00

date = 2012-05-16-09-00-10

Page 32: DynamoDB Deep Dive

Tables do not require a formal schema.

Items are an arbitrarily sized hash.

Where is the schema?

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Items are indexed by primary and secondary keys.

Primary keys can be composite.

Secondary keys are local to the table.


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ID Date Total

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ID Date Total

Hash key

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ID Date Total

Hash key Range key

Composite primary key

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ID Date Total

Hash key Range key Secondary range key

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Programming DynamoDB.

Small but perfectly formed API.

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PutItem, UpdateItem, DeleteItem can take optional conditions for operation.

UpdateItem performs atomic increments.

Conditional updates.

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One API call, multiple items

BatchGet returns multiple items by key.

BatchWrite performs up to 25 put or delete operations.

Throughput is measured by IO, not API calls.

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Query returns items by key.

Scan reads the whole table sequentially.

Query vs Scan

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Query patterns

Retrieve all items by hash key.

Range key conditions: ==, <, >, >=, <=, begins with, between.

Counts. Top and bottom n values. Paged responses.

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AmazonDynamoDBClient dynamoDB; = new AmazonDynamoDBClient( new ClasspathPropertiesFileCredentialsProvider()); dynamoDB.setRegion(Region.getRegion(Regions. SA_EAST_1));

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Players user_id =

mza location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

Page 51: DynamoDB Deep Dive

CreateTableRequest createPlayersTable = new CreateTableRequest().withTableName("Players") .withKeySchema(new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName("user_id") .withKeyType(KeyType.HASH)) .withAttributeDefinitions(newAttributeDefinition() .withAttributeName("user_id").withAttributeType(ScalarAttributeType.S)) .withProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput() .withReadCapacityUnits(10L) .withWriteCapacityUnits(10L)); dynamoDB.createTable(createPlayersTable);

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user_id = mza

location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

user_id = mza

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = werner

game = bejewelled

score = 55,000

Page 53: DynamoDB Deep Dive

CreateTableRequest createScoresTable = new CreateTableRequest().withTableName(”Scores") .withKeySchema(new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName("user_id") .withKeyType(KeyType.HASH)) .withAttributeDefinitions(newAttributeDefinition() .withAttributeName("user_id").withAttributeType(ScalarAttributeType.S)) .withKeySchema(new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName(”game") .withKeyType(KeyType.RANGE)) .withAttributeDefinitions(newAttributeDefinition() .withAttributeName(”game").withAttributeType(ScalarAttributeType.S)) .withProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput() .withReadCapacityUnits(100L) .withWriteCapacityUnits(100L));

Page 54: DynamoDB Deep Dive


Scores Leader boards

user_id = mza

location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

user_id = mza

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = werner

game = bejewelled

score = 55,000

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 9,000,000

user_id = jeffbarr

Page 55: DynamoDB Deep Dive

CreateTableRequest createLeaderBoardsTable = new CreateTableRequest().withTableName(”LeaderBoards") .withKeySchema(new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName(”game") .withKeyType(KeyType.HASH)) .withAttributeDefinitions(newAttributeDefinition() .withAttributeName(”game").withAttributeType(ScalarAttributeType.S)) .withKeySchema(new KeySchemaElement().withAttributeName(”score") .withKeyType(KeyType.RANGE)) .withAttributeDefinitions(newAttributeDefinition() .withAttributeName(”score").withAttributeType(ScalarAttributeType.N)) .withProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput() .withReadCapacityUnits(50L) .withWriteCapacityUnits(50L));

Page 56: DynamoDB Deep Dive


Scores Leader boards

Query for user user_id =

mza location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 9,000,000

user_id = jeffbarr

user_id = mza

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = werner

game = bejewelled

score = 55,000

Page 57: DynamoDB Deep Dive

Map<String, Condition> keyConditions = new HashMap<String, Condition>(); keyConditions.put("user_id", new Condition() .withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.EQ.toString()) .withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS("mza"))); QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest() .withTableName("Players") .withKeyConditions(keyConditions);

QueryResult result = dynamoDB.query(queryRequest); for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : result.getItems()) { printItem(item); }

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Scores Leader boards

Query for scores by user

user_id = mza

location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 9,000,000

user_id = jeffbarr

user_id = mza

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = werner

game = bejewelled

score = 55,000

Page 59: DynamoDB Deep Dive

Map<String, Condition> keyConditions = new HashMap<String, Condition>(); keyConditions.put("user_id", new Condition() .withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.EQ.toString()) .withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS("mza"))); QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest() .withTableName(”Scores") .withAttributesToGet(”score”, “game”) .withKeyConditions(keyConditions);

QueryResult result = dynamoDB.query(queryRequest); for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : result.getItems()) { printItem(item); }

Page 60: DynamoDB Deep Dive


Scores Leader boards

Query for scores by user, game

user_id = mza

location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 9,000,000

user_id = jeffbarr

user_id = mza

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = werner

game = bejewelled

score = 55,000

Page 61: DynamoDB Deep Dive

Map<String, Condition> keyConditions = new HashMap<String, Condition>(); keyConditions.put("user_id", new Condition() .withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.EQ.toString()) .withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS("mza"))); keyConditions.put(”game", new Condition() .withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.EQ.toString()) .withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS(”tetris"))); QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest() .withTableName(”Scores") .withKeyConditions(keyConditions);

QueryResult result = dynamoDB.query(queryRequest); for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : result.getItems()) { printItem(item); }

Page 62: DynamoDB Deep Dive


Scores Leader boards

High scores by game

user_id = mza

location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

user_id = mza

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = werner

game = bejewelled

score = 55,000

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 9,000,000

user_id = jeffbarr

Page 63: DynamoDB Deep Dive

Map<String, Condition> keyConditions = new HashMap<String, Condition>(); keyConditions.put(”game", new Condition() .withComparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.EQ.toString()) .withAttributeValueList(new AttributeValue().withS(”tetris"))); QueryRequest queryRequest = new QueryRequest() .withTableName(”LeaderBoards") .withKeyConditions(keyConditions) . withScanIndexForward(false);

QueryResult result = dynamoDB.query(queryRequest); for (Map<String, AttributeValue> item : result.getItems()) { printItem(item); }

Page 64: DynamoDB Deep Dive


Scores Leader boards

Insert Players user_id =

mza location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 9,000,000

user_id = jeffbarr

user_id = mza

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = werner

game = bejewelled

score = 55,000

Page 65: DynamoDB Deep Dive

Map<String, AttributeValue> itemPlayer = new HashMap<String, AttributeValue>(); itemPlayer.put("user_id", new AttributeValue("eduardohorai")); itemPlayer.put("location", new AttributeValue("Sao Paulo")); itemPlayer.put("joined", new AttributeValue("27/01/2013")); PutItemRequest putItemRequest = new PutItemRequest("Players", itemPlayer); PutItemResult putItemResult = dynamoDB.putItem(putItemRequest);

Page 66: DynamoDB Deep Dive


Scores Leader boards

Increase writes/reads on Scores!!!!!

user_id = mza

location = Cambridge

joined = 2011-07-04

user_id = jeffbarr

location = Seattle

joined = 2012-01-20

user_id = werner

location = Worldwide

joined = 2011-05-15

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 9,000,000

user_id = jeffbarr

user_id = mza

game = angry-birds

score = 11,000

user_id = mza

game = tetris

score = 1,223,000

user_id = werner

game = bejewelled

score = 55,000

Page 67: DynamoDB Deep Dive

UpdateTableRequest updateTableRequest = new UpdateTableRequest() .withTableName("Scores") .withProvisionedThroughput(new ProvisionedThroughput() .withReadCapacityUnits(200L) .withWriteCapacityUnits(200L)); UpdateTableResult result = dynamoDB.updateTable(updateTableRequest);

Page 68: DynamoDB Deep Dive

Using AWS Console


Page 69: DynamoDB Deep Dive

§  aws.amazon.com/dynamodb  

§  aws.typepad.com/brasil/  §  aws.typepad.com  

§  awshub.com.br  

§  [email protected]  


Page 70: DynamoDB Deep Dive


Learn More: aws.amazon.com/dynamodb

Page 71: DynamoDB Deep Dive


Learn More: aws.amazon.com/dynamodb