Vocab - The Outsiders Jane Chyun

Jc Vocab The Outsiders

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Page 1: Jc Vocab  The Outsiders

Vocab - The Outsiders

Jane Chyun

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• A cotton cloth of fine texture, usually with a plaid, striped, or checked pattern.

• I always wear my madras pants for pajama.

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• A protecting tuft of hair on the head that grows in a different direction from the rest of the hair and will not lie flat.

• Nowadays, many teenage boys wants to cut their in cowlick style.

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• Difficult or impossible to understand and explain.

• Sea has unfathomable depth which can drive people into the water.

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• To h a v e a g o o d u n d e rs ta n d in g a n d p ra c t ic a l k n o w le d g e o f s o m e th in g .

• S h e s e e m s to b e s a v v y a n d b rig h t o f a ll th e le c tu re s o f B io lo g y .

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• Person who is not very friendly and does not like to spend time with others.

• Because I didn’t wanted to get involved in fight, I stood aloof from their arguments.

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• Lacking personality, not being a person.• The boss acted impersonally to his niece

when he made the small mistake.

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• Disagreeable and contrary in disposition with the personality of bad- tempered, difficult and mean.

• You will have hard time communicating and get along with ornery people.

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• To accept without complaining.• He is now resigned to his roomate’s

noise and mess.

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• Causing or feeling pity or compassion.• I felt ruefully about the animals dieing

for the human’s cloth or food.

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• A person who has withdrawn from society and lives with a lonely existence.

• Hermit people are usually prisoners or the poors who were withdrawn from society.

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• The feeling that something is going to happen.

• I want to meet someone who can premonate my life and luck.

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• Unwilling feelings that are marked and exhibited.

• She reluctantly made her face frown and refused to take a picture with me.

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• Showing a bad humor or silent and dark resentment. ( Gloomy or somber in tone and color)

• In most of the movies, there are sullen characters who scares or revenges people.

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• To evade or escape from by cleverness and skill.

• The mice eluded to the hole from the cat’s attack.

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• To appeal and beg troublesomely urgent or persistent with entreat pressingly.

• The student bagged imploringly to her teacher for her make up test.

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• B e h a v e b ra v e ly a n d h o n o ra b ly in a d a n g e ro u s o r d if f ic u lt s itu a t io n .

• I s a w a g a lla n t m a n w h o d iv e d in to th e w a te r to s u rv iv e y o u n g g irl.

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• To be shocked and angry because of it’s unjustness and unfairness.

• I feels indignant when people insults and tortures person without any reason.

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• To support the belief that the second thing is true.

• The police testified the man who held a gun in his hand.

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• To move suddenly and quite violently. It gives people unpleasant surprise or shock.

• He ran toward me and jolted me by slapping the head.

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• To go down or rest on one or both knees.

• Don’t kneel down frequently because it might give you a image of no pride.

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• p ro c e s s o r a c t o f b re a th in g in , ta k in g a ir a n d s o m e tim e s o th e r s u b s ta n c e s in to th e lu n g s .

• Th e p a t in e n t h a d a u n s te a d y in h a la t io n a n d h a rd t im e ta lk in g .

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• Someone who is in a state of uncontrolled excitement, anger or panic.

• Hysteric patients are the people who have unpredictable and unsteady emotions.

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• To follow or imitate others to be like them.

• I was mimicking my brother’s face whenever he wants mom to buy what he wants.

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• To form a certain pattern, To make heat or light come out

• Your thoughts and emotions radiates from your face. You look sad now. Tell me what happened.

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• A behaviour in which you show sadness about a person’s death.

• My friend was mourning of her grandmother’s death.

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• To be filled with horror and surprise.• I was aghasted when I saw the mice

moving on the floor.

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• To treat unfairly by using their work or ideas and giving a very little return.

• It is not right to exploit others works and ideas.

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• To lose power or strength in an uneven way or no longer makes much progress.

• I was faltered and exhausted after finishing the test.

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• similarity in appearance or in external or superficial details

• Not only their appearance resembles, but their personality is similar too.

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• To turn aside from a course or direction

• Nothing could diver his thoughts from his mother’s sudden death.

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• To curl fingers tightly or squeeze teeth together.

• I sometimes clench my teeth and fingers whenever I am extremely mad.

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• To tw is t fa c e in a n u g ly w a y b e c a u s e y o u a re a n n o y e d , d is g u s te d , o r in p a in .

• Do n ’t m a k e g rim a c in g fa c e in fro n t o f th e a u d ie n c e

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• p e o p le w h o h a v e le s s m o n e y a n d fe w e r p o s s e s s io n s a n d o p p o rtu n it ie s th a n o th e r p e o p le in th e ir s o c ie ty .

• We c a n h e lp u n d e rp riv ile g e d c h ild re n in Ch ris tm a s d a y b y b e c o m in g s a n ta .

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• Similarity in form or character; agreement

• Soldiers were in conformity with the same clothes and position.

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• The feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless; scorn.

• She showed Bob a contempt when he made a mistake.

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• To protect, guide by accompanying another.

• I escorted an old man to the hospital.

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• To feel sure that is true.• I was convinced that he was in the part

of the crime.

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• To beextremely excited and happy.

• The park was filled with a crowd of delirious baseball fans.

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• s h o c k e d a n d a n g ry , b e c a u s e y o u th in k th a t s o m e th in g is u n ju s t o r u n fa ir.

• He a c te d in d ig n a n t ly to h is frie n d w h e n h e n o t ic e d th a t h is frie n d b e tra y e d h im .

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• p a rt ic u la r s itu a t io n o r th e c o n d it io n s w h ic h a f fe c t w h a t h a p p e n s .

• I have told you the circumstances, so you must act accordingly.

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• formally declared not to have committed the crime.

• People knew the Bob was innocent. They were so happy to see Bob acquitted from the crime.