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My Front Cover Draft Powerpoint

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My Front Cover Draft

Melissa Chin

Page 2: My Front Cover Draft Powerpoint

I started by placing my edit photo in a A4 page on Photoshop. I began my making the masthead for my magazine. I came up with the idea to call it slick because it was short and catchy, and from previous magazines that I have analysed, e.g. Vibe NME and XXL , these magazines have all had short and to-the-point mastheads.

Form looking at my cover picture of my models the most prominent colour that stood out was purple and so i used the eyedropper tool and clicked on the purple that my model was wearing and used this colour for my masthead.

This was very good because when I carried out my magazine research most people suggested that I should use the colour scheme whites, black and purple and the font CAPTURE IT . This has worked well with the colours that are already within my main image

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I then decided to think of a selling line and I made this the same font as my masthead, however it was in the colour black and size 25.85 pt, whereas the masthead font is 171.86 pt.

As you can see my masthead covered one of my model’s heads, so in order to remove this I had to duplicate the layer and using the rubber tool, I rubbed away carefully following the outline of the models hair- I did this so that it can show that my magazine masthead follows the conventions of other magazines because it seems that the masthead is behind the models head.

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Next, I wrote my cover lines. I started with

my main cover line which read ‘Ghetto


Their Story: ‘Rise to Fame’ I started by

using the text tool on Photoshop and

placed in the bottom centre of my

magazine, using the font CAPTURE IT

and size 81.27 pt.

But, I later had a suggestion and I

changed it so that it became left

aligned. Which goes with conventions

of a typical magazine.

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After, I made the other cover lines

for my magazine, I had two other

magazine cover lines one on each

side of the magazine. I first had

the cover line like this


I changed it to

look like...


Page 6: My Front Cover Draft Powerpoint

My first magazine draft