Semantic Wikis @ Semantic Registries Workshop

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Presented at the Semantic Registry workshop ( organized by ISOcat.

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  • 1.Semantic MediaWiki and Semantic Forms Lloyd RutledgeSemantic Registries Workshop, December 9th, 2013

2. Questions from the organizers In your community, how is the support for a semantic registry? How open is the registry, who can add or modify things, are the semantics stable? Does the data model of the registry match your needs (information entry, relationships, granularity, possible inconsistency, ) How is the sustainability of the registry: financially, organisational, ?2 3. In your community, how is the support for a semantic registry? Semantic MediaWiki and Semantic Forms are themselves technologies for setting up semantic registries They support their communities well Easy set up and maintenance Easily distributed maintenance, authoring and access Quick setup of Semantic Web endpoint Wikipedia as semantic registry3 4. Online, sharable, universal Specializes in distance collaboration Well-supported, has extension framework 5. Wikipedia infobox: open data editing 6. Online, sharable, universal Specializes in data retrieval XSLT can tailor data report presentation 7. Your wiki 8. How open is the registry, who can add or modify things, are the semantics stable? By default openWebmaster can modify read, create and edit permissions Based on user typesFor all pages (concepts, resources) equallyData entry forms can restrict modification or entry of dataStability Easy to change existing data (triples)Forms can help keep data conforming to ontologies10 9. MediaWiki extension Well-supported, active development Semantic Web (-ish, -partial) Annotation syntax Data queries and formatted reports RDF export Direct connection to online endpoint 10. Protg-OWL Many conforming Semantic Web functions Well-known oft-used tool Specializes in editing ontologies 11. Does the data model of the registry match your needs? Information entry? Forms makes entry easy. Wiki keeps pages maintainable Relationships? Form field autocompletion Infobox-like displays Granularity? Wiki imposes a page unit to data and concepts Possible inconsistency? Not at purely semantic level Interface restrictions can help15 12. Semantic MediaWiki extension Infobox-like templates for data browsing Forms for data entry Primitives for building ontology-based interface Interface assistance and constraints help maintain ontological consistency Such as autocompletion 13. 18 14. OWL Wiki Forms (OWF) Input: Semantic Web ontology (data model) Output: Semantic wiki with form-based input Academic results Mapping of abstract data modeling to interface Practical results Efficient quick setup of wiki interface for entering data for a given ontology 15. How is the sustainability of the registry? (MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki) Financially Open sourcePrimarily academic projectMuch code offered as student projectsMinority but substantial industrial involvement Organisational Ditto Is stable, mature and widely used with diverse community of user and developers21 16. 22 17. 23 18. 24 19. 25 20. 26 21. abcdbpedia:Tim_Berners-Lee rdf:type foaf:Person ; rdf:type dbpedia-owl:Person ; rdfs:label "Tim Berners-Lee"@en ; foaf:depiction ; foaf:name "Tim Berners-Lee"@en ; foaf:surname "Berners-Lee"@en ; foaf:homepage ; dbpedia-owl:title "Professor"@en ; dbpedia-owl:birthYear "1955-01-01T00:00:00+02:00"^^xs:gYear ; dbpedia-owl:almaMater dbpedia:The_Queen's_College,_Oxford ; dbpedia-owl:occupation dbpedia:Computer_scientist ; dbpedia-owl:birthName "Timothy John Berners-Lee"@en ; dbpedia-owl:residence dbpedia:Massachusetts ; dbpedia-owl:religion dbpedia:Unitarian_Universalism ; dbpprop:birthPlace "London, England"@en ; dbpprop:honorificSuffix "OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA"@en ; dbpprop:dateOfBirth "8"^^xs:int ; dbpprop:placeOfBirth "London, England"@en ; dbpprop:religion dbpedia:Unitarian_Universalism ; dbpprop:before "First recipient"@en ; dbpprop:nationality "British"@en ; dbpprop:birthDate 1955-06-08 ; dbpprop:title "Professor"@en ; dbpprop:title "Millennium Technology Prize winner"@en ; dbpprop:almaMater dbpedia:The_Queen's_College,_Oxford ; dbpprop:occupation dbpedia:Computer_scientist ; dbpprop:residence "Massachusetts, U.S."@en ; 22. RDF interface in RDF Specifies how RDF is displaySeparates style from content: like CSS for XMLAlso in RDFSupported by multiple semantic browsers such as Longwell 23. default for browser (Longwell)With (handmade) Fresnel style 24. 30 25. OWL Wiki Forms (OWF) architecture 26. Generated default Fresnel code :defaultLenshttpxmlnscomfoaf01Person rdf:type fresnel:Lens ; fresnel:classLensDomain foaf:Person ; fresnel:showProperties foaf:currentProject , foaf:familyName , foaf:family_name , foaf:firstName , foaf:geekcode , foaf:img , foaf:knows , foaf:lastName , foaf:myersBriggs , foaf:pastProject , foaf:plan , foaf:publications , foaf:schoolHomepage , foaf:surname , foaf:workInfoHomepage , foaf:workplaceHomepage . 27. Range-based autocompletion 28. Default view{{Informbox Person |familyName=Berners-Lee |firstName=Tim |img= Tim_Berners-Lee-Knight-crop.jpg |knows=Conway Berners-Lee, Mary Lee Woods }} 29. Cascade Fresnel to hide undesired properties :defaultLenshttpxmlnscomfoaf01Person fresnel:hideProperties foaf:currentProject , foaf:family_name , foaf:geekcode , foaf:lastName , foaf:myersBriggs , foaf:pastProject , foaf:plan , foaf:publications , foaf:schoolHomepage , foaf:surname , foaf:workInfoHomepage , foaf:workplaceHomepage . 30. :imgFormat rdf:type fresnel:Format ; fresnel:value fresnel:image ; fresnel:propertyFormatDomain foaf:img . 31. OntologyFresnel:allProperties :hidePropertiesowl:Thing owl:Ontology rdfs:isDefinedByContainersPagenameMWWiki page name namespace has levelsOWFLabels for property and class on templates and forms Shows description Adapts language to userMouseover on label , content on page Selection of display label from user preferences delimiter= SF Put text: before, after, between, starting, ending, if empty OWF MW Link style Whole table Multiple For template Single SF and form tabel Left Right , class= SF for forms Cell RowMWAdditional contentOWF#arraymap/listSFUser can enter sorted list as comma-delimitedSMW:Lens :classLensDomain :subClassOf :subPropertyOfCascading Fresnel only:showProperties :hideProperties :showProperties rdf:List :mergeProperties :alternatePropertiesProperty Category Data display table/template Form for data entry Clicking to new pages leads to given form for data entryProperty: MW MW Category:... , also: [[Category:...]] in template Template:... MW (if domain) SF Form:... (if domain) [[Has default form::...]] on category SF Check box to assign classes if not domain OWF MW [[Category:...]] on category page OWF Nested form access SMW [[Subproperty of::...]] on property page Grouped together on forms and templates by default OWF Asssign property in template UnOWF Sort properties in templateRecognized in wiki data system asWiki and queries recognize as subcategory Queries using property also recognize superpropertiesOWFProperties in template and forms areTemplate row queries multiple properties for one displaySFautocomplete on category=... SF [[Has default form::...]] on property SF:hasValue[[Allows value::...]]SMWUser selects from fixed valuesNumberEntered and displayed as numberDateForm for entering date components and displayed as dateBooleanSelect from two values Shows as:valuexsd: KeyEquiv ChainsSemantic MediaWiki only :inverseOf :SymmetricProperty :TransitiveProperty :sameAs :EquivalentClass :EquivalentProperty :FunctionalProperty :InverseFunctionalProperty :hasKey:externalLink :image :uriURLLinked URL text MWImage MW SMW String Unlinked URL text Geographic coordinate, Code, TemperatureImage itself appears directly Proper entry and display for given data type Template also shows In separate inverse property incoming links With same property Template shows all pages in chain with propertyInverse property query SMW Chained query or assignment SMW All data and content put on unified page on wikiData entry prevents duplication of keys #forminput: SFOWFOWFForm for new member of class has prefilled values User cannot change valuecurrent user as property valueValuesowl:restricted SF :DataRange w/ :oneOfValues from muliiple properties display as if from oneEntered and displayed as unlinked stringString [[Has type::...]] SMWLiteral textual1 :language, date parts 2 numeric3 :gYear :date(Time) :time :Boolean :URIPlaced Removed SortedPull down list shows current pages in target class(es) Clicking to new pages leads to given form for data entry Entered as wiki page name Links to wiki pagePageowl:ObjectProperty owl:DataProperty owl:AnnotationPropertyCascading Fresnel only[[Allows value::...]] SMWHelps user register selfUser selects from fixed values:allValuesFrom autocomplete on category= :someValuesFrom=1 max#arraymap/listSFSFPull down list shows current pages in target class(es)repeated fields SFby defaultmin CardinalityOntology (2ary level) Source URI (2ary level) New sublevelOWF, Label on form & templateCSSText CSS rdf::labelPsuedo-classes :containerStyle :resourceStyle :propertyStyle :labelStyle :valueStyle for :showProperties entry :member:Class :sub:domain rdfs:OWFLoaded as part of ontology to process OWF Link from page for property or categoryClass:range value isSecondary prefix for class and property page names Namespace (2ary level) Form and template for general properties from ... Top level form and templateOWFrdfs:seeAlso Fragment identifier rdfs:label skos:prefLabel rdfs:comment xml:lang Default Frensel Delimiters Cascading Fresnel:PropertyRDFS-PlusDescription Ontology URI's used in RDF exportEach gets own template and form for domainless propertiesowl:importsDefault w/o :rangeMediaWiki and extensions [[EquivalentURI::...]] SMW [[Imported from::...]] SMW Wiki page name prefixes MWPageFoundationURIsNamespacemandatoryby default not by default not SFUser must enter something User must enter exactly one User cannot enter more than one User can enter more than one User must enter at least given number User can enter any number without restrictions Class Pulldown shows pages from Any of the classes Class intersectionIn range>1 min Default Single class autocomplete on category=... SF Union of classes Multiple classes autocomplete SF Disjointness Unique name assumption for wiki page names SMW MW SMW SF OWF Status: Implemented Planned or under development Priority Tools: MediaWiki, Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Forms, OWF-only 1 2 :string, :normalizeString, :XMLLiteral, :Name, :token, :NMTOKEN, :NCName :gYearMonth, :gMonthDay, :gDay, :gMonth 3 :double, :float, :int, :integer, :long, :short, :negativeInteger, :positiveInteger, :nonPositiveInteger, :nonNegativeInteger, :unsignedLong, :unsignedInt, :unsignedShort SetKeyOWL Wiki Forms: Feature tableWholePagina 37 32. OWL Wiki Forms: Web foundation OntologyFresnelWholeFoundationURIsNamespace owl:Thing owl:Ontology rdfs:isDefinedByTextowl:imports rdfs:seeAlso Fragment identifier rdfs:label skos:prefLabel rdfs:comment xml:lang Default Frensel Delimiters Cascading FresnelEach gets own template and form for domainless properties OWFDescription Ontology URI's used in RDF export Secondary prefix for class and property page names Namespace (2ary level) Form and template for general properties from ... Top level form and template Wiki page name namespace has levelsOntology (2ary level) Source URI (2ary level) New sublevelLoaded as part of ontology to process OWF OWF Link from page for property or category :labelPagenameMW, Label on form & template OWFOWFOWFLabels for property and class on templates and formsPagina 38Cell RowCSS MWShows description Mouseover on label , content on page Selection of display label from user preferences Adapts language to user SF delimiter= Additional content Put text: before, after, between, starting, ending, if empty OWF Psuedo-classes Link style MW :containerStyle Whole table :resourceStyle Multiple For template :propertyStyle Single SF and form tabel :labelStyle Left :valueStyle Right , class= SF for forms Status: Implemented Planned or under development Priority Tools: MW MediaWiki, SMW Semantic MediaWiki, SF Semantic Forms, OWF OWF-only 1 2 :string, :normalizeString, :XMLLiteral, :Name, :token, :NMTOKEN, :NCName :gYearMonth, :gMonthDay, :gDay, :gMonth 3 :double, :float, :int, :integer, :long, :short, :negativeInteger, :positiveInteger, :nonPositiveInteger, :nonNegativeInteger, :unsignedLong, :unsignedInt, :unsignedShort CSSKey:allProperties :hidePropertiesMediaWiki and extensions [[EquivalentURI::...]] SMW [[Imported from::...]] SMW Wiki page name prefixes MW 33. OWL Wiki Forms: RDF & RDFS ContainersFresnel for :showProperties entry :member:Lens:Class :sub:domain#arraymap/listDescription User can enter sorted list as comma-delimitedSMW:Property:classLensDomain :subClassOf :subPropertyOfCascading Fresnel only:showProperties :hideProperties :showProperties rdf:List :mergeProperties :alternatePropertiesProperty: MW MW Category:... , also: [[Category:...]] in template MW Template:... (if domain) Form:... SF (if domain) [[Has default form::...]] on category SF OWF Check box to assign classes if not domain MW [[Category:...]] on category page Nested form access OWF [[Subproperty of::...]] on property page SMW OWF Grouped together on forms and templates by default Asssign property in template UnSort properties in template OWFOWFTemplate row queries multiple properties for one display:valuexsd::externalLink :image :uriQueries using property also recognize superpropertiesSFPlaced Removed SortedValues from muliiple properties display as if from oneEntered and displayed as unlinked stringString [[Has type::...]] SMWLiteral textual1 :language, date parts 2 3 numeric :gYear :date(Time) :time :Boolean :URI[[Allows value::...]] SMWUser selects from fixed valuesNumberEntered and displayed as numberDateForm for entering date components and displayed as dateBooleanSelect from two valuesURLShows asrdfs: :range value isPageowl:ObjectProperty owl:DataProperty owl:AnnotationPropertyWiki and queries recognize as subcategoryPull down list shows current pages in target class(es) Clicking to new pages leads to given form for data entry Entered as wiki page name Links to wiki pageautocomplete on category=... SF [[Has default form::...]] on propertyClassProperty Category Data display table/template Form for data entry Clicking to new pages leads to given form for data entry Recognized in wiki data system asProperties in template and forms areSFDefault w/o :rangeLinked URL textMWImage itself appears directly Image MW SMW String Unlinked URL text Semantic MediaWiki only Geographic coordinate, Code, Temperature Proper entry and display for given data type Status: Implemented Planned or under development Priority Tools: MW MediaWiki, SMW Semantic MediaWiki, SF Semantic Forms, OWF OWF-only 1 2 :string, :normalizeString, :XMLLiteral, :Name, :token, :NMTOKEN, :NCName :gYearMonth, :gMonthDay, :gDay, :gMonth Pagina 39 3 :double, :float, :int, :integer, :long, :short, :negativeInteger, :positiveInteger, :nonPositiveInteger, :nonNegativeInteger, :unsignedLong, :unsignedInt, :unsignedShort Cascading Fresnel onlyKeyMediaWiki and extensions SFPagerdf:Ontology 34. Equiv Chains KeyRDFS-PlusOWL Wiki Forms: OWL Ontology :inverseOf :SymmetricProperty :TransitiveProperty :sameAs :EquivalentClass :EquivalentProperty :FunctionalProperty :InverseFunctionalProperty :hasKey:hasValueMediaWiki and extensions Inverse property query SMW Chained query or assignmentValuesowl:OWFData entry prevents duplication of keys OWF #forminput: SFForm for new member of class has prefilled values User cannot change valuecurrent user as property valueSF[[Allows value::...]] SMWUser selects from fixed valuesautocomplete on category= SF=1 >1In rangemin Default Single class Union of classes Multiple classes Disjointness Status: ImplementedPull down list shows current pages in target class(es)repeated fieldsSFmandatoryby default notmaxCardinality#arraymap/listSFby defaultminSetHelps user register self:allValuesFrom :someValuesFromKeySMWAll data and content put on unified page on wikirestricted :DataRange w/ :oneOfDescription Template also shows In separate inverse property incoming links With same property Template shows all pages in chain with propertyby default not autocomplete on category=...SFSFUser must enter something User must enter exactly one User cannot enter more than one User can enter more than one User must enter at least given number User can enter any number without restrictions Class Pulldown shows pages from Any of the classes Class intersectionautocomplete SF Unique name assumption for wiki page names SMW Plan Priority Tools: MW MediaWiki, SMW Semantic MediaWiki, SF Semantic Forms, OWF OWF-onlyPagina 40 35. Conclusion Semantic MediaWiki Export to Semantic WebPuts data processing in Wikipedia-like wikiMature, stable, very widely-usedSemantic Forms Assisted form-based data inputSemantic MediaWiki extensionMature, stable, pretty widely-usedOWL Wiki Forms New research toolExplores tightening Semantic Forms link with underlying Semantic Web ontologies41