A Road Map for Cellular Respiration Cytosol Mitochondrion High-energy electrons carried by NADH High- energy electrons carried mainly by NADH Glycolysis Glucose 2 Pyruvic acid Krebs Cycle Electron Transport

Short version glycolysis

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Page 1: Short version glycolysis

A Road Map for Cellular RespirationCytosol


High-energyelectronscarriedby NADH

High-energyelectrons carriedmainly byNADH






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Fate of Pyruvate

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2 Pyruvic acid

Overview of Glycolysis

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Glycolysis: 1

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Phosphoryl transfer reaction. Kinases transfer phosphate from ATP to an acceptor. Hexokinase has a more general specificity in that it can transfer phosphate to other sugars such as mannose.

Phosphate group added to #6 carbon from the ATP


Hexo – substrate

kin – transfer P b/t substate and ATP/ADP

ase - enzyme

The name of the molecule

phosphate on #6 carbon

Step 1- add phosphate to #6 C

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Isomerizationby phosphoglucose isomerase

The enzyme opens the ring, catalyzes the isomerization, and promotes the closure of the five member ring.


Aldose sugar

An aldehyde with C=O on end C


ketose sugar

A ketone with C=O on a middle C

Step 2- glucose fructose

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Glucose to fructose - isomerization

aldose ketose

Changed the structure – moved the carbonyl (C=O) from #1 C to #2 C.An isomer

ENZYME- Hexo – phosphohexoseisomer – 6 member ring to 5 member ringase - enzyme

Step 2- again

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Adding another phosphate

The 2nd investment of an ATP in glycolysis.

Step 3- add phosphate to #1 C

Name of the moleculeFructose – 5 member ringPhosphate on #1 and # 6 carbons

ENZYME- phosphofructo – substatekin – transfer P b/t substate and ATP/ADPase - enzyme

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Cleavage to two triose phosphates

Enzyme: aldolasealdolase C=O on the end –

a aldehydye

C=O is on the #1 C

C=O in middle – a ketone

Dihydroxy – two OH (except phosphate in second OH spot

Step 4- break 6C into two 3C sugars

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Cleavage of six-carbon sugar: step 4 againshows where the cut is made and why two different sugars result

This one will not go down the pathway – that would be a waste of half the original glucose.


This one will go down the pathway – the enzymes are shape specific.


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Salvage of three-carbon fragmentketone aldehyde

Step 5- moving the carbonyl - isomerization

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Glycolysis: 3

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Done in two steps – this shows the overall result

glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 1,3 bisphosphoglycerate

Step 6- adding another phosphate w/o using ATP!!!!

ENZYME- Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate– substratedehydrogen – hydrogen removed and replaced by phosphatease - enzyme

Phosphate from


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Stage 3: The energy yielding phase.

Step 6- adding another phosphate w/o using ATP!!!!

An aldehyde is oxidized to carboxylic acid and inorganic phosphate is transferred to form acyl-phosphate. NAD+ is reduced to NADH.

Note, under anaerobic conditions NAD+ must be re-supplied. With oxygen and mitochondria, NADH will go down electron transport chain and generate ATP.

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The two steps.

Aldehyde Acid

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Step 7Substrate-level phosphorylation

Phosphate group moved from the substrate to ADP generating an ATP.Kinase enzyme involved in the change

At this point 2ATPs were invested and 2ATPs are produced.

Step 7- moving the phosphate group from substrate to ADP

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Step 8: Phosphate shift setup

Step 8- moving the phosphate group from #3 to #2 C

ENZYME- phosphoglycerate– substratemut – changes the structure (sorry not isomerase)ase - enzyme

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Step 8- moving the phosphate group from #3 to #2 C

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Generation of second very high energy compound by a

dehydration reaction

Step 9- forming an enol with a double bond

between carbons

Dehydration reaction

the energy is locked into the high energy unfavorable enol configuration C=C with OH group

alkene alcohol

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An enol phosphate is formed: step 9

Dehydration elevates the transfer potential of the phosphoryl group, which traps the molecule in anunstable enol form

Enol: molecule with hydroxyl group next to double bond

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Step 10: Formation of Pyruvate & ATP

ENZYME- pyruvate– substratekin– phosphate transfer between substrate and ATP/ADPase - enzyme

Step 10- forming pyruvate

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•Substrate level phosphorylation is the synthesis of ATP from ADP that is not linked to the electron transport system.

Pyruvate Kinase2nd example of substrate level phosphorylation.

The net yield from glycolysis is 2 ATPunstable enol form more stable ketone form

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Diverse fates of pyruvate

To citric acid cycle

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In anaerobic yeast, pyruvate→ethanol

Pyruvate is decarboxylated.

Acetaldehyde is reduced.

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