13a mindaugas kucinas portfolio


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Mindaugas Kucinas


design 3

NAMEMindaugas “Mac” Kucinas

WEB SITEwww.brandbox.lt

PHONE370 670 00083




CONTACTS Table of Contents


Web Page Mockup

Prezi Presentation

Magazine Cover


Business Identity













design 5






Design a brochure for a company.

Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign.

BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez.

First I created a plan how I will make a brochure for non existing company. I had to think about the business model and plan what are the key points to include into the brochure.Wrote down the copy for this project. Felt like creating a personal startup business. Please feel free to use my ideas.Created logo in Illustrator, trying to make it as simple as possible.Decided to use gate form for the brochure with the 2 doors folding to the center and use center as a visual guideline to mirror cars and colors.Looked on the internet for the images. It wasn’t easy to find proper models and images of the appropriate size. I found totally 6 cars, had to cut them off in the Photoshop and ended up creating most of the design in the photoshop with tons of layers.Decides that center alignment would be perfect for the backside.Imported images into Indesign and added copy. Fought with few widows (not literally).FOCUS principles used: went through the checklist to comply with all the principles including proximity, alignment, asymmetry, contrast, rhythm and al others. Pondered a lot about message and simplicity, had to redesign few elements, change shapes and change colors.


design 7






Create s full-bleed, 8.5 by 11 photo design project with the new image, a consistent color scheme based on that image, some text, and a few design elements. Exercise knowledge of the Visual FOCUS principles.


BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez.

Photo was taken in the Vilnius city old town. It’s a movie theater entrance.Placed the image into the design file, created several copies of the same layer and tried different edits to make it saturated but with the red color remaining. Other edits included levels, sharpening and contrast.Since the Red was my main accent, I decided to use red rectangles and align them with the door. I had to reposition photo to have doors stay close to the golden rule grid line.Added grey rectangles to add some more weight to the right side of the image.I still needed some little strange element in my design, so I had to find a black cat photo on the internet, to cut it and place on the sidewalk. I first used one image of the cat, then lost it’s source and had to replace it before finishing the project.Final edit was done even after printing and recording video. Decided to straighten the skewed waste box: cut and paste to the new level, manually distort for the perfectly vertical position, clone background behind it, add a new shadow. I know from experience: if there’s something that still bugs you in your design, you have to fix it.


design 9






Design a spiritual poster montage using the blend of images and type.


BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez.

First I had an idea to make a very simple montage from 2 images where you couldn’t see the transition between them. I looked for the images of sky and stars and another image to blend in. I wanted to stress on our eternal nature and endless possibilities, so image of the empty lonely boat on a still lake was perfect match. Created 2400 x 1855 px empty Photoshop document. Opened images and dragged to separate layers.Masked parts of the images using mask tool and various reduced opacity brushes. Then added another layer of the nebula to fix the color misbalance and lack of contrast. Tried to have the main element – my boat – on the crossing of the Golden Rule guidelines, wrapped in a negative space.Created a border (using weird technique: drew a rectangle with rounded borders, then selected it with command+click on the layer, and then converted selection into a stroke from menu Select > Modify > border, and filled it with the white color.)Picked and used the Scripture quote from President Uchtdorf.Fixed my image after critique: added a person standing inside a boat (loved that suggestion!), fixed font sizes, got rid of the dark spot (sorry, Horsehead Nebula) that was distracting attention.I used artistic filter Median on one of the layers to reduce graininess of the sky.


design 11






Create logo and produce consistent layouts for a business card and letterhead.

Illustrator and Indesign.

BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez.

Started logo creation from a sketch. I had to decide which logo of the 3 candidates I would choose and I chose one that was more attractive to the male viewers, because this brand is oriented to the male customers.Everything was done first in Illustrator, then I placed separate parts in Indesign. First I created final logo and placed it on a Letter size blank document. I decided to reuse logo colors and created orange stripes on the left and right for the repetition.On the footer I used thick brown line, as thick as the line in the logo text at the top. I also used dashed lines, to add a feeling that stripes are sewn onto paper. Then I placed wrinkled paper background to add fake wrinkles to the paper for the general rugged look. Later removed it after the review and in general I was doubting a lot also about those dashed lines, knowing that skeuomorphism trend is loosing against the flat design these times.There was a paw icon on the footer of my letter but in the process of simplification I decided that it is obsolete and removed it.I wanted business cards to be darker than a letter and have two equal weight sides: one for a person, another for a company in general. I placed only a half of the image on one side to make it look great when placed 2 cards together on a table for company visitors.Focus principles used: Formulate (sketch and idea), Organize (obejct placement and care for the whitespace), Contrast (2 contrasting colors, no similar wight objects, Different font weight), Unify (color and object repetition, simplification).


design 13






Create Infographic that organizes data in visually appealing way.


BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez.

I decided to crate Infographic about the mos amazing country, Lithuania. People make country great, but still there are some interesting facts about Lithuania to share. I did a research, mostly using Wikipedia, only to support all the facts that I already knew.I drew several sketches and tried to draw imakes that I was planning to use later.I decided to use country shapes in place of the size charts.I finished the infographic by placing all the data and images and testing several color schemes. Deciding on the colors was the hardest part.


design 15






Create a magazine cover showing my photo and titles of the articles about me. Effectively use FOCUS visual design principles to make magazine look professional, expressive and well balanced.

InDesign and Photoshop.

BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez.

Created empty 8.5 x 11 inch size InDesign document with 0.5 in margins (With bigger pasteboard for convenience).Created logo FAVICON with the font called “The Big Font”. It felt solid and attractive so I decided to use it later also for the featuring article.Used the Photoshop pen tool to create path and then mask to cut picture off the background. Then I also cut the gray colored pants and pasted into another layer to add some color effect to meet the design color scheme.When I placed the PSD image on the cover, I started looking at the palette and decided that because my sweater is a big dark blue-indigo splash it might be good to go for the complimentary scheme and use solid orange for the magazine logo and other elements.I wanted my magazine cover to look professional and well aligned except the featuring article on the sweater to pop out. I did so, and placed all the rest articles on the right side following my plan.


design 17






Design a Prezi presentation to persuade a client that Prezi is a viable presentation software to use for an upcoming campaign. Choose a topic you are interested in to create an instructional presentation with 10-15 frames.

Illustrator and Photoshop, Prezi.

BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez.

Started drawing my own background with Adobe Illustrator using basic shape tools – rectangles with rounded corners, circles and lines. Since symbol of the Pomodoro technique is a wind-up tomato, I decided to use 2 main complimentary colors – red and green, adding black and white.When preparing the background I tried to keep unity, introduce repeating elments, avoid centering, complex or boring elements, had focal point of every slide in mind.Decided that my Presi slideshow background needs linear order and definable steps also must be numbered: 3 or 4 of them to make easier to understand the simple Pomodoro system. I tried to create several flags but later decided to leave one flag for the title and make horizontal lines for the steps and their explanations.When done with background, I wanted to see how text may look in it’s place, so I entered text into Illustrator file. This way I ended up with supercomplete mockup – image and texts ready in one file. I was confident that there will be no problems with resized pixels since all my elements are vectors and Prezi allows to import PDF. When I was satisfied with the overall look and feeling, I deleted several elements from the background and placed them into presentation to their own slides using Prezi.


ADDRESS http://bit.ly/2h15nx4

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Create web page prototype wireframe and layout using grid.


BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez

I decided to make a website mockup for my non-existing company and began with 3 sketches.Picked the 3rd sketch and created a wireframe for it on top of the 960 / 24-col grid.The biggest challenge was color mess after adding photos, it almost ruined my color scheme. Then I decided to bring an order to that and accept a Sky Blue as an additional color and try to choose images with it.Photoshop file was huge, all images masked, some smart objects. Had to try all the possible means to keep PSD file below 5 MB including one new trick.Use of the FOCUS principles: since this project was based on the previous projects, I had to maintain the same tailored concept mostly based of repeating elements, right proximity, and perfect alignment.


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Create a webpage layout using HTML and CSS.

TextWrangler, Browser, Developer plugin, Illustrator, Photoshop.

BYU-IDAHO; COMM 130-16 (fall 2016).

Bianca Rodriguez.

Created HTML and CSS files and indented all the code lines according instructions and using Textwrangler application.First I placed mu logo to see what size is better for this task. I decided to have it around 300 px wide and made it 310 px. First it was centered, later I decided to keep everything aligned to the left.White background looked boring and orange was too dark, so I decided to reuse the same wrinkled paper background that was used in my identity design two weeks before.Fonts were picked from the Business Identity Project. I used “PT Mono” from Google Fonts for the copy and “PT Sans” for headers.I used the same brand colors and stitching lines on top and bottom to reproduce the same rugged look and feel. I didn’t use any background images for the html body to keep design as simple as possible.FOCUS principles:Formulate: design was based on the same concept as the Business Identity project.Organize: I tried to keep my html design well aligned with proper spacing, including margins and even paragraph line-height.Contrast idea was the same as in the previous project: orange/brown on a light background.Unity was achieved by repeating supporting elements, colors and keeping 2 variations of the same one PT Font (Monospace versus Sans Serif)In the process of simplification I decided not to use any background images for the html body and also tuned some margins.