9 frame structure (media)


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9 frame structure analysis of ‘Man on Fire’By Jade Jelley

Frame 1

Cinematography• The first photo is an

establishing long shot. It is at a slight low angle, possibly trying to show a birds eye view of what is happening.

• The big building in the centre of the frame has most of the focus, where as the surrounding buildings are slightly blurred.

• The colours are rather dull, however this causes the white, block-capital text to stand out more.

• The underlines of the text move across the frame, drawing the audiences view to the point in which they meet and the text appears.

Frame 2

Cinematography• In the second picture it is

a long shot of the wall and then of people walking in the distance.

• The wall is very dark which draws our attention to the people in the distance and what they are doing.

• The text is again in block-capitals and captures the audiences attention.

Mis-en-scene• The man and woman in

the background are the audiences main focus especially because of their clothes. The woman's bright yellow dress, contrasts with the darkness of the wall therefore draws the audience to the couple, possibly meaning that Tony Scott wanted them to be the main focus.

Frame 3

Cinematography• The third picture is another

establishing, long shot. This may be because the director wants the audience to get a sense of the location and surroundings of the prime location throughout the film.

• The angle is again a low angle/birds-eye view, and the frame is in black and white. This could be to add emphasis and suspense.

• The text shows a real percentage of how many kidnappings there are around that area, showing the audience the real life application of the film and making them feel more tense.

Frame 4

Cinematography• The fourth picture shows the

directors name, ‘Tony Scott’. • The name appears during a

transition a mid-long shot of normal people getting on with daily life and of the couple earlier seen.

• The shot type shows peoples facial expressions more and begins to make the audience feel more tense about what is going to happen.

Mis-en-scene• The mis-en-scene in this

frame is people dancing around the screen. It shows colourful dresses and a close up of someone's face is about to transition.

• There is a prop, a camera with somebody taking pictures of the people dancing.

Frame 5

Cinematography• The shot type is a long shot of

people walking through the town.

• The focus is again on the couple that are holding hands, closest the camera, definitely showing the audience that they are important in this scene.

• The surrounding passers-by are slightly blurred, however you can still see their clothes and some of their facial expressions.

Mis-en-scene• In the background of the

frame, it looks as though there is a coca-cola vending machine. It is easy to spot because of its colours. This could be used as advertisement for coca cola.

Frame 6

Cinematography• This picture is a medium

shot of the road. The title of the film is in the centre of the frame, drawing the audiences attention.

• In the background is a car and a building, showing where the film will be based.

• The dull background brings out the white title and brings the attention to it.

Mis-en-scene• The cars in the

background are in black and white, fitting in with the colour scheme of the opening.

• The white car in the background looks like a police car, which could represent the crime that is occurring.

Frame 7

Cinematography• The picture is a close up

of a woman's face.• The well-known actress’

name is just off the centre of the screen, to the side of the face, possibly showing that both are important.

• The colours are very dull, bringing out the name which is between the white lines.

Mis-en-scene• The woman is wearing a

dark blue jacket which captures the audiences attention but is still quite dark, fitting in with the background and not taking all of the audiences attention off of the name.

Frame 8

Cinematography• This picture is a close up of a photograph.• The photo shows three children, possibly

having something to do with the narrative.• The children are wearing quite colourful

clothes, drawing attention and showing that they are important.

• The writing is off centre and in front of the photograph, so that the audience still notice it.

Frame 9

Cinematography• This picture is an extreme close up of the

photograph.• It is focusing on two of the children,

particularly the little boy.• The name is in white so still stands out in

front of the little boys red clothing• The background is dark so doesn’t give off

any setting.
