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Name : Farah Akmal bt Mohd Zamzuri (0315884)

Tutor : Ms. Shahrianne Mohd Shah


Passive design responds to local climate and site condition while passive

cooling focuses more on heat gain control and heat dissipation in a building with heat

gain prevention and natural cooling without the need for power consumption.

Consequently, the aim of this study is to focus mainly on the research of the application

of passive cooling design strategies to reduce energy consumption and heat gain in

PJ Trade Centre, Petaling Jaya in the hot and humid climate. The idea behind PJ

Trade Centre (PJTC) is to be an environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient by

minimizing the use of air-conditioning. Thus causes heat gain and reduce the thermal

comfort of the occupants in the office if it’s not well ventilated. These days, with the

human development, growth of town and cities displayed a separation between nature

and human activities and somehow causes us to neglect the natural infrastructure due

to our focus on modernism. Architects are aware of this issues but the proportion of

those who actually practices passive design strategies in their building still remained

small. Interview with the occupants and literature review on various sources regarding

the topic were conducted to enhance the process while assisting the validation of the

research. In addition, vernacular architecture Traditional Malay house are taken to

represent the architecture styles of the province to show the true essence of the

architecture in the hot and humid climate. Energy reduction was achieved due to the

natural ventilation used in the building and the minimising of the heat gain is due to

the orientation and massing of the building alongside the used of green elements and

double façade. Hence, it has come to a conclusion that both building take best

advantage of the local climate and site condition in term of passive design strategies.

(291 words)
