Akhtar Husain Another Planet


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calm and chaotic worlds close to the clouds

but not quite

Akhtar Husainwww.akhtarart.com





Between broken and brooding form, my work builds both calm and chaotic worlds, close to the clouds but not quite.

Creeping dreams which escape into euphoria, eyes dwelling on the fantastic and the fleeting. Forms freeze in mid-step in a thicket of flux, on secret journeys which morph Nature into contemporary musings about the stubborn persistence of the soul in a culture saturated by mass marketed madness, revealing morality to be as abstract and equivocal as it usually is.

My work recalls Hieronymus Bosch, William Blake, Gustave Moreau, Odilon Redon and Graham Sutherland.

It reveals golden hope and spiked damnation in exotic sculptural forms which tower above our heads, lifting us out of the ordinary, even if only for a moment.

Akhtar Husainwww.akhtarart.com