


these are my amazig slides

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This girl right here is my best friend. I could tell her anything, she is so trust worthy and nice. I'm at her house a lot!. She is also my cousin from my moms side of the family. When ever wear with each other we always think of something fun to do. And were always taking pictures(: We fight a lot but its what ever I still love her. If I didn’t have Aaliyah as a friend I don’t know what my life would be like because she's just my best friend and there's so many features about her that I love<3


My 14th birthday was the best day ever. My birthday was celebrated on Halloween because it got canceled this year to November 3rd and that’s my birthday. I went trick-or -treating with my best friends Monique, Alex , Jonathan, Julio , and Devin. We went around looking for candy on the letter streets. I didn’t really get candy because I just wanted to hangout. After we were all done we went back to jonathans and all spent the night there and stayed up all night it was so fun , these people mean so much to me and they made my birthday so amazing and fun<3

Collage of best friends

This is my second family. These people mean everything to me I love them all so much. They make my life the best and full of fun times. I may fight with some of them once in a while but no matter what they will always be my best friends. I've gotten so close to these people through my years at sky view middle school.


My days at school are sometimes boring but sometimes fun. My classes have all my friends in them (: . This 8th grade year has started out to be a good year and I hope it ends good , and I'm happy to be graduating Sky View Middle School with such wonderful best friends. These people all have a crazy side and a soft side that’s why I love them <3

E.l.a class (:My E.L.A class is one of my most favorite

classes. I like it so much because I have all my friends in that class so I don’t have to worry about being bored in class. Some times I get distracted in E.L.A. sometimes I talk to, but I still pay attention and get my work done. I love taking pictures in this class my friends are all so funny and I enjoy them so much.

Fridays at the mall !

On Fridays I usually go to my friends house s on the bus after school. When we get to there house we just sit around for a little then get ready to go to the mall. We go to the mall to hang out with friends and just to go somewhere to get away from home. I personally think its fun because being with my friends is one of the things I like to do best.

Guinness <3Well Guinness is my

puppy. I've had him for 5 years and I just love him. He's a chug. A chug is a mix between a Chihuahua and pug. He has the personality of a pug and looks like a Chihuahua. I honestly don’t know what I would do without him I love hi m so much. I like to take pictures with him and cuddle with him. He's very small . He hates men I don’t know why . But anyways he's my best friend and I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have him<3

Hotel in providence (:

About a few months ago I went to the Providence , Rhode Island hotel with all of my friends for their cheering competition. The are called The Blue Devils. It was one of the funnest nights I've have ever had. We would run around the hallways and do all kinds of stuff. Except that morning that we woke up I was very sick, that’s when I wasn’t having fun anymore but other than that it was a blast.

Illegal drugs!I honestly hate

drugs with all my heart. I wish drugs have never even became something. Many people around the world are addicted to drugs and its very unhealthy and makes me mad. Lots of people die everyday from drugs. The thing that I really hate is how drugs are illegal but people don’t have respect for their bodies and they still do it. I wish drugs were band from the world, so people could be healthy and not only worry about drugs.

Jannelle <3

Jannelle is one of my best friends ever. I love this girl . She's beautiful and means a lot to me, I would do anything for her. She can be extremely rude sometimes but she don’t scare me. Jannelle and I have had some pretty good times together. I threw a pair of pants at her one day in the summer when I was at her house and she got up and beat me up. She's crazy but I still love her. When she and I are alone at her house she is so nice to me but in public I'm like a piece of paper on the ground to her. I know she will always be there for me when I need her so that’s good. I have so much more to say but Its to much to right so ya here she is <3


So I went to the Wiz Khalifa concert with my best friends Monique, and Aaliyah. It was one of the funniest days ever. We practically had front row seats to. We had to also see Chiddy Bang and Mac Miller, but we didn’t really care about them all we wanted to see was Wiz Khalifa. When he came on stage we were so happy and started screaming and we still talk about the concert today, it was that good.

Leominster!I've lived in

Leominster my whole entire life. Its not even a bad town its actually pretty nice. I never really plan on moving out of Leominster until I'm older so I can get a good job somewhere but other than that I'm staying here to be with my friends. I don’t like making new friends it makes me nervous, so I just stick with the ones I have. I've lived in this town for 14 great years, I hope they never become bad


Alright so this is my best friend. Her name is Monique Mangual. She's a crazy girl but you have to love her. I've known her since we were in 4th grade. We've been best friends since then. Monique and I have been through so much but its what ever. I don’t know what I would do with out her she's so funny and beautiful and such a great friend. The only thing I hate about her is when she smacks me when I'm trying to sleep ! Other than that I love this girl <3

New Year’s

Night (:

New Year’s night I slept at my friend Aaliyahs house with Tatum and Alexxis. Every year for new years I watch the ball drop with Aaliyah I don’t know why we just end up together. This year was really fun. When the ball was dropping Aaliyah was counting down the numbers and when it got to one she screamed and jumped right on Tatum. She's weird. Well this night is a night I wont forget I love these girls.

Oh! Its 6th grade(:

I think this was literally my favorite year of being at sky view. I had the best Teachers ever, Mr. Grossman & Ms. Gould & Mr. Powelski. I met lots of people in that grade and got really close to all of them, now were all like brother and sister and talk everyday. 6th grade was the easiest grade out of 7th and 8th I want to go back in time so it could be fun again and easy (:

Panda Bear<3

I love panda bear so much hears why. So one day when I was about 7 years old I went to a flee market with my mom and we were walking around looking at stuff and I really wanted this glass light with Cinderella in it but she wouldn't buy it for me so I got kind of mad but the guy there took out a huge teddy bear and said I could have it for free. I named it panda bear and I still have it and sleep with it every night.

Quotes that I love!I absolutely love quotes from Frank Ocean. He is so amazing and I real all of his quotes. They always mean something to me as I read them and they tell a story about real life problems. I see all of the Frank Ocean quotes on Twitter, there so beautiful and for all the quotes I read , I could wright a book about all of them.

Really Clean HouseMy house is really

clean. My moms cleans literally every single day. She has O.C.D its like some kind of cleaning disorder. Its not a bad thing that she has it at least my house is clean all the time. she even cleans my room for me, well usually, sometimes she yells at me because its dirty but then she leans it anyway. But I'm thankful for having a clean house.

Snap shots of my friends<3

Lots of my friends take pictures of them selves on my iPod. They always ask me and I let them do it. Sometimes they take nice pictures and sometimes goofy ones. But I keep all the pictures to remember the funny times or what we were doing that day. There all weird . But here are some of my ugly friends<3



Chris and Deandra





Tatum <3

Tatum where do I even start with you. You’re a pain in my butt ! & you take everything up the butt ;) well your my best friend and I love you so much we constantly fight 24/7 I don’t know why, oh ya I said it in the beginning well it doesn't matter. When ever we fight we become friends in like 2 days because that’s just us. I tell you stuff sometimes, you say you can’t trust me because I told Saima one thing. Anyway I love you Tatum and you will always be my best friend.

Unusual Faces :o

When my best friends like to take pictures and make the most unusual most weird faces ever! They look kind of disturbing in dome of the pictures. But I guess they like to look like that. I cant even describe the way there faces look you will just have to see them for your self.

Veterinarian(:When I get

older my dream job is to be a veterinarian. I want to be a veterinarian because I like to work with animals and help them. I have my own dog that I take care of sometimes. I want to be one of the vets that gives the animals like physicals and stuff.

Winter !

Winter time is one of the best times of the year. We go sledding and have hot chocolate and be nice and warm in our house. Also Christmas time ! The only thing that is bad about winter is its cold outside for like four months and in the morning you have to brush off your cars and let it warm up. Other than that winter is pretty fun. And its beautiful!

X-rayWhen I was little I used

to go to my grandmas house all the time. I used to have so much fun. Then one day I was talking to her and I told her that I eat rocks. I don’t know why, but she believed me and brought me to the hospital and they did an ex ray on me but didn’t see anything in my stomach. They also put like that gross liquid stuff on my stomach and gave me an ultrasound .

Years in elementary school !

My years in Johnny Appleseed Elementary School were the best years. It was easy and nobody talked bad about anybody. It was fun. We had multiple field trips just everything about it was great! My friends and I were very ugly though. We have matured a lot more through out the years. But 5th grade was my most favorite year I had the best class and the nicest teacher, Mrs. Barnaby.

Zebra Print! Since I was a little girl I've always been interested in zebra print. I never got to decorate my room with it until I was a little older. But I just think zebras are so cool and the design on them is so pretty. I want a pet zebra really bad !