Camera classification




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Camera Classifications

Cameras are basically classified as Compact Cameras (also known as Point-And-Shoot cameras) or Single Lens Reflex (SLR, Digital SLRs are called DSLR).

However, due to the competition and the high demand for better all-in-one gadgets, many models came out that may not fall directly on any of the basic categories. We will add them as a separate classification called Sub-Compact Cameras.

Compact CamerasCompact Cameras or Point-and-Shoot cameras are those cameras that allow you to do just that -- "Point" and "Shoot". No need to worry about any special settings. These cameras are generally small (pocket size), lightweight, and has very minimal buttons and knobs. Most of the settings are automatic including focusing, flash, white balance, and light adjustments.

Traditional compact cameras use a simple window through the body of the camera as a viewfinder. This does not show you the real image that the imaging chip will actually capture since it is in a different position as the chip. Newer cameras however already use LCD displays to show what the imaging sensor see.

Another thing about compact cameras is the size of the lens and the imaging chip. Since they are generally small, there is very little space inside to allow for larger sensors and lenses so they are equipped with very small imaging chips and also small lenses. They also have either fixed lenses or very minimal zoom capabilities.

These limitations on the size of the imaging sensors and lenses are the main reasons why compact cameras generally have mediocre quality outputs compared to higher classes of cameras. At the same time these are also some of the reasons why they are much cheaper.

Sub-Compact CamerasCameras that belong to this classification may range from more advanced compact cameras to SLR-like cameras with long zoom lenses. The differences between these and Compact cameras are: Sub-Compact cameras can be used with Automatic, Semi-manual, or Fully Manual settings; they may have a bit larger bodies and thus larger sensors and larger lenses; they generally have longer zoom ranges; and obviously a bit heavier.

These cameras are geared towards more advanced users who understand a bit more than the basics of taking pictures, who want more control over the images they take with their cameras.

Single Lens Reflex CamerasSingle Lens Reflex cameras use only one main lens

set. The image from this lens is delivered to the viewfinder through a set of mirrors and / or prisms working like a periscope. When the shutter button is pressed, the mirror momentarily closes to allow the image to go from the lens directly to the imaging chip. This way, the viewfinder will show the user to the actual image as it would appear in the imaging sensor.

All these mechanical parts are obviously some of the reasons why SLR and Digital SLR (DSLR) cameras have large and heavy bodies. DSLRs are also fitted with much larger and more sensitive imaging chips that produce high quality images even on poorly lit environments. The lenses used by SLRs are detachable and can be replaced with other compatible lenses with different features.

Most DSLR lenses have functions that are controllable by the camera body such as focusing, zooming and image stabilization. This requires additional electronic circuitry and special mechanisms within the camera body.

Most DSLR lenses have functions that are controllable by the camera body such as focusing, zooming and image stabilization. This requires additional electronic circuitry and special mechanisms within the camera body.

You might have wondered why these lenses are often long and heavy if it's just a lens. Aside from the mechanical parts inside, these lenses are actually composed of not just one but several groups of lenses consisting of one or more high-quality lens elements of different characteristics.

Like Sub-compacts, SLRs may be used with Automatic, Semi-manual or fully manual settings. The controls however, are more specific and usually a bit more complex but due to its more advanced computer circuitry, it can respond quicker, and more accurately.

All these features of SLR cameras and lenses make them heavy, large and expensive and may not be ideal for day-to-day activities. However, these features also make SLRs the best camera for professional-level photography, producing the best possible pictures. These cameras are top on the list for hobbyists, professional photographers, and enthusiasts.
