Charlie Mauldin's 70'th Birthday memories


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As much as Charlie is interested in everything external…

all that other stuff going on in the world,

family is always most important to him.

Charlie’s Mother was Theo Cuba Manire.

Charlie, Larry on shoulder, Floyd and Kay

Charlie Grade 4 (2)

“I’m pumped. I’ve always been pumped –even when I was a kid. I’m pumped when I get up every morning and I am just pumped.”

Charlie as told to Bruce:August 21, 2008

1948 school photo

Charlie ‘s former elementary school, Crockett Elementary, Bryan, Texas, just celebrated its 60th anniversary. As he reminisced this weekend, he remembered 15 or more names of students in his neighborhood who attended Crockett with him. He was so excited he made a list!

Charlie and Joanne

"When I was a little girl, every time Charlie came into the room he said "Joanne, you know the RULE." I gave him a hug. The RULE is, that every time Charlie and I are in the same room, I give him a hug. That is something special just between the two of us."

Joanne Swartz

Charlie, Dad and Aunt Bill

When Jan and Charlie married in Bryan, TX in 1965, they spent many weekends visiting Charlie's Dad and Aunt Bill. Beau and Jennifer loved visiting there and spending time with Paw Paw and Aunt Bill.

Charlie’s first new car. A Pontiac LeMans with black interior... filled with white feathers! This may explain why Charlie and Wilma Teague locked their car doors and kept a sharp eye over their shoulders for years.


Young military man

My memories of Charlie are from that small but elite Journalism department at A&M haunting the basement of Nagle Hall and keeping Burchard and Calvert on their toes. Have a great birthday, best wishes and many more to come.

Rob Mitchell, A&M Journalism '63

What's that smell, KMBL 1450 on your dial, Junction, TX

James TheallCharlie’s Business Partner

since 1990

My favorite memory of Charlie is how he likes to ask people their first memory they ever had in life. And his office was full of pictures of our employees as kids. And when you walked in his office he would point to a picture and ask ‘Guess who this is?’


All these years later I still remember our times together fondly. Warmest personal regards, best birthday wishes, and Gig 'Em.

Louis Van Pelt

In 1973, Charlie introduced

me to a friend of his –Lynne

O’Shea –who in turn

introduced me to Procter &

Gamble and changed my

life. I know that Charlie has

been very successful in

business, but I think his

greatest talents were as a

teacher. I’m glad I had the

chance to share that part of

his life.

I was fortunate to have Charlie as my Communications/Advertising professor at Michigan State, and I worked ashis undergraduate assistantback in the early/mid'70's.Charlie wasthe Advertising/Communication department's'cool' professor. Next to having Jesus teach your World Religion seminar (I missed out, He was on sabbatical), Charlie was the Ad major's #1 choice. Witty,accessible, intellectually curious --Charliehas a genius for finding the most fascinating anglesin mundane products and'everyday' people. Who wouldn't be inspired? --we all felt like little Saatchis when taking one of his classes.One of my favorite memories is of watching over Bo in Charlie's office while Charlie went out on some quick errand. Bo had some cool little cowboy toys with him that day, and somehow, we got into a rubber band fight that mayhave progressed on to some of the other office supplies. When Charlie returned, his office looked sort of like the Alamo if Davy Crockett andthe boys had been armed by Staples Office Supply instead of Smith & Wesson. Anyone else would have been pissed as hell, but as I recall Charlie justlaughed. (He may have even later turned the incident into a USP forMSU's Ad department). That's Charlie --he'salwayshonoredhis Inner Child, and in turn, that's made ourlives more creative, inspired and fun. Happy Birthday, Charlie!!!Hugs and kisses to Charlie ... many happy returns, from

Pam Tournier(former student & undergrad assistant at MSU)

young love

Although Charlie is still a dapper young man he was certainly quite the handsome lad in this photo, who swept me off my feet. One of his most used stories about us is as follows. He enjoys telling how he supposedly proposed to me but I don't think he really remembers it correctly. He tells it as he said, "You're What?" Very funny, Charlie!

Two years later... I was...Jan Mauldin

Jan and Charlie

Joke # 75… ha

ha ha!

Chaz and Jan

Uncle Charlie,You have always made me feel special and loved no matter how far apart we have been in time and physical distance. You have an amazing way of making people feel safe and that their life is sacred. I love you! Lori

“The Hell fighters”

Back in 1968 a movie about Red Adair called "The Hell fighters" was filmed in Texas near where Charlie worked. Charlie was a newspaper ad salesman at the time and he looked a lot like the photo pictured here. Because of his connections, he was able to get a press pass for Beau and I to go on the set where it was being filmed. Beau was about a year old. We had a great opportunity to meet AND we had lunch with John Wayne, Kathryn Ross and Jim Hutton, the stars of the movie. If fact, because of Charlie's connections, we had pictures taken of John Wayne and Jim Hutton holding Beau. Priceless, is what I call this.


Visiting a site

Charlie,Even though we've only known you for a relatively short time, we feel very blessed to have become friends with you (and Jan).

Our warmest congratulations to you on your "70th" Birthday,Mike & Susie

Family Photo – Beau 2, pregnant with Jennifer

My dearest Uncle Charlie, I have figured out that you were nineteen years old the day I was born and the next day you turned twenty. I are good at ciphering. I and Vi want to wish you the happiest 70th birthday that you could ever have. I have many childhood memories of you, and I feel as though I have missed out on your wit and wisdom in my adult life, as my uncle you have no peers. I can also see from reading the things other people are writing that as a brother, father, friend, and grandfather you also have no competition. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

- Brian & Vi MAULDIN

Beau pretending to be my momma (pregnant at the time) w/ dad in the back, circa 1969.

Daddy’s Girl

Charlie has always been a family man. From the time we married I remember how much he looked forward to our having a family. Can't you just see the glow on their faces? Such love and happiness is cherished by those two.

What a beautiful Family! - circa 1970

Daddy’s Beau

Dad said to me in my late 20’s “Have your emotions, choose your behavior.” It took a few years to absorb, practicing it in daily life, and paid off immeasurably. Yet it also evolved an additional concept, “Your perception is your own reality, from which your emotions transpire," which is my version alongside. Charlie Mauldin, waxing more poetically, but a philosopher he be. We can talk in ways I rarely know of, by other fathers and sons. I love you my father; “Mosquito Tarzan" amongst all, streaker-of-the-house, and the all-time greatest popcorn-pitch salesman... regardless of what Jack Pardee has to say!

Dr. Beau Mauldin

Proud Dad

Over the decades that we’ve known one another as relatives, I’ve always been impressed with your positive nature, perspicacity, and other great qualities. I can only aspire that people would think as well of me when I reach the lofty age of 70 that marks the mid-point of “middle age.” Many congratulations and have a fabulous second half to this life. Many blessings,

Your cousin Edward Manzo

Is that Daddy in a highchair???

Let me get this straight, Daddy, you are telling me to do what?

Chaz and Jennifer the beat goes on…

Chaz and kids

Charlie Mauldin story. He has always looked like a kid—and I think we were in Ann Arbor, Michigan, after a Michigan/A&M game quite a few years ago--Charlie must have been at least 35---and they CARDED him when he ordered a mixed drink. I’m wondering if he still gets carded….

~Wilma Teague

Proud Daddy and kids

Charlie, Kay and I never saw enough of you and this proves it. We recall in 1992 we were flying to attend Flournoy's funeral at Sandra Day O'Connor's family ranch and homestead in Arizona. We occupied two of three seats - Kay at the window and me in the middle - when in comes a third passenger who sits next to me. Some time into the flight and not a word had been spoken, the guy next to me asks, "Say, aren't you Dick Manzo?" I was floored! That "guy" was you! .........Charlie, the many miles between us make casual visits impossible but we surely look forward to seeing you at our family reunions. We wish you all the good things in life and many more years to enjoy them.

With love from us both,Dick and Kay Manzo

Somerset, NJ

Family photo –circa 1973

Charlie...While you are celebrating another birthday, we are celebrating the joy you bring to our lives. We cherish all the laughs, deep conversations, poker games, reading Playboy, ol' army bull and, don't forget, "Read slowly and distinctly." Gig'em! -John and Rita Sutherland

Larry, Brandon and Charlie

Larry is the youngest brother in the Mauldin Family. Here he is holding Brandon his youngest son who has now graduated from college.

Francois our French son

'' When I met Charlie, my American Dad, I was a shy teenager coming from France to discover a new world. Charlie taught me to be more self confident, he helped me to understand many things my own father couldn't, he also taught to me to play Backgammon and I can recall long and tough parties, he taught me to yell and walk like a Texas Aggie but the thing I will never forget and always thank him for, he taught me to love people and to give love to others ''

My name is François and I spent a year in Charlie 's family in 1978 when I was at the time fifteen. I am Charlie's French son.

Talk to me

I was a graduate student at Michigan State University in 1971 and 1972. Charlie was part of the Advertising faculty in its Masters of Advertising program.He was my thesis advisor andended up providing the title for mythesis: The AutomobileConsumer: Operant Market Segmentation. In addition to giving me outstanding advice and counsel throughout my tenure at MSU, Charlie introduced Q-Methodology to me. He gave me a book that I still have today: Political Subjectivity: Applications of Q-Methodology.Charlie was (and probably still is) an outstanding cartoonist. Must be the Mauldin last name.Charlie was the first person I knew that owned a Japanese car. It was a light blue Toyota Corolla. He would stand next to it and say, "See? You can't even hear it."I went on to start my business career at Leo Burnett Advertising in Chicago. As part of an MSU/Leo Burnett exchange program, Charlie spent part of a summer in Chicago and he and I roomed together. We could walk to Burnett from my apartment, and I distinctly remember him telling me that no matter whether he sped up or slowed down, I never changed my walking speed. Charlie is the only person I've known that uses the phrase "lightning in a bottle."(Funny what sticks in one's memory!) -Eric Fischer

Don’t tell anybody about my secrets

Little Bear Lake, MichiganThe STREAKER is Charlie Mauldin. I am standing on the balcony outside looking at the lake and here comes Charlie streaking me and completely in the buff with his hands in front covering his family jewels. He races around and enters the cabin through another door. I can't catch him and I'm dying laughing. I run to find my camera and get it handy where I can reach it if he streaks me again. Here he comes one more time and I go to grab the camera and he has moved it on me. Damn. That was the funniest thing I have ever seen Charlie do...

T H E S T R E A K E R!

Second Family (Stepbrother and Stepsisters/First Cousins)L to R: David, Wayne, Selma, Floyd, Delma, Maydell, Pat and Ed

One hot summer night, with the windows fully open, in the wee hours of the morning, Charlie broke the silence: "Winford, are you awake?" I replied, "Well, I am now." He continued, "You know, women go to beauty shops and get these things call 'permanents.' But they aren't permanent. They should be called 'temporaries', don't you think?" This was vintage Charlie, waxing philosophically and doing original

thinking late at night, while the rest of the world slept. - Ed mauldin

Charlie, Dick and I were very much the Three Musketeers from pre-elementary school thru junior high school. I spent most Saturdays at their home and often spent the night. The three of us shared a bed, Dick normally sleeping in the middle because of a lack of sonority.

Charlie and Bill Ball

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Wish we were there.

Our best.

from Marcie and your Niece Bill

Chas and brother Vic

What I have always admired about Charlie is his ability to find a way to relate to anyone, whether it's an adult or a child. His genuine interest in whatever is happening around him is infectious and he's always got a fun new anecdote to share. Happy Birthday, Charlie! You're young at mind, spirit and heart!!

Erin May

Brothers, Dad and SisterL-R: Charlie, Dickie, Floyd, Larry in back, Dad, Vic in back and "Sister" Wilma

Chaz, Bill Ball and Jan


Happy Birthday Charlie!

Wishing you health, abundance and happiness on this special day and in the years ahead-

Love,Kate + Bailey

Kathryn ManzoThe Michelangelo ProjectFine Art Training in the European Academic Tradition:: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ****************************************************~ Seeketh always truth, light, beauty & goodness.~****************************************************

Mauldin ReunionThis photo was taken of the Mauldin Reunion in Kerrville, TX in 1980.. We always had a great time wherever we were, as long as we were all together. Can you imagine trying to get a word in edgewise with this bunch of Mauldins?

“I will always remember the good times and conversations during our many Sunday breakfasts. Inside joke: Hey Charlie, OK now stand up straight and cross your legs. Now put arms out like your Jesus. Oops!”

-Garret Mauldin

Aunt Bill and Charlie’s Dad with many of the grandchildren at that time

10th Anniversary ‘Holiday Party’ at Media Marketing

Chris Browne, Charlie, Patti Theall, James Theall

I want to send these two sentiments :1. One of Charlie’s great gifts is his ability to listen to people with 100% of his attention. He does this with everyone: infants, children, teenagers, elders, and all of us in between. As a result, he makes people feel entirely acknowledged—even if he challenges us in the process. I have benefitted from this careful listening and undivided attention in our interactions for over 20 years now. I am always richer for the hours we get to spend together, to engage as the intellectual kindreds we are, and to have so much time talking!2. I will never forget the day I “came out” as a lesbian to Charlie. I was 22, and was wearing a tank top silk-screened with symbols of the gay and lesbian movement, like the pink triangle. But most people didn’t know what they were, and wouldn’t ask. Charlie and I were going into a work meeting, but suddenly he asked me to tell him about the symbols on my shirt! He was naturally curious and entirely interested. He made it easy for a young person to come out to her boss—and his honest questions and lack of self-consciousness endeared me to him for life!Nancy Wadsworth

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Political ScienceUniversity of Denver


Wow, this was so long ago. We only had two grandchildren at the time, Nick and Adrianna. Now we are blessed with seven and Nicky and Randy as well.


Coffee Cup in hand… Story to tel.Charlie and Allyn at Media marketing Meeting

What I remember most about Charlie...• "Charlie cards"• Beginning thoughts

with the word "first"• Family, friends and

newspaper memorabilia

Charlie, you're a wonderful man to work with engaging, creative, energetic and fun! Happy 70th!

Jennifer PollmanFormer Media Marketing


Dad and Daughter – What are they looking at?

Chaz and Katrina

When I think of Charlie – I think of ‘Charlie Cards.’ I wish I would have counted the number I have received over the years. Amazing the amount of info he could fit onto those cards. This is how my children even remember Charlie. I told Caitlin tonight that we were going to a surprise birthday party this weekend for Charlie and I asked if she remembered him because it’s been a long time she’s since seen him. Caitlin said “yea, the guy with the cards.” He is truly one of a kind and has given me some extremely valuable advice and greatly helped me develop my skills and enhance my communication with clients during the past 14 years I have known him.

Katrina BrowneSuccess Manager

Media Marketing, Inc.

We love going to the ballgame and watching the Rockies play ball.

Xmas 2007 Austin

How we would have loved to see the surprise on your

face when you see

many of your friends

and family at this

wonderful celebration

in your honor.

Have a wonderful time

at your birthday party.

We so wished we

could have been there,

but we will be thinking of you. HAPPY 70TH BIRTHDAY!!

Happy 70th Birthday Charlie from your friends, John and Aida Munoz. El Paso, TX.

This past summer we joined the Smith Family for their reunion in Branson, Mo. On one of the days we all took a trip to Silver Dollar City an amusement park. We had a great time together. There were about 15 of us who made this trek and we can't wait to do it again.

Happy 69th Birthday Party for Charlie

From day one since I met Charlie I have always felt welcomed and loved. When Beau and I got married I never once felt like an outsider coming in. Charlie has a way of making people feel so loved and right at home. I am so amazed how he LOVED me and my kids from day one. We just adore him. He took on Grandfather roll like it has always been from the day they were born.

Julien at age 5 and Maddie at age 1 loved it when he came home from work, put his bags and coat down and wanted a big hug. It has touched me more than you will ever know, how special you make us feel. You are truly a gift in our lives. We all love you so very much and thank God for letting us be so lucky to have you in our lives. I hope you have a wonderful 70th Birthday! You sure deserve it! With Lots of Love, Nicky

2007 Mason's BD

Charlie has taught me to consider first what is positive about a situation or person. Think first, gain some perspective and then productively respond. And he is still patient with me when I forget that I have already learned this.

Wendy StockholmCo-Worker

Media Marketing

I think of high energy when I think of Charlie. He levitates above his chair with energy, like there is literally a fire under his arse.

Bruce BeckerCo-Worker

Charlie and Granddaughter Adrianna 2009

A couple of years ago Grandfather took all of the kids to lunch at "crunchy buffet". We all get the same thing just about every time and Grandfather ALWAYS gets 2 glasses of diet coke, which I found funny. Well we were all sitting at the table and I wasthinking about how he always gets the 2 glasses of diet coke and i said to him, " are an adickt!" and he immediately smiled and laughed and replied with "I'm a what!?". What I didn't realize is I had pronounced the word "addict" wrong and without knowing it, I had called him a dick. He continues to tease me about it to this day. -Adrianna

Charlie and Jan 2009

After 44 years we have aged well. We have many good memories and fun stories about our family as they were growing up. Charlie, being the family historian, still keeps track of the litany of stories, only now they are by computer rather than by hand in journals. NOW, they are of our charming and beautiful grandchildren.

Happy Birthday, Charlie!Love, Jan

This is Mason & Dad, it was a very tender moment. 2009 Mason's favorite memory: "building Lego's with Da. He lets me hand him the pieces." "I Love Da.” - Love, Mason"

"Charlie is an amazing addition to being very intelligent, he is generous, loving and fun to be around. He has an exceptional way with kids and an amazing cadre of corny jokes!"

"Happy 70th from your favorite son-in-law!"

Randy Smith (Jennifer's husband)

Dad was pretending to be asleep and Blake was trying to grab a credit card off of the top of Da's head without waking him up. They were both laughing out loud.

Dad & Grandson Blake

Pee Yew!!! This is one of Dad's favorite grandkid games. As it

was to us kids and our friends as kids.

It is a privilege to know you and work alongside with you. Your approach has always been to mentor and train people deeper than they were thinking or expecting. I truly appreciate your friendship. Happy Birthday, Chaz!

Jeff HoneycuttCo-Worker

Media Marketing

Grandparents with Blake

Charlie is always willing to help, enthusiastic and fun!My personal toast for him is: “Charlie I wish you many more birthdays to mentor us, encourage us and continue to grow with all of us. I am in awe of your enthusiasm for life and how you enrich the lives of others.”

Sue HamiltonNorth American Sales Manager

Media Marketing, Inc.

Grandfather always calls us and invites us to do stuff with him. He calls and says that he hasn't seen us in a while. He likes to see us and go eat! I like going to the book store with him. Love you Grandfather! Happy Birthday, - Jack!!

“Good evening sir. How ‘bout some of that delicious fresh hot French fried butter flake popcorn? If you don’t like butter flake, we also have Russian fricasseed and Bulgarian baked. We don’t just sell it by the box we sell it by the crate. Each box is equivalent to 37 tubs of adachol. If you don’t like it, throw it in your gas tank… you got a bomb!

Charlie has a terrific memory, one of my favorite things he’s ever said to me was his “popcorn pitch” when he was a young man working at a drive-in. If I had a better memory I could tell you how it goes, but alas I am not Charlie!

Joe DoperalskiMedia Marketing

Charlie, my friend, my mentor, my business partner. It has been my privilege and honor to work with such an energetic, optimistic and brilliant man. I love you! -Patti Theall

Grandparents withBlake and Mason

Beau’s Families meet for the first time

Charlie, Julien and Nick

Maddie, Nick , Beau and Charlie

Charlie Mauldin is one of those truly rare individuals that makes a deep connection with everyone he meets –usually the first time you meet him!The first time you encounter Charlie, you realize right away that he has the energetic enthusiasm of someone half your age (regardless of how old you may be), a wisdom and understanding of the world he lives in and people in general, and a genuine concern and caring nature for everyone that he comes in contact with.Happy Birthday Charlie! You are the best!

Dave PiersonCo-Worker

Media marketing

Grandfather loves to go to Boondocks with us kids. One day he took Me, Maddie, Jack and Mom. We love the go-karts. Him and I always love to race and knock each other out of place. Grandfather thought he was so cool coming up beside me, trying to cut me off and pulled up beside me. I sped up and he got the back end of my car causing us both to spin out. Ha-ha, it was my fault and he was the one that got a hash on his bracelet and got reprimanded by the man working there. When you get 3 hashes you are kicked out!! HAHAHA!Happy Birthday Grandfather.I love you!

- Julien

Granddad and Madison

Grandfather always gets big eyes and is so excited when I walk in the door. He always tells me how pretty I am and that he wants me to give him a hug.I love you Grandfather.Happy Birthday!!!

- Maddie

Denton, Evi and Charlie


My natural response was to respond “Yes” with the same level of secrecy. The seriousness was usually broken with his laughter. As anyone who knows Charlie would know, this was not a one-time event. The same “interview” would re-occur whenever he had the chance. The question ceased for a time when he didn’t really want to know the answer, but it started again when the answer was obvious (after having kids). I think his delight from the interview continues to this day. Charlie is the embodiment of what life should be (joyous, humorous, and finding the best in people and situations).Sorry I couldn’t be there. -Love, Denton

During my pre-pubescent years when I was old enough to know about sex but too awkward and too young to have dated, Charlie would catch me in a quiet moment and ask with a conspiratory tone: “Are you still a virgin?”

Charlie with grandkids Adrianna, Julien and Nick
