Clothing Rating App


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CLOTHING RATING APPAndroid / iOS app that lets you rate other people’s clothing and receive other people’s opinion about your clothing.

LOGIN / SIGN-UPLogin and sign up pages should be at the same page. If user is not already registered on “Clothing Rating App”, they have to register below the login box. Registration should ask user to fill in their: username, password, gender, age, country and email.Some of this information about user will be used later for rating other people’s clothing.

LOGGED INThis is an example of how could the app look like after logging in. It should have 3 different options:1. Be Rated – Users who wants their clothing style to

be rated will have to click on this one.2. Rate – Users will use this to earn credits, which is

needed for their clothing style to be rated quickly.3. Results – Here users will be able to check out

results of how people liked their clothing.

• Credits – You will have to have 5 credits to get 1 own photo upload to be rated.

1. BE RATED #1If user haven’t got enough credits, they will be redirected to rating until they will have enough credits for their own photo upload.

1. BE RATED #2If user has enough credits for their own photo upload, take a photo screen will have to show up and users will have to be able to take their own photo.

1. AFTER BE RATEDAfter taking their own photo people will have to be able to add information about their clothing and add settings for who they would like to be shown. There will have to be settings which are shown in photo.After filling in all this information, they will be able to click on “Rate Me!” button.

1. SUCCESSAfter clicking “Rate Me!” button, they will be redirected to “Success” page.

2. RATEIn this page people will be able to rate other people’s clothing in their free time. For 1 vote they will get 1 credit. These credits later will be needed for their own photo upload (ratio 1:5).

RESULTSResults page will have to show gallery of all user’s uploaded photos and it will have to show what percentage of people who voted on photo liked it. Also it will have to show how much votes photo received at all.
