Coffee Run App User




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The Elite Coffee Run game player would have a range of Apps, that aren’t games. Their homepage would be neatly arranged with folders to save space and stay organised. Just as a reminder, our target audience for the Smartphone version of Coffee Run is the general public, people that don’t have time or the care to play games for the experience, but more as a pass time, whilst traveling.The whole point of Coffee Run is to display it’s original style and blend of colours. The artwork isn’t very clear in on a smartphone screen, the resolution is also reduced to the screens ratio, rendering the experience from five to zero. Due to the game not keeping a record score, people also won’t be playing it as often as a game like Flappy Bird. Flappy Bird, A game where people can compete against each other via levels.

The Coffee Run App User -

The game ill be kept in their entertainment folder. They keep games and music apps in there for when they are traveling. It’s something easy to use and kills time.

This section has the users most useful apps. It shows our demographic to be creative and cultured for managing their emails and networking accounts.
