Comparison of lights


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As you can see from my first image, using the virtual studio I have created a very ominous and dark image, most of the face is covered by shadow and only roughly half is in light, you can only see about half of the shoulders and a small bit of the nose. I think I have achieved this look quite well using the lights and the black background as it is similar to the virtual one, I have achieved the darker side which was difficult to create and I have managed to get roughly the right portion of her face light, however I could improve by making the lighter side slightly more dark as some of megs face is in the light when it should be in shadow. Also, there should be a slight light on the models shoulder, however in my photograph the left side of meg is completely in darkness. The light needs to be slightly more bright in my own photograph as on the image of the model it is a quite bright, white light. To improve this photograph the light shining on the right side of her face need to be brighter, so she needs to be closer to the light and the light needs to be more to the side of her.

Overall i have got the basic technique of this photo right, half of megs face is light with a normal coloured light, and half is blue using a gel. This image was somewhat harder to create than the first as it was difficult to make her face look as dark as the model when there was two bright lights shining on her, i have managed to get the right portion of her face in blue, and the right in clear white light. However, there are a number of things that could be improved regarding this image. firstly, the middle portion of megs face is not as dark as the models from the virtual studio. The studio models eyes are completely invisible, whereas