English assignment 1


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Sketching is a drawing made rapidly without too many details and it is also known as free-hand drawing. Usually a pen, a pencil, watercolours and a sketchbook used to do sketches. As I am taking Foundation in Natural & Built Environment, sketching is very useful for my course because there are a lot of assignments involve sketching. Now, I am writing a process essay about myself sketching a kitchen utensils. A process essay explains a process by either defining it, explaining the steps for completing the process oneself, or by showing how a thing works. My process essay is going to be about myself sketching the kitchen utensil that I have chosen.

A kitchen utensil can be defined as any tool that is used in the process of cooking or making food in kitchen. For example, cutlery, frying pan, knives, can openers and more. I was given this assignment to sketch a kitchen utensil and I have chosen the kitchen wooden cutting board. A cutting board is usually used for chopping vegetables and meat. It was made from hardwoods or bamboo and wooden cutting board is one of the most enduringly popular due to the natural of beauty of timber. I have chosen wooden cutting board because it is very attractive. It really look great on a benchtop even it is not being used, and as well as using them for food preparation. Wooden cutting board is easy to clean. While it cannot place in the dishwater, it just need to be scrubbed with hot, soapy water after use and left to air dry.

First, I am going talk about how I sketched my wooden cutting board. I was using a HB pencil, a 2B pencil and an eraser for my sketch. HB pencil helped me to sketch the outline of my kitchen utensil using gentle pressure because it is soft and it is easy to erase if I did any mistakes when I am sketching. Then, 2B pencil is darker than HB pencil and it helped me to bold the outline of my sketch because it creates the outline more detailed. The ruler is a tool used to achieve balance of my sketching, it made my sketching line neater. I always clear my workspace to begin my sketch so that I can have a bigger space to sketch comfortably.

Next, I actually enjoy listening to music while sketching, I prefer listening to soothing music. I used a more complex way of sketching by using my black 0.2 ink pen to bold the further line to create realistic textures of my drawing. I was sketching my kitchen utensil in the kitchen, the lightning there was really good. Then, I have chosen my favourite angle of my kitchen utensil and started sketching. Before I started my sketch, I was taking a closer look at the light and shadows. The direction from which a dominant light originates and which areas on a thing receive little or no light. I was using hatching and crosshatching in my sketch, it was simple and fun techniques for drawing shading. Everyone makes mistakes during sketching and drawing, so do I. I drew lots of crooked lines during my sketch but I will just use my awesome eraser to erase it.

Last but not least, I have completed my sketch after all of the process. It actually took me almost an hour to finish sketching my kitchen utensil in my kitchen. After completing my sketch, I feel like getting out myself from the drawing problems and frustration and it was leading me to more fun and enjoyment while sketching. Would I do this again? For me, I really like to sketch, to draw, to colour since I was very young. It is my passion, interest, and hobby. So, why not?



NAME: Crystal Chia Fye Jzng

STUDENT ID NO: 0323964


ENGLISH 1 (ELG 30505)




Sketching is a drawing made rapidly without too many details and it is also known as free-hand drawing. Usually a pen, a pencil, watercolours and a sketchbook used to do sketches. As I am taking Foundation in Natural & Built Environment, sketching is very useful for my course because there are a lot of assignments involve sketching. Now, I am writing a process essay about myself sketching a kitchen utensils. A process essay explains a process by either defining it, explaining the steps for completing the process oneself, or by showing how a thing works. My process essay is going to be about myself sketching the kitchen utensil that I have chosen.

A kitchen utensil can be defined as any tool that is used in the process of cooking or making food in kitchen. For example, cutlery, frying pan, knives, can openers and more. I was given this assignment to sketch a kitchen utensil and I have chosen the kitchen wooden chopping board. A chopping board is usually used for chopping vegetables and meat. It was made from hardwoods or bamboo and wooden chopping board is one of the most enduringly popular due to the natural of beauty of timber. I have chosen wooden chopping board because it is very attractive. It really look great on a benchtop even it is not being used, and as well as using them for food preparation. Wooden chopping board is easy to clean. While it cannot place in the dishwater, it just need to be scrubbed with hot, soapy water after use and left to air dry.

First, I am going talk about how I sketched my wooden chopping board. I was using a HB pencil, a 2B pencil and an eraser for my sketch. HB pencil helped me to sketch the outline of my kitchen utensil using gentle pressure because it is soft and it is easy to erase if I did any mistakes when I am sketching. Then, 2B pencil is darker than HB pencil and it helped me to bold the outline of my sketch because it creates the outline more detailed. The ruler is a tool used to achieve balance of my sketching, it made my sketching line neater. I always clear my workspace to begin my sketch so that I can have a bigger space to sketch comfortably.

Next, I actually enjoy listening to music while sketching, I prefer listening to soothing music. I used a more complex way of sketching by using my black 0.2 ink pen to bold the further line to create realistic textures of my drawing. I was sketching my kitchen utensil in the kitchen, the lightning there was really good. Then, I have chosen my favourite angle of my kitchen utensil and started sketching. Before I started my sketch, I was taking a closer look at the light and shadows. The direction from which a dominant light originates and which areas on a thing receive little or no light. I was using hatching and crosshatching in my sketch, it was simple and fun techniques for drawing shading. Everyone makes mistakes during sketching and drawing, so do I. I drew lots of crooked lines during my sketch but I will just use my awesome eraser to erase it.

Last but not least, I have completed my sketch after all of the process. It actually took me almost an hour to finish sketching my kitchen utensil in my kitchen. After completing my sketch, I feel like getting out myself from the drawing problems and frustration and it was leading me to more fun and enjoyment while sketching. Would I do this again? For me, I really like to sketch, to draw, to colour since I was very young. It is my passion, interest, and hobby. So, why not?

Wooden Chopping Board
